Chapter 2: Zara

It was getting hard to be around Demon. Despite only knowing him for a couple of weeks, he consumed my mind. When I looked at him, I almost couldn’t think. It wasn’t just his physical appearance, even though he was drop-dead gorgeous. Who could ignore all six foot four of pure muscle, tats, and yumminess? When I looked at him, all I wanted to do was get naked and ride him.

His skin was olive with deep, dark, almost black hair. His brown eyes were so dark, they almost looked black. Combine all that with his name, and it was a guess that he was most likely close to full Italian. Luca Moretti was one fine-ass man, and that should be enough to make me avoid him like the plague.

Add to it, his humor and intelligence, and he was the whole package. And a biker on top of it. That was what made him even more of a risk I wouldn’t take. Everyone heard the rumors about how bikers lived. They never had the same woman for more than a few nights. They weren’t faithful. Some treated their women like shit. I had a man who couldn’t keep it in his pants. I was never going to let that happen again. It was better that I stay single.

I had my career, and it was a rewarding one. I helped people every day. That gave me immense satisfaction. So what if I lay in bed at night, wanting someone to cuddle with? If it got to be too much, I’d buy a dog. At least they were faithful.

I’d started talking to Jinx and agreed to take a walk because I’d been upset to see Demon with those bunnies. Every time I saw him, women were flocking around him. When Jinx and I had walked off, I found he was great to talk to, and nothing like what I expected a president of an MC to be like. I could almost think about taking a chance with a guy like him, but I wasn’t attracted to him, even though he, too, was gorgeous. Demon was the only one who seemed able to heat up my desires that had been dormant for a long time.

Jinx sat down at my feet and picked my legs up to lay them on his lap. He held the ice pack to my sprained ankle. I gave him a grateful smile.

“Hey, beautiful. Is there anything else you need?”

“No, I’m fine, Jinx. I’m going to let this sit for a little bit, then I need to head home.” I was conscious of Demon sitting beside us, listening to every word. I had no idea why he was here. He should be over entertaining the hordes of women.

“Okay, tell me when you’re ready to go and I’ll drive you home. You don’t need to be pushing on the brake or gas with that ankle. It’ll only aggravate it. Do you have to work tomorrow?”

I heard Demon hiss. I glanced at him before answering Jinx. Demon’s face was hard. His eyes were narrowed and glaring. What was his problem?

“You don’t—”

“You don’t need to drive her home. I’ll take her,” Demon interrupted and said tersely. I looked at him, shocked. Jinx just shrugged and grinned at me.

“I think it’s up to the lady to decide who takes her home. Doc, you want me to do it or Demon?” I didn’t know what to say. I liked Jinx, but I was obsessed with Demon. I would love to be alone with him, but I didn’t know if I had the self-control to do it. It was better if I avoided him. I didn’t need either of them to take me anywhere.

“Thanks for the offer, Jinx, but I can drive myself. I know how to use the other foot. It’s not the first time I’ve had to do it. You stay here and have some fun.”

“It’s not a problem, beautiful. But if you insist, at least let me come over and check on you tomorrow. Here, give me your phone.” He held out his hand. I found myself handing over my phone without a peep. He tapped away. Demon growled.

“You don’t need to check on her. I’ll stop by and see if she needs anything.” He was now glaring at poor Jinx. I saw several of Jinx’s guys looking at each other with smirks and raised brows. They looked like they were amused by something. I didn’t know what. I knew Jinx was just being sweet. When we’d been out walking, he’d tried to kiss me. I told him that I would be his friend, but nothing else. He reluctantly agreed, then laughed and said he had to try.

“I’ll decide who does or doesn’t come to my house, Demon. Jinx, you’re more than welcome to stop by. When are you guys heading back home?” Demon didn’t look pleased with my answer. Well, too bad.

“Not until late afternoon. I’ll call you in the morning. We’ll go out for breakfast.” I nodded as I smiled at him. Demon abruptly stood up and stomped off. He sat himself down at the bar. Immediately, the bunnies flocked to him. I gritted my teeth. Jinx’s touch on my arm brought my attention back to him.

“Don’t mind him, Zara. He needs to get his head straight. Let’s get you home. I would still feel better if I followed you to be sure you got there alright. I swear, I haven’t had enough to drink yet to be impaired.” He was telling me this, because I’d shared a terrible story of the drunk driver accident I’d dealt with yesterday in the ER.

“Fine. Can we go now? I’m tired.” I wasn’t, but I couldn’t stand to see Demon and those women. Jinx stood up and helped me to my feet. I studiously avoided looking at Demon. Grabbing my purse, I told everyone good night. Jinx wrapped his arm around me to help me to the door. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a couple of the Warriors over by Demon. They seemed to be arguing. I acted like I didn’t see them.

I hobbled to the car with Jinx’s help. When I was situated, he got on his bike and fired it up. The drive to town was a short one. In less than twenty minutes, we were outside the little house I rented. He got off his bike and helped me out of the car and to my front door. He even took my keys and unlocked the door. I laughed as he swung me up in his arms and carried me inside.

“What in the world are you doing?”

“Just getting you off your feet. Besides, I always wanted to do that,” he said with a boyish grin on his face. I smacked his arm.

“You’re terrible. You wait until you find a woman one of these days. You can carry her over the threshold.”

“Don’t know if that’ll happen, babe. Though if you want to change your mind…” He wiggled his eyebrows at me. I laughed again.

“No, I told you, I’m not looking for any kind of relationship. Do you want something to drink? Or do you need to get back?” I was finding I didn’t want to be alone, and he was good company. He sat me down on the couch.

“Point me to the kitchen and I’ll get us something. I can hang for a while.”

I pointed to the left. “Thank you. I’ll take some iced tea. There’s also lemonade, soda, and wine in there. Help yourself.”

He wandered that way. I relaxed as I waited for him to return with my iced tea and his drink. It didn’t take him long to come back with them. I saw he had grabbed lemonade. He plopped down beside me.