I warred with myself on what to do. Did I go to her door and demand to know what was going on with them, as if it wasn’t obvious? Or did I follow him back to the compound and demand he tell me? The latter sounded better, because I was most likely going to be able to beat on him. I took off after him.

I stayed back far enough not to get his attention. The whole way back, I plotted on what I was going to say and do to him. Ally or no ally, he wasn’t going to come to our town and poach my woman. I’d go to fucking war for her. I’d kill for her. Which was kind of crazy seeing, as I’d only known her a couple of weeks, but it was true.

I hung back as he entered the compound. I gave him a few minutes to get situated, then I rode through the gate. He was nowhere in sight. I parked and headed into the clubhouse. He had to be there joining the party.

When I got inside, I saw he was at the bar, laughing and talking to his guys. He had a beer in his hand. He hadn’t wasted any time. As I stormed toward him, Bull, Maverick, and Player got up and headed toward me with concern written on their faces. I evaded them.

As I got to the bar, Jinx turned to look at me. He wore a smirk on his damn face. It pissed me off even more. It was like he knew he was pissing me off and was having fun. I got in his face. “Why the fuck didn’t you come back after you made sure she got home?”

“Because I didn’t want to. No offense, but I’d rather spend time with a beautiful, sexy woman than you guys. She invited me to stay, and we had a fabulous time.” He said the last with a quirk to his lips. My vision flashed red then darkened. Roaring, I swung at him. He ducked the blow. I lost track of time, as he and I circled each other and exchanged blows. I was about to get dirty with him when Bull stepped in. He had Maverick, Player, and Joker grab me. Jinx was standing there calmly with his guys.

“Calm the fuck down, Demon. What in the hell is wrong with you?” Bull snapped. I loved Bull like a dad, but right now, I didn’t want him in my business.

“This fucker comes in here, supposed to be our friend. Now he’s messing with Doc. He needs to stay the hell away from her, Bull. She’s not someone he can fucking use and then ditch her for the next one. She’s not like that,” I growled.

“I’m not messing with her. I have no intention of throwing her anywhere. Zara isn’t like that, you’re right. She deserves a man who’ll place her as number one, and will love and care for her like no other. She deserves a man who won’t cheat on her and is willing to give her the whole family thing. She wants kids.”

Hearing him tell me what she wanted made me madder. Those were things we should be discussing. How in the hell did he know what she wanted?

“Are you trying to tell me you’re that man?” I laughed sarcastically.

He straightened up. “I could be. If she wanted me, I would make her mine and give her every one of those kids she wants. I already told her I’d be her baby daddy.” I lost it when he said that. No way was he fathering kids with Zara. That was my job. I roared and fought to get away from my brothers. I was going to kill him. I broke out of the hold Maverick had on me and then Player’s hold. Dragging Joker along with me, I went after Jinx. I would have gotten him too if Bull hadn’t gotten between us along with Tank, Sarge, Animal, and Mad Dog from Jinx’s club.

“Get the fuck out of my way,” I shouted.

“No. You need to calm down. Don’t you see, he’s messing with you?”

“No, he’s not. I saw him. He fucking kissed her.”

“I knew you were watching. Goddamnit, Demon, calm down and listen. All we did was talk. I kissed her because I knew you were out there. Zara is a wonderful woman. I’d be damn lucky if she wanted me, but she doesn’t. She’s scarred, man. Someone did a number on her. She doesn’t plan to get involved with anyone.” His words slowly started to sink in. She wasn’t going to be with anyone? Like hell she wasn’t.

“What do you mean, she’s not going to let anyone in?”

“Just what I said. She told me she wasn’t. I don’t think she believes in men being faithful. If you want her, you’re going to have to get through that shell she has around her heart. I admit, I did most of it to piss you off.” I snarled at him. “But it was with the best of intentions. I wanted to know if you were serious or not.”

“You’re damn right, I’m serious. She’s mine, Jinx. Hear me now, she’s mine!”

“Then you need to act like it. No more letting bunnies hang around you. I can see it bothers her. If you don’t, you’ll never have her and that would be a fucking shame. Now, are we done fighting because I could do with another beer?” He waited to see what I would do. I felt the anger slowly seep out of me. My shoulders slumped. Seeing me relax, the others did as well. They let me through to the bar.

I slapped Jinx on the shoulder. “Let’s get a drink. No more fighting tonight.”

“Good. By the way, I’m taking her to breakfast tomorrow.” I tensed up. “But you’re welcome to join us. In fact, anyone who wants to go can. We’re going to the Angel at ten.” I nodded. We both stood there and drank. There were a few conversations going on around us, but I tuned them out. All I could think about was Zara. What was I going to have to do to get her to see me and realize I was serious about her? I was still thinking about that when I headed to my room an hour later. I needed to get my battle plan in order. Come hell or high water, Zara Newton was going to be my old lady.