“Okay, how soon can you get me on a flight to wherever she’s at?”

“Whoa, wait a minute. It’s not that simple. Is your passport up to date? Have you had all your shots?” Outlaw asked.

I swore. “Fuck, I think I let my passport lapse after I got out of the Marines. I didn’t plan on ever needing it. Come on, there has to be something you or Smoke can do,” I pleaded.

“Let me see if he can expedite getting your passport updated. In the meantime, go get any shots you might need. As soon as those are in place, I’ll find you a way to Mexico. I promise.”

Knowing I couldn’t do anything else at the moment, I gave him a chin lift. He got up and headed back to his room, I presumed. Bull grasped my arm. “Hang tight. We have a plan. Get those shots. I’ll be sure to talk to Terror and Smoke. You know with Smoke’s contacts, they can get this shit pushed through in a matter of days. You just have to remain as calm as you can. Get some sleep.”

“I’ll try. That’s the best I can do. I’m going to go for a ride. Call me if you find out anything.” I stood up.

“Tate, go with Demon,” Bull shouted to the prospect. Tate gave him a chin lift.

“I don’t need a babysitter, Bull.”

“You need what I say you need. Take Tate with you.” I didn’t argue. He was the president after all. He could order me not to go. I gestured for Tate to follow me out to the bikes. I got on my Harley while he got on his. A minute later, we were on the road.

I didn’t have a destination in mind. I just needed to ride. I hoped it would give me a little peace like it usually did. I wasn’t worried I’d miss a call from Zara. I had Bluetooth in my helmet that connected to my phone. Hands-free talking at its finest.

We rode for most of the morning. When I got back to the clubhouse, I went to my room and took a shower. I didn’t know what to do. I wouldn’t be worth a damn at the bar. In the mood I was in, if someone stepped out of line, I’d most likely beat their ass.

After a hot shower, I lay down and stared at the ceiling. I traced the swirls in the paint as I tried to shut down my mind. I needed to sleep. I was dog tired. As I stared and traced the patterns over and over, my eyes grew heavy. I had no idea when I fell asleep.

I jerked awake and noticed it was dark outside my window. I looked at the clock on the wall. It said it was eight. Damn, I’d slept for six hours. I hurried to check my phone to be sure I hadn’t missed a call or text. Nothing. My heart skipped a beat. Come on, Zara, call me, baby. Please.

I got up and took a piss, then I went out to find something to eat. The common room was full of guys and even the old ladies were here tonight with the kids. Jocelyn saw me and came over.

“Demon, there’s food in the kitchen. We made dinner. Can I get you some?”

“Nah, I can get it. Thanks, Jocelyn.” I gave her a kiss on the cheek. She was so damn sweet. I could see why Bull loved her. She was a perfect match for him and gorgeous on top of it. He’d lucked out when he found her, just like I had when I found Zara.

In the kitchen, I warmed up some stew and grabbed some bread and butter. Back out in the common room, I took a seat at one of the tables and dug in. I was starving. I couldn’t remember the last time I ate. Jessica and Ajax came over and sat down.

“Demon, I know you probably don’t want to talk about it, but I want you to know, I think Zara just needs time to cool off. She’ll see that you wouldn’t do what that picture implied.” I looked at her and then to Ajax. He shrugged.

“It’s kind of hard not to know. The ones who went with you told us. I told Jessica because she’s Zara’s friend. I was hoping she might have an idea how to approach her.”

“Don’t worry about it, Ajax. I don’t care who knows. I just want my hellion back.”

“Even though she’s not answering her phone, I called and left her a message too. I told her what that bitch, Lucky, did. I’m hoping she’ll call one of us,” Jessica said tiredly.

“Thanks, Jess. You don’t need to worry. You just had a baby. Kiara needs her mom. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself. Zara would kill me if you got run down.” She smiled. After that, it was just some inane chatter meant to keep my mind off Zara. The other guys took turns talking to me or just keeping me company. The ladies did it too. At ten, I called it a night. I needed to be alone.

I turned on the television for background noise and lay down. I was mindlessly half watching a show about custom bike building when my phone buzzed. I grabbed it up off the nightstand. My heart fluttered when I saw it was from Zara. I fumbled to open it.

Zara: Demon, stop texting and calling. I don’t want to talk to you. Leave me alone. I got the message. You’ve moved on. Now give me room to do the same.

Me: Zara, I’m not going to stop. That picture was bullshit. I told you. She drugged me and then had her friend help her undress me and take the picture. I never touched her. I wasn’t in any condition for anything to happen.

Zara: You really expect me to believe that? You had a damn smile on your face and a look of satisfaction. I know that look, Demon. It’s what you look like after sex.

Me: If it is, it’s because I was dreaming of you, Hellion, not because I fucked Lucky. BTW, Jinx kicked her ass out of the club and town. Good thing too, or the next time I saw her, she’d be dead.

Zara: Why kill her?

Me: Because she’s caused my old lady so much fucking pain! I love you, Zara. Please call me. Better yet, come home.

Zara: I can’t talk to you in person. I can barely stand to text. I need you to stop calling and texting. I need to think and plan.