“Yeah, I knew I’d want a drink or two, so I planned ahead. Hate to give her colic because momma wanted a drink.” We all laughed with her. They were such great moms. To watch them with their babies made me envious.

“If you did give her colic, I know who would be up pacing with her, Rebel. That man adores you and his daughter. I love seeing it,” Jocelyn said.

“Like Bull doesn’t adore you and your two. I swear he beams when he sees you or anyone says something about you. It’s kind of disgusting. Especially when we were living with you and would walk in on you two making out.” Her daughter, Devyn, smirked.

“Oh really. And you and Ace never had us walk in on you two? Please, I thought I would have to gouge out my eyes a time or two.”

They both laughed at this. I couldn’t help it. I had to laugh too. Devyn narrowed her eyes at me. “I wouldn’t laugh too hard, Zara. Demon walks around like a dog protecting his property. God, when you went out for that walk that night with Jinx, I thought the guys were going to have to lock him down.”

“Come on. No, he didn’t.”

“Oh yes, he did. He wanted to kill him. When he came back from your house, he was all over him.” I gave her an open-mouthed gape. All three nodded and laughed. Damn, I had no idea.

We continued to talk, dance, and laugh. They were so much fun to hang with. After about a half hour of dancing, we sat down to cool off and have a drink. As soon as I reached the table, Demon pulled me down onto his lap and kissed me. I could taste the beer he was drinking.

“You looked like you ladies were having fun.”

“We are. They were telling me some tale about you wanting to hurt Jinx when he and I walked in the dark that night.”

“Hell yeah, I did. I even came to your house afterward and saw him leaving. He kissed you. I damn near beat his ass back at the clubhouse.”

“What! No, Demon. You know there’s nothing between me and Jinx. I consider him a friend.”

“I know that now. But then, I was worried you’d go for him. It was killing me. All I wanted was you to pay attention to me.”

I kissed him deeply. “Honey, you were the only one I wanted. I just didn’t think you felt the same. I saw those women all over you and it hurt, so I decided to get some air. Jinx came with me. Nothing happened other than us talking when he was at the house.”

“He told me. Then he warned me not to mess up. He said some other guy would gladly step up to claim your ass, maybe even him.” I gaped at him. No way Jinx said that, though I could see the instigator doing it. He’d told me Demon wanted me.

“Well, it’s behind us. Nothing for us to worry about. Though if that woman at the bar keeps staring at you like that, I might have to forget I’m a doctor,” I growled.

At the bar was a tall brunette dressed half-nakedly in my opinion. She was staring at Demon with a hungry look in her eye. I had to wonder if they’d hooked up in the past. Most likely, they had. My man hadn’t been an angel before we met. I tried really hard to not let it bother me. He looked over to see who I was referring to. I felt him stiffen. I looked at him.

“Who is she, Demon?”

“Baby, it doesn’t matter.”

“It does if you stiffen like that. Who is she?”

“She’s one of the bunnies with Jinx’s club. We hooked up a couple of times before I met you. The last time she was with them, I told her I wasn’t interested. She had gotten a little strangely possessive toward me. I heard from several of the Marauders, she liked to be that way even with some of them. She’s desperate to be an old lady. I told them they might want to send her packing. No way I wanted anything to do with her. Not sure why she’s here. I thought for sure she lived near Knoxville where their club is.”

“Maybe she has friends or family here. I’m not happy she’s staring at you like you’re her last meal, but as long as she stays away, we’ll be fine.”

“If she comes over here, I’ll send her on her way. Ignore her and have fun. Can I get you a drink?”

“Just ice water would be great.” After he got me my water, we sat and talked to the others for a while until I was dragged back to the dance floor. It was when we were up there that I caught sight of the woman approaching Demon. I stopped to watch.

She said something to him. He shook his head, said something back and then pointed back to the bar. It appeared she was arguing until he grew pissed. Then she listened and went back to where she’d been before. I saw a couple of other women join her. They looked like a couple of fellow skanks.

I went back to dancing. It was maybe five minutes or so later that they changed to a slow song. Demon made his way to the floor and took me in his arms. He danced with me which surprised me and made my evening. When the song was over, he kissed me and went back to his seat. I saw Rebel, Bull, and Ace doing the same. I hadn’t even noticed they’d joined their ladies on the dance floor.

The next fast song started, and we all cheered as we got back to shaking what our momma gave us, as Madisen said. We were laughing and showing off our best moves when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and there was the woman from the bar.

“You know he won’t be faithful or stay with you. He’s too much of a biker for that. I’ll have him again,” she hissed over the music. For a moment, I was stunned at her audacity. Then the anger flared up inside of me. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Demon was up out of his chair coming toward us. I didn’t bother to answer her. I just pulled back my fist and let it fly. I smashed her in the mouth as hard as I could.

She let out a scream that thankfully due to the loud music no one could hear, other than the ladies with me. She was holding her mouth, crying, and glaring at me. Her two friends had joined us. They acted like they were going to jump into the mix. I got ready to throw a few more punches. However, before I could, Demon, Bull, Rebel, and Joker joined us.

I heard Demon yell, “Get the hell out of here, Lucky, and take these other two with you. You got what you deserved. Stay away from my woman. I’ll be talking to Jinx about this shit.” The three of them looked scared. As they scurried off, the one he called Lucky threw me a hate-filled look. I guess I wasn’t going to be on her friends’ list. I waited to see what Demon would say.