“Okay, we’re alone now. Tell brother Jinx what’s going on?”

“Going on?”

“Yeah, with you and Demon. He looked like he wanted to kill me back at the clubhouse. Were you two an item or something? Did you hook up?”

“Oh God, no. We’re nothing to each other. I met him a couple of weeks ago when Jessica got hurt. There’s nothing going on between us.” The little voice in my head said, yeah, but you want there to be. I ignored it. He snorted.

“Bullshit! That man wants you and bad. The question is, do you want him? If you do, why aren’t you there with him?”

I squirmed. I didn’t want to discuss this with him or anyone, but there was a part of me that wanted to tell someone how I felt. Jessica would listen, but she couldn’t understand. She had Rebel, and he was head over heels in love with her. I finally sighed wearily.

“Jinx, Demon doesn’t need another woman chasing after him. You saw all those women at the clubhouse. He’s got them around him all the time. I don’t want to be with someone who I have to share. I’m selfish. I want a man to be mine alone, and for me to be the same for him. I’d never get that with Demon. Hell, I can’t get it with any guy. It’s better to just stay friends and be alone.”

He ran his thumb over my cheekbone. His eyes were soft and gentle. “Babe, someone did a number on you, didn’t they? Yes, Demon has a lot of women around him. Hell, we all do. But those are bunnies. They’re there for one purpose. You’re not that kind of woman. A man would be lucky as hell to have one like you. I think you’re underestimating your appeal. If you were his, I don’t see him straying.”

“I can’t risk it. I found out a long time ago that I’m not meant for a relationship, Jinx. I’ve come to accept it. I don’t want to talk about what happened in the past. Demon isn’t a one-woman man like Bull, Rebel, Ajax, and Ace seem to be.”

“What about kids? Do you want any?”

“I do. One day, when I’m ready, I’ll adopt a few kids or maybe go the insemination route. I have the means to support them on my own. I think I’d make a good mom.” He slid closer and tugged me into his shoulder. I laid my head on it. I needed comfort tonight.

“Listen, don’t rule out having someone special, Doc. I think you’re going to find that, and soon. As for kids, you’ll be able to have them the old-fashioned way. If I’m wrong, I’ll volunteer to be their donor,” he teased. I laughed.

“Okay, it’s a deal. You’ll be the baby daddy. I don’t know if you’ll like the whole beating off to get the sperm for the insemination,” I teased him.

He rolled his eyes. “I was thinking we’d do it the old-fashioned way.”

“Keep thinking that,” I told him. He laughed. We settled down and just spent the next hour talking about nothing of significance. It was midnight when I tried to stifle a yawn. He noticed.

“I need to get going. You’re tired. Besides, I’ll see you later for breakfast. How about I swing by at ten? We’ll go to the club’s restaurant here in town. I’ll bring my guys. Sound good?”

“That sounds great. Thanks for hanging with me. I enjoyed it.”

“Me too.” He stood up. I staggered to my feet and followed him. I was barely limping now. At the door, he turned around and gave me a hug. His lips barely touched mine. I jerked in surprise.

“Good night, beautiful. I hope he caught this.” I gave him a puzzled look. He just laughed and sauntered to his bike.

I watched him pull away then went inside. As I went down the hall to my bedroom, I swore I heard another bike. I must be imagining things. After a quick shower, I fell into bed. Hopefully, I’d get some much-needed sleep. That was if my dreams weren’t haunted by Demon like they seem to be nowadays.


I sat there staring at the door for a good half hour after they’d left. I’d wanted to kill Jinx when he headed out the door with Zara. If it hadn’t been for my brothers, I would have. Watching him touch her and lay some kind of ownership to her made me insane. Goddamn it, she was mine. He had no right to touch her or take her anywhere.

I ignored the bunnies who kept trying to get my attention. My brothers and even some of the Marauders tried to engage me in conversation, but I ignored them. I was waiting for him to return, so I could make it clear he was to stay the fuck away from her if he wanted to live.

When they’d been gone an hour, I knew he had stayed at her place. Jealousy burned through me. Was she letting him touch her soft skin, taste her, or even worse, letting him inside of her? The thought of him and her tangled together, naked, was playing in my mind like a bad movie. My rage grew hotter. I shoved back the barstool and stood up. Joker put his hand on my arm.

“Where are you going, brother?”

“For a ride.”

“Demon, don’t do anything you’ll regret,” he warned with a frown on his face.

“I won’t regret it,” I spit out as I headed for the door. I heard him shout something else, but it got lost in the noise in the common room. The music was loud and the serious partying had started. I hadn’t even noticed. I went straight to my bike and fired her up. Jerking on my helmet, I revved my engine and went for the gate. I waited impatiently. It opened too slow for my tastes.

I knew where she lived, even if she hadn’t told me. I made it my business to know. Less than twenty minutes later, I was parked down the street from her house. His bike was still in the fucking driveway. I had to exert iron control not to go pound on the door and drag him out of there.

As the next hour passed, I got colder and angrier. I was able to see her front door from where I was parked under some trees. Suddenly, the door opened and out the fucker came. He had a big smile on his face. She was smiling back at him. I watched as he took her in his arms and kissed her. I placed my hand on my gun under my cut. I wanted to shoot the motherfucker. After a quick word, he got on his bike and rode off. She went back inside.