“Why don’t we work on finding plans we like and check them out together? That way we can be sure to get something we both want. But I don’t want us to wait to get started. Okay?” I added.

“Okay, Luca. I love so many different things, it might be hard to narrow it down. But I’m game if you are. I do know I want lots of open space inside and a great yard. Number of bedrooms and bathrooms are debatable, and I do need a home office.”

“I don’t have a problem with that. As for the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, I know you said a while back you wanted kids. How many?”

“I-I mean, how many were you thinking?” she sputtered.

“Me? I think at least three, but we can negotiate. No less than two, even if we have to adopt. I didn’t like being an only child.”

“Me either. I think three is a good number. We should be sure to have enough bedrooms for everyone to have their own and a guest bedroom. So, let’s say five bedrooms and at least three or four bathrooms. I know it’s a lot, but if we’re going to do this, we might as well do it how we want.”

“I agree, and that number sounds perfect to me. We’ll look this week and sit down and check them out together. I know Tank has some plans. I’ll ask him to let us see them. He just might have what we’re looking for. Damn, I’m so excited you’re on board with this, baby. To celebrate, do you feel up to going out to the bar tonight?”

She eagerly nodded. “Good. Then why don’t we take a nap and then later we’ll go and get dinner and dance. I’ll let the guys know in case anyone wants to join us. Some are most likely planning to be there anyway.”

“Perfect.” After I sent out a mass text, we curled up and took a nap. I wanted her well rested for what else was to come. After some dancing, I planned to bring her home and ravish her again. I couldn’t keep my hands off her.


I woke up to find Demon lying with his arm and leg thrown over top of me. I tried to ease out from under his arm, but he tightened both of them. “Where are you going, Hellion?” he asked me gruffly. Sleep had roughened his voice to make it even more growly. God, it made shivers go through me to hear that voice of his.

“To the bathroom. I need to use it.”

“Well, okay, I guess I can allow that.” He lifted his leg and arm. I scooted out of bed and looked back at him as I went to the bathroom.

“It’s a good thing you allowed it or you might have had a mess on your hands.”

He laughed. “Me? I don’t think so. You would have made it, not me.” I finished up my business before I came back to the room. He was propped up in bed, grinning at me, just waiting to see what I would say to his remark.

“Is that so? Oh well, I guess it’s not too late to reconsider who I allow in this room. Maybe someone more willing to clean up the messes he helped to create.” I lifted my brows. He was up off the bed, across the room, and had me in his arms in what seemed like a heartbeat.

“Don’t even think about it, Hellion. Anyone tries to take what’s mine, and I’ll bury them.”

“Such a barbarian. I guess I should watch for you to beat your bare chest and mark me as yours.”

“Oh, I’ve already marked you. On the inside. I have my scent all over you, baby. And I plan to do it over and over. Just you wait and see. But that’ll have to wait until tonight. Right now, we need to get ready to go to the bar and meet the gang.”

“What? What time is it?” I spun around to look at the clock. Shit, it was after eight. We slept most of the afternoon and early evening away. I gave him a quick kiss and then headed back into the bathroom. I needed to put on some makeup, fix my hair, and get dressed.

Typical man, he was ready way before me, even though I didn’t spend an inordinate amount of time primping. When I came out in my jeans and blouse, he moaned. “Damn, babe, are you trying to have me kill someone? Looking like that, there’ll be men all over you.”

“Get serious, Luca. There are not going to be men queuing up to me. I don’t know where you get those ideas. It’s you I have to worry about. Women will be flirting and coming up to you all night. I warn you, if they do, I might just be the one putting someone in the ground.”

“Zara, you have nothing to worry about. Even if they do approach me, I’ll send them on their way. You’re the only one I want. Here, make sure you put this on.” He held up my property cut. I slipped it on and then my boots. I was feeling sexy tonight.

My jeans were ones that molded my ass and hips, showing them off. They were comfortable too. My top was a dark green with rhinestones around the V-neck. I had my hair pulled up in a high ponytail with the ends curled. Rhinestone dangling earrings finished it off, along with the dark eyeliner and my red lipstick.

Before we left the house, he made sure I put on a jacket. “It’ll get cold on the bike. Make sure you take a jacket.” I grabbed a leather one I had in the closet and then we were off. When we pulled into the bar, the parking lot was on its way to filling up. There was music coming out the door, and I saw several other bikes parked outside. I couldn’t wait to dance and hang with the club.

Inside, we were greeted with shouts from the back tables where the club liked to sit. I was right. Everyone was here except it looked like Ajax and Jessica. I wasn’t surprised. She had been so tired earlier this morning. The baby was really taking it all out of her.

After greeting everyone, I left Demon to chat with the guys. The girls and I wanted to dance. As we got up there, Madisen teased me. “I thought you and Demon were going to be here earlier. He said by eight.”

“Well, we overslept. He didn’t tell me a specific time, or I’d have set an alarm. I’m surprised I slept that long. I must have been dog tired.”

“I’m only teasing. And you’ve been working a lot lately. I’ve seen how tired you’ve been. I’m just glad you decided to come out tonight. I want to have a drink. It’s been too long.” Madisen had just given birth to her daughter two months ago.

“If you stick to one, it shouldn’t affect your milk much. Did you pump before you left?”