Chapter 11: Zara

These last few weeks with Demon have been amazing. I was still a little stunned that he’d given me a property cut at the party. I knew he said I was his, but I guess I never understood he meant it so seriously. I knew from talking to the other ladies what it meant when a biker claimed you as his old lady.

I kind of wish work was going as well. I mean, I loved my job, but the hours were crazy. People were calling off, and they seemed to call me all the time to fill in. A part of me felt guilty that I was newer, so I would usually say yes; however, I was starting to say no more. It took time away from being with Demon. I think they’re now not even bothering to ask others to cover, just automatically coming to me. More and more I wished the town had a clinic.

On top of it, my intern was driving me crazy. I wanted to punch his condescending self right in his smirking mouth. He thought because he had a cock, he was automatically superior to me. He wouldn’t listen and often made smart remarks. Today, I’d had enough. I was going to the head of the ER department. I wanted him to be put on notice that he was in jeopardy of being dropped from the internship. That notice had to come from the head man.

Dr. Knowles’s secretary led me into his office. He smiled as he stood up to greet me and shake my hand. “Come in, come in, Dr. Newton. So, glad we get a chance to chat today. I feel like we haven’t talked enough since you joined us. Have a seat. Can I get you anything?”

“Thank you, Dr. Knowles, and no, I’m fine.”

“Wonderful. I just want to tell you what a great job you’ve been doing since you joined us. The ER department has only benefited from your expertise. Now, you asked to see me. What can I help you with?”

“Thank you for your kind words. I have enjoyed my time here. What I wanted to talk about is the new intern I’ve been assigned in the ER, Dr. Cash.”

“What seems to be the problem? I assume it’s a problem, otherwise you wouldn’t be asking to see me.”

“Unfortunately, you’re correct. He’s not listening to my directives. He thinks he knows better than I do. When I tell him to do or not do something, oftentimes, he’ll do the opposite. An example is a couple of weeks ago, he discharged a patient I specifically told him not to. I told him to wait until I saw her again.” Dr. Knowles was now frowning.

I continued, “He’s disrespectful in how he talks to people. I noticed he seems to only be that way with me and the other females, whether we’re doctors or nurses. I can’t continue to work with someone like that. I’ve even told him he’s inappropriate. All he does is smirk or sneer. I know the decision to remove someone from the internship is your call. I’d like to ask if you could put him on official notice that he’s in jeopardy of losing this internship if he doesn’t stop, or have him work with another doctor.”

I waited to see what he would say. He might totally side with Dr. Cash. If he did, then I’d have to make some decisions. This, on top of the constant working, was too much. Dr. Knowles got up and was now pacing his office. He came to a stop in front of his desk in front of me.

“I’m sorry to hear he’s been such a problem. I wish you’d said something sooner. I don’t want to have anyone at this hospital who acts like that. Him ignoring you could put a patient in danger and sets up a precedent I don’t like. I’ll have a talk with him. Let’s say we give him another month to see if he straightens up. I’m not comfortable just moving him to another doctor. He’ll either come around or he’ll be out of the program. Is that an acceptable plan?”

I hated the idea of putting up with him another month, but I could stand it. “Yes, I can do that. Thank you so much. I hate to cause waves for anyone. I remember how hard internships are, but this isn’t going to benefit anyone if he doesn’t listen and learn. May I ask how soon I can expect this conversation to happen with him?”

“Give me a couple of days to get him in here. It will be before the end of this week, I promise. Now, I need you to promise to come to me if he continues to be an issue. I’ll need you to document notes on what he’s been doing or not doing, with dates, times, and witnesses if you will. I’ll need those if we have to drop him from the program.”

“Here, I have all those here for you. I knew you’d need that. I’ll keep track of any others as well.” I handed him a folder. He looked surprised and pleased.

“Fantastic. Very efficient and thorough. I should expect nothing less. Anything else I can do for you? Is everything else going okay in the ER?”

I hesitated and then thought I might as well let him know about the crazy call offs. “Well, I’d like it if I didn’t get called in on most of my days off. It seems like I’m covering a disproportionate number of days when others call off. I almost wondered if they automatically ask me first. It’s running me down. I’m tired and need to be able to recharge. But other than that, things have been going well.” I didn’t want him to think I was nothing but a whiner.

“Really. Let me check into that. I understand people sometimes have to call off, but no one doctor should be covering so much. I’ll make sure no one is just automatically calling you first or as the only one. I want you to be happy here, Dr. Newton. If there’s anything else, please don’t hesitate to let me know.” We exchanged a few more pleasantries and then I left.

In my car, I sat there for a minute with my head down on the steering wheel. I hadn’t lied to Dr. Knowles. This schedule was killing me. All I wanted to do was sleep. Some days, it was all I could do to get through my day in the ER. After shaking off my fatigue, I headed home. Demon should be there by now. He almost always was at my place before I got off work, except when he worked the evenings at the bar. If I wasn’t too tired, I’d join him there, or we’d go to the clubhouse.

When I pulled into the garage, I saw his bike was parked on the side he’d taken to using. I swear, he should just move in as much as he was here. Maybe I should broach that with him. The idea of him living with me was something I’d been thinking about more and more, but I was worried it was too soon for that.

As I got out of the car, the door from the house opened and out came Demon. God, he had no right to look that hot and sexy! He instantly made me go wet and my body tingle. He swept me up in his arms and kissed the hell out of me. I dropped my purse on the ground and ran my hands up into the back of his hair. He growled.

“’Bout time you got home. Come with me.” He swung me up in his arms and carried me inside. He didn’t stop until he had me in my bedroom. He sat me down on my feet and started to tug off my clothes. There was an urgency in him, though he did seem to be urgent to be with me every time. I reluctantly pushed him away. He frowned.

“What’s wrong, baby? Too tired?” He knew how tired I had been, not that I’d ever denied him sex because of it.

“No, but I do want a shower first. I’ve been at the hospital all day. I feel disgusting.”

He kissed me softly and started leading me to the bathroom. “Sorry, baby. I got excited. You know I can’t wait to touch you, but I know you like to bathe after work too. Why don’t we get in the tub and soak? We can talk about how the conversation with the head of the ER went.”

His willingness to stop and look after my needs made me love him even more. Yes, I loved him. It was quick and scary. I hadn’t gotten up the courage to tell him yet. I think I was waiting to see if he told me he loved me first. As I stripped off my scrubs, he ran the water in the tub and added some bath salts.

He helped me in the water and then got in behind me. He cradled me to his chest and between his long legs. I laughed as I looked at our legs side by side. “What’s so funny?”

“Just our legs. Yours are twice as big and look twice as long as mine. I’m pale as shit next to you.”

He rubbed a hand down my thigh. “I love these legs. Especially when they’re wrapped around me and I’m deep inside of you. And when you’re wearing shorts and I see all that sexiness. And I love your paleness against my skin. Don’t talk any smack about those legs,” he teased.