Chapter 12: Demon

We were sitting in church for our weekly meeting. I was anxious to bring up the idea that had been dancing in my head since Monday when Zara had told me about her idea for an urgent care clinic.

When we were through all the updates on the various businesses and other matters we had to discuss, Bull opened the floor to new business. I held up my hand. Bull motioned for me to talk.

“I had an idea. Well, actually, it’s Zara’s idea. She was talking about how the town needs an urgent care clinic. Somewhere people can go when they can’t get into their doctor, but it’s not an emergency that they need to go to the ER. She said a lot of people go to the ER because of this. She’s planning to open one in a few years once she gets enough money to start it. I think this might be a good thing for the club to consider backing now.”

Several of the guys were nodding. I continued, “She said the high costs of healthcare in general is due a lot to people using the ER this way. And I’ll be honest, they are working her to death. When she’s off, they call her in all the time. On top of that, she has to put up with a fucking douche of an intern.”

“I noticed she seemed a little pale and tired looking, and she seems to work a lot of days. What’s this about an intern?” Payne asked. I was kind of surprised he’d noticed how tired Zara was.

“She has this guy, Dr. Cash, who is working an intern program in the ER. He was assigned to her. Well, the prick won’t listen. He disregards what she tells him. He’s condescending to her and just about anyone who is female. He outright defies her. She went to the head of the ER department this week and told him she wanted him gone or to straighten up. He was going to talk to him. They want to give it a month to see if he turns himself around,” I said in disgust. If I had my way, he’d be gone already.

“That’s bullshit! They should get rid of his ass,” Player said angrily. The other guys grumbled the same.

“I agree, but they need to follow a process. I only hope he doesn’t cause more issues once he’s talked to. She doesn’t need that on top of this crazy schedule. Her boss is also going to look into why she’s called so much to cover. She thinks they’ve gotten used to her saying yes, and don’t even bother to ask other docs.”

“I think an urgent care would be a great idea for the town, even if it wasn’t Zara heading it up. We did the partial ownership with the bakery, and we were considering doing it with the spa. I say we should look at doing this. Bear, why don’t you see what you can come up with on the costs and such on a clinic? If it doesn’t become much of a money maker, it still serves the town and those around us,” Bull said.

Bear nodded his agreement. I knew as treasurer he’d look into it. He’d pull in anyone else he might need, like Outlaw and his mad computer skills. “Thanks, Bull. I’d appreciate it. Even if the club doesn’t end up backing it, I will. I have some money she can use. It’ll just be a matter of getting her to accept it.” The hoots went up around the room.

“Yeah, I want to see that! Doc strikes me as a very independent woman. Let me know when you tell her. I think she’s probably going to protest the club helping, let alone you,” Rebel said with a grin on his face. I gave him a glare. I knew he was right, so I didn’t say anything.

“Alright, enough with the instigating. Don’t forget, we have that run over to the Iron Punishers the week after next. Demon, you, Player, Payne, and Tank are going on it. It shouldn’t take more than two days. They need our help with that little problem of theirs.” I wanted to groan. I hated the idea of being away from Doc, but I had to do my fair share of club business too. It was only for two days. I could survive that.

This was the end of our updates and discussions, so we wrapped up the meeting. I hurried out to the common room. Zara actually had the day off and they hadn’t called her in. I wanted us to spend it together, even if all she wanted to do was sit around the club or the house. As long as I was with her, it was all that mattered.

Lord, did I love that woman. I was pretty sure she loved me too, though neither of us had said it. I was ready to say it, and to ask her to marry me. It had only been just over two months since I met her, but I knew she was it for me. All I had to do was find the right ring before I could ask her. Maybe on this run, I might find time to look around.

With this as my new plan, I went over to Zara. She was sitting with the ladies, and they were busy chatting. I knew they were talking about the wedding coming up next weekend. Ajax and Jessica were finally tying the knot, and good thing too. She was due soon. He wanted them to be married when their little girl arrived.

I gave her a kiss and smiled at the other ladies. “Can I steal her or are you still needing her for something? I don’t want to interrupt the pow-wow.”

Jessica shoved me. “I should tell you that you can’t have her, but I’m nice. Just don’t hog her all weekend. I want a chance for us to visit more. Now, why don’t you two get out of here and enjoy the day. It’s really nice out. Maybe you can go for a ride,” she said wistfully. I knew she’d give anything to be able to go for one.

“I’m open if you are, baby. You want to take a ride?” She enthusiastically nodded. The others laughed and told us to get. I waved and hollered goodbye to the guys as we went outside. She’d ridden over on my bike this morning, so she was already dressed to go riding.

We rode for over two hours. We stopped once to stretch and get a drink. When we got back to town, I took her to her house. There was something I wanted to talk to her about. When we got inside and settled on the couch, I jumped into the conversation. There was no reason not to do it, and I wanted her to know how serious I was about us.

I pulled her close to me and looked down into her eyes as I caressed her cheek with my thumb. She was giving me a questioning look. “Babe, I wanted to talk to you about something. Something that pertains to you and me.”

“Okay, what is it, Luca?”

“I want us to have a house built on the compound, like what Bull, Ajax, Ace, and Rebel have. A house for the two of us that we design together.” I held my breath to see what she would say. She gave me an uncertain look. Damn, she wasn’t ready.

“Luca, I’d love to have a house we both have a hand in designing, but are you sure we’re ready for that? This is a big step. Having a house together means—”

“It means we’re planning to be together forever. I know. I don’t feel like it’s too soon. You have to know, even if I’ve never said it, I love you, Zara. I love you so damn much and I only see that growing, not diminishing. But if you’re not ready, I can wait until you are, and you love me,” I told her, though it hurt to say it.

She pushed me unexpectedly onto my back and crawled on top of me. “Listen to me, Luca. I don’t have to wait to love you. I already do, as crazy and quick as it is. I’d love to build and live in a house with you.” Hearing her say that made joy race through me. I’m not sure who kissed who, but it was several minutes of frantic touching and kissing before we came up for air.

When we did, I sat up and then stood with her draped in my arms. “Let’s go celebrate this.” She laughed as I carried her to the bedroom. In no time, we were both naked and exploring each other. Every time with her seemed like the first. She never failed to excite me and to bring me more pleasure than I’d ever had.

I don’t know how much time passed, but when we were done, both of us were masses of quivering flesh. I’d been able to give her three orgasms before I couldn’t hold out any longer. I felt like she’d drained me dry. God, I needed a nap. She snuggled up to me. I ran my fingers down her arm and ribs. After staying like this for a good half hour, I struck up the conversation about the house again.

“Man, baby, you’re killing me, but what a way to go. Now that we’re totally exhausted, let’s talk about the house.”

She laughed.