Smoke’s subdued voice came over the phone. “Turn on the television. Go to one of the major networks.”

“Why?” I asked him.

“Just do it, Demon. Please.”

Tate turned on the television we had in the common room. It was one we watched games on. He found a news channel. When he did, they were talking and showing a map. As I looked at it closer, I saw it was a map of Mexico. The reporter was pointing to an area in the middle of the country, right where Zara was if I wasn’t mistaken.

“Turn it up!” I shouted. The reporter’s voice got louder.

“To repeat, we’ve just gotten word that a group of American doctors in Mexico, performing free medical care for local villagers, were taken earlier this morning by a group of rebels claiming to be part of the Nunez Cartel. The rebels are demanding that they be paid ten million dollars for the return of the hostages. The State Department is still discussing their demands. We received this through an anonymous tip.”

I screamed and sank to my knees. She’d been kidnapped. She was in the hands of rapists and killers. Hands grabbed at me, but I shook them off. I stumbled to my feet and went crazy. I busted up a table and some chairs. I don’t know what all I destroyed, to be honest. It was all a blur. All I knew was I needed to destroy someone, and since someone wasn’t there, it had to be something.

It took Bull and the guys a while to calm me down. Once I started to think again and not just feel, I looked at Bull. I knew he could see the fire in my eyes and the coldness. I’d started to go to that place. The place I’d trained myself to go when I had to kill someone. When I went there, I was cold as ice. That way I could do what was necessary, without it tearing me apart later. Taking a life was never easy, but I could do it. I had done it more than once to defend my country, my men and my club. I sure as hell would do it to protect my woman.

“Get Sean and whoever else on the phone. I’m going after her. Tell him I’ll send a list of what I want. I need him here ASAP. If he doesn’t want to help, then find me someone who will. I’m not leaving her in the hands of a bunch of raping murderers. If no one wants to go, I’ll go on my own.”

“Son, we’re not going to let you go alone. I already called Sean. He and Anderson are coordinating as we speak. They’ll get us a way there and back. They know what we might need. They do this all the time. I need you to hold it together. We’re going after your woman. We’re going to bring her home.”

Hearing him say this made the knot in my chest ease just a tiny bit. My family and brothers were with me. I was going to go get my hellion. I only prayed I’d make it there in time. Dear God, don’t let them do anything to her. Please.

When I got her back, I’d make damn sure she never left my side again.