He washed and rinsed off both of us, dried us, and then carried me to bed. I didn’t know how his legs could still be working. Once we were under the covers, he kissed me and grinned. “So, I think we can say you liked that. Do you think you might be interested in doing more?”

“You mean more with your finger or more, more?”

“More of my fingers, toys and maybe eventually, my cock.”

“As long as you took your time like you just did, then yes.”

“I will, I promise. That dumbass you were with before didn’t do it right. I will. If you want.”

“Then I say hell yes. It felt so good after I got past the burning. I’m open to whatever you want, Luca.”

He kissed me deeply. “Good. Now, why don’t you take a nap. When you wake up, we’ll have dinner. You look tired, baby. Let me hold you and you sleep.” I had no objections to his plan. I snuggled down into his chest and was out in less than a minute.