“What in the hell is there?”

“Not much of anything. It’s a really poor area. Lots of poverty. No major cities are close. I have no idea why she’d be there.”

I stood up. “I’m going after her.”

Outlaw pushed me back down in my seat. “You can’t go off half-cocked into Mexico. You could cause a huge incident. Let me see what I can find out about that area. There has to be a reason she went there. Give me an hour or two. In the meantime, try to call her and see if she answers.”

I hated to do as he said, but he was right, I didn’t need to go off without a plan. I took out my phone and called her. It didn’t go straight to voicemail this time; however, she didn’t answer it either. I texted her next.

Me: Baby, please answer your phone. I need to talk to you. Nothing happened with Lucky. I know the picture is bad, but she set it up with one of the other girls. She drugged me.

I’d barely sent the text when I got one back.

Zara:Do you think I’m stupid? Leave me alone, Demon. It’s over.

Me: Like hell we’re over! I love you. I didn’t cheat on you. Talk to me.

Zara: I have nothing to say to you. There’s nothing you can say I want to hear. Tell Lucky, you’re all hers.

I growled in frustration. Damn stubborn woman.

Me: I’m not telling that bitch, anything. She’s Jinx’s problem. Hopefully her ass has been kicked out. I don’t lie. Not about something like this. I didn’t touch her, Hellion.

Zara: Don’t call me that! Leave me alone. I’m busy.

Me: Busy doing what?

I didn’t ask her why she was in Mexico. I didn’t want her to know I was tracking her using her phone.

Zara: None of your business. Let’s forget we ever started anything between us. Move on with both of our lives. Goodbye.

Me: No! I’m not moving on, Zara. I love you. I’m not going to give up.

She didn’t respond back.

Me: Zara? Baby, talk to me. Please.

A half hour later and she’d not responded to my texts. Outlaw came back to me. “I saw you were texting her. Anything?”

“You saw? You mean you were reading our texts?”

“No, though I could if I wanted to. I just saw the incoming and outgoing numbers. I contacted Smoke to see if he could help figure out why she’s in Mexico in that area. All of my research shows there’s not much there, other than a bunch of poor farmers, petty gangs and the likes. Like a lot of Mexico, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were growing shit for the drug trade. But none of that is anything Zara would be involved in. He said he’d get back to us as soon as he could.”

By this time, Bull and the others had all joined me in the common room. They sat down to keep me company while I waited to hear what Smoke found out. I hoped he found something soon. I didn’t know how long I could stand to sit here and do nothing to get my woman back.