Chapter 19: Zara

We got back to Nashville and then to the compound late last night. It was all a blur for me. I do recall I’d flipped out a little when they took Ted’s body away. I didn’t want him to be alone. I tried to fight Demon. After trying to talk to me, he’d just picked me up and put me in one of the waiting vehicles. I refused to talk to him the whole way back to Hunters Creek.

When we arrived, I’d told him I wanted to stay at my place. Again, he ignored me and took me to the compound. He carried me to his room and told me to take a shower and get some sleep. Then he left. I didn’t know where he went or why. Eventually, I did fall asleep. I woke sometime in the night to see that he wasn’t there.

Rolling over, I could see it was going on ten in the morning. My whole body ached. I felt like I’d been through a wringer. I groaned as I stretched then sat up. I pulled on some clothes I’d left in his room, washed my face, and brushed my teeth after using the bathroom. My hair I just pulled up in a messy knot. I knew I looked like shit and I didn’t care.

I went out to the common room. There were several people milling about. They all greeted me and gave me hugs. I was trying to hug them and look for Demon at the same time. When I finally saw him, he was coming out of the kitchen. Right behind him was one of the bunnies, Kayla. I guess I knew who he spent the night with. So much for his declarations of loving me when he rescued me.

God, how much of an idiot was I? I’d been about to believe his pleas that he hadn’t slept with Lucky. I didn’t need this. I needed to talk to Leslie and help her make arrangements for Ted. That is if she’d let me. Then I’d figure out what I’d gone to Mexico to figure out—where I was going to go next? Maybe, I’d go to Texas. I’d almost moved there before I came here.

I turned away from the sight of them and walked over to Alex. “I need a ride to my house, Alex. Can you please take me?”

He gave me a startled look. Then I saw him look over my shoulder. I turned to find Demon standing there, frowning at me.

“Why are you asking Alex to take you, Zara? Why do you need to go home? I think what you need to do is rest. You’ve been through hell.”

“Well, I really couldn’t care less what you think, Demon. I asked Alex because he looked like he wasn’t busy. If he is, then I can call for a cab. I have calls to make.”

He reached out to grab my arm as I turned away and swung me back around. “What the fuck is wrong with you? Listen, I know you’re upset about that other doctor. I wanted to wait, but we need to talk, babe. We need to talk about you and him. What exactly went on between the two of you down there? I heard you tell him that you loved him.”

He looked pissed. What right did he have to be pissed? Anger began to boil up in my stomach. He dared to question my relationship with Ted? I shook my arm to get him to let loose.

“I don’t have to tell you shit, Demon. My relationship with Ted is none of your business. Why don’t you go keep your little plaything company? I’ve got shit to do, and it doesn’t include you,” I snapped. Everyone was quiet and watching us.

“Like hell it isn’t my business! It’s pretty good, you get all pissed and leave because you think I cheated on you, only for you to hook up with the first guy you see, and then think you’re in love with him. Sweetheart, maybe I should have been worried about you cheating,” he said angrily.

I hauled back and slapped him. He grabbed my wrists and jerked me to him. I looked up at him. “Fuck you, Demon. We all know who the whore is here, and it’s not me. I didn’t stay in someone else’s room last night, now did I? As for Ted, yes, I did love him. I need to help make arrangements for his funeral. Now, let go of me,” I hissed. He dropped my arm.

“You’re lucky I don’t believe in hitting women. That was your one free shot, Zara. Fine, you want to go home, then go. Alex, take her,” he yelled then he walked out of the room. The others stood with looks of shock and dismay on their faces. I swallowed the tears back. I wouldn’t let them see that he’d made me cry. He hadn’t denied he’d stayed with someone last night.

“Let’s go, Alex.” I went to the door. He grabbed a set of keys and followed me. I could hear Jessica calling my name, but I ignored her. I got in the SUV, and we took off. I needed to forget about Demon. I had more important things to worry about. Talking to Leslie was only one of them.

Back at my place, as soon as Alex left, I sat down and took a few minutes to compose myself. Before I could chicken out, I called Leslie. She took a while to answer. When she did, I could hear the tears in her voice. I immediately broke down.

“Oh God, Leslie, I’m so sorry. Can you ever forgive me?” I sobbed.

“Zara, honey, why would I need to forgive you? I’m just so glad you’re alright. I couldn’t stand it if I’d lost both of you.”

“But it’s my fault you lost Ted. He was trying to protect me,” I said through the tears. I was rocking back and forth on my couch with one arm wrapped around my middle. I felt like vomiting.

“Sweetheart, I don’t want to hear you say that again. The men who came here last night told me what happened. If those men hadn’t taken you, then there would have been no need to protect you. It’s all on them.”

“Tell me what I can do. I want to help. I can’t sit here and do nothing.”

“Come to Nashville. Stay with me. We can make the arrangements and keep each other from falling to pieces. How does that sound?”

“Wonderful. I can do that. I just need to find a ride. My car is still there.”

“Hmm, is there a car service out there?”

“Yeah, I think there is. Let me call them and then I’ll call you back.”

“Fine, talk to you in a bit, honey.”

After hanging up, I looked online and found there was a service. I called them and got lucky. They would be there in half an hour. That gave me time to grab a few things. A lot of the things I’d taken with me two weeks ago were still at Ted and Leslie’s house. I just needed to get a dress and shoes that would be appropriate for a funeral. I called and let Leslie know I was on my way and when to expect me.

I locked the door without a backward glance as I went out to the car waiting at the curb. Time to mourn with my friend and to get my life on track. There was no time to feel sorry for myself.