Chapter 15: Zara

The last few days have been a whirlwind. After I’d gotten the text from Demon with the picture of him and Lucky, I’d gone into survival mode. I knew that I had to get away and lick my wounds in private. If I had to look at him, I might just shoot him. He’d crushed me. I knew I wouldn’t be able to trust another man again. I was done.

As soon as it was late enough, I’d called my supervisor at work and told them I had a family emergency and needed to leave town for a while. I told them, right now, I had no idea how long it would last, but I’d let him know.

He’d been less than thrilled but said he understood. They were accommodating because I was one of their star physicians. I knew I was taking advantage, but I didn’t care. It was time I worried about myself. With that taken care of, I then called Ted back.

“Hi, Ted, I know it’s super early, but I was wondering if you still needed a doctor to fill that vacancy for the next month?”

“Well, yeah, I do. Do you know someone?” I could hear the excitement in his voice.

“Yeah, me. I was able to get the time off after all. I can be packed and over to your place in a few hours. If you’re okay with me coming early and staying for a day.” I prayed he’d say yes. If not, I’d stay in a hotel in Nashville. All I knew was I wasn’t staying in Hunters Creek. Hell, maybe Demon wouldn’t even bother to come around. After all, he chose to send me a picture to tell me we were over. It would be too much to see the ladies or the other guys in the club. A month in Mexico would give me time to think and decide where I was headed next. I knew for damn sure, I wouldn’t be staying in Hunters Creek. I wanted as far away from Luca Moretti as I could get.

“Of course, you can come early, Zara. Leslie would love to get a chance to visit with you before we leave. I have to say, I’m totally amazed you could get the time off. What about the man you mentioned?”

I wished I hadn’t told him that. “Oh, he’s going to be gone for business for at least a month, so it seemed like the perfect time for me to go as well.” I hated to lie to Ted, but I couldn’t bear to tell him I’d been fooled and used again. It would be too humiliating.

We ended the call with my promise to see them later. With that settled, I ripped through my house like a whirlwind. I just grabbed whatever looked like I might need it. I shut off my phone because I didn’t want to have any communication with the world. I knew as soon as the ladies found out that Demon and I were over, they’d want to talk. I didn’t.

As soon as I had my bags packed, I left. I didn’t care that I left the place a mess. I’d deal with it when I got back and packed for my move wherever that turned out to be. The whole drive to Nashville, I couldn’t keep the image of Demon with Lucky out of my head.

Why did he have to tell me that way? It was the most hurtful thing he could have done, other than letting me find them in bed together. I guess all this talk about building a house and life together had been bullshit, or he’d realized he wasn’t made for that kind of life after all.

The next day and a half were busy ones as I got my paperwork in order. Thank goodness I was up to date on my shots for foreign travel and had my passport. During the day, I stayed busy with preparations and talking to Ted and Leslie. At night, I tossed and turned, thinking about Demon. I cried myself to sleep at night.

We got on the plane bright and early on Thursday morning. The flight seemed to take forever. Once we landed at the closest airport, it was a three-hour drive to the village where we would be set up to provide medical care. We barely got there and, in our tents, before we were inundated with patients.

It wasn’t until that evening that I decided to turn my phone back on. It lit up with missed calls, voicemails, and texts. I ignored them. I needed it to keep track of the time and the weather, nothing else. It was already hot as hell, and it was only mid-May. Now, to just keep busy, think about where I want to go, and forget I ever heard of Demon.


It wasn’t until the next morning we heard anything from Smoke. I’d spent another sleepless night thinking about Zara. Only this time, I had the additional thoughts of what could happen to her in Mexico. Why in the hell had she run off to there of all places?

I was up and in the common room by six. A few of the guys were up and moving. For them, it was a workday. For me, I had the staff at the bar managing it for now. No way I could work while Zara was gone. When I got her back, I was going to tie her ass to my bed and fuck her until she knew one hundred percent, I was only ever going to want her. Not only that, but she would be marrying my ass and I’d be getting her pregnant as soon as possible. She wasn’t going to be able to run from me again.

I sat down with a cup of coffee and stared at my phone—no messages or calls from her. Her phone was back on again, according to Outlaw. Had she listened to my messages? Read my latest texts? If so, why wouldn’t she call me?

I came back to the present when a body dropped into the chair beside me. I looked over to see Bull. He gave me a concerned look. “How’re you doing, son? Did you get any sleep? You look like hell.”

“I couldn’t sleep, Bull. All I could think about was Zara. Goddamn it, what if she refuses to believe me? I’m telling you right now, I’m not letting her go. I’m going to go to Mexico and bring her home. She’s going to listen to me, even if I have to tie her up.”

“Whoa, Demon, I know you’re upset, but you can’t kidnap her.”

“Like hell I can’t. That woman is my life now. She’s who I’m going to grow old with, have children with. No fucking bunny is going to ruin that! Speaking of bunnies, have you heard from Jinx? What happened with Lucky and her friend?” I was filled with disgust and almost hate for Lucky. Her friend, less so. She was just a pawn.

“He called me last night. Thought it best not to bother you. He kicked Lucky out and told her if he saw her around town, he’d make sure she disappeared. She got the hell out of town. As for her friend, she’s on probation with the club. She won’t be allowed around if we go there, or they come here. He said if she fucks anything else up, she’s gone just like Lucky. He’s so pissed, he can barely talk. He said to let you know, he and his club are here to help with Zara. Tell her what really happened. Hell, if need be, to go get her. I told him where she was.”

“Good. I might have to take him up on that offer. Listen, Bull, I don’t want to cause any issues for the club, but I’m going to be headed there sooner or later. I just don’t know how long I can stand to let this fester. A part of me wants to give her a chance to cool down, think about it, and listen to my messages and read my texts. Another part just says the hell with it and to go get her. What do I do?” I asked the man who’d been more of a father to me than my own.

“Let’s see what Smoke finds out and then we can discuss it. I know what it’s like to want to go after your woman. She’s going to fight you. You have to be prepared that this may be a long game with the chance she might not forgive or believe you. What will you do then? You can’t hold her hostage.”

I rubbed my hands down over my face. “I don’t know. I can’t think of that. If I do, I might as well put a bullet in my brain. She’s my number one priority, Bull. I love the club and my brothers, but she’s my woman.”

I really hoped he wouldn’t get pissed that I held her above the club. He nodded. “I understand. Feel the same about Jocelyn and the kids. Love this club, but if it came down to it, I’d walk away to have her and them.”

His remark shocked me. Bull had been in this club and a founding member for over thirty years. We were interrupted by Outlaw hurrying into the room. He saw us and came right over to the table. I sat up. “What did Smoke have to say?”

Outlaw plopped down in the chair. “Damn, is he fucking good. I mean I’m fine, but he’s out of this world.” I glared at him. He held up his hands in surrender. “Sorry. Anyway, he said he’s pretty sure she’s down there doing one of those doctor things. Where they go and provide free medical care to underprivileged people in third world countries. That area has received this kind of thing in the past. He said a new group just got there yesterday, with one Dr. Zara Newton on the flight manifest.”