Chapter 8: Demon

As soon as we pulled into her driveway, she jumped off and tore off her helmet, tossing it on the sissy bar and tramped off toward her front door. I hurried to follow her. Knowing her, she’d lock my ass outside.

I made it to the door before she could get it unlocked. When it opened, I crowded her inside. She swung around and shoved me in the chest. “Back off. I don’t know what your problem is, but I’m not going to put up with it, Demon. You need to leave.” I walked toward her as she backed up. When her back hit the wall, I caged her in with my arms on either side of her body.

“Call me Demon one more time, and I’m going to redden that ass until you can’t sit down for a week. My fucking name is Luca. Say it!” I growled. I was getting more and more pissed. She gave me a stubborn look. I lowered my head and bit her bottom lip. When she hissed in pain, I hoisted her up by her ass and wrapped her legs around me. I headed for her bedroom. She strained to get down. I smacked her ass.

As soon as we got into the room, I went straight to the bed and dropped her down on it. She scrambled backward like she was trying to get away from me. I got on the bed and crouched over top of her. “You’re going to listen to me. When we’re done, I’m going to make love to you until you can’t think, until the two of us pass out because we’re so fucking exhausted. In the morning, we’re going to wake up and do it all over again, and the day after that and the day after that.”

“No, we’re not! I’m not sleeping with someone who acts like you. You’re acting like a barbarian! What has gotten into you?” she half-yelled.

“My goddamn woman ran off. She fucking left without saying a word. All because she saw a couple of women talking to me. All we were doing was talking, Zara. I told them to leave me alone. That I had a woman.”

She froze and gave me a disbelieving look. “I didn’t run off! Yeah, I saw you talking to those women. It’s not like that doesn’t happen all the time though. Everywhere I look, you have them flocking to you. More of your past fuck buddies, I presume,” she snapped.

I sighed. I didn’t want to talk about those women or any of the others I’d been with. “Yes, I’ve been with them in the past. They wanted to hook up again, but I told them no.”

“You were with both of them at the same time?” she asked, her eyes growing wider. I reluctantly nodded. She closed her eyes. When she opened them, I saw the pain in them. She wiggled to get away from me. I lowered myself down on her to keep her from getting away.

“Let me go, Luca.”

“Not until you listen and hear what I’m telling you, baby. I know the women bother you. I’m sorry. I can’t change who I’ve slept with. But I don’t want them. I want you. You can’t keep punishing me for what I did before we ever met. Please, don’t push me away anymore. I thought we were going to give this a chance,” I told her. My chest hurt.

Tears filled her eyes. It killed me to see her look so lost and about to cry. “Luca, how can this ever work? You have been with so many women. You’re going to need a woman who can satisfy you. That’s not me. I don’t have that kind of experience.”

“Why in the hell would you think you couldn’t satisfy me? What do you mean you don’t have that kind of experience?” Surely, she wasn’t a virgin? She was twenty-nine.

“I mean, I haven’t been with countless men. I’ve been with three my whole life. I wasn’t enough for them, so why would I be for you? Hell, you need two women at a time! God, I was an idiot to think this could ever work.” Tears ran down her face as she pushed at me. I cupped her face with my hands, wiping away her tears with my thumbs.

I softly kissed her sexy mouth. She didn’t respond, but I didn’t give up. I couldn’t. She was all I wanted. I couldn’t let her walk away. As I drew back, I looked her in the eyes. “I don’t need two women to satisfy me. Not when you’re the woman I’m with. There’s no way you weren’t enough for them. Why do you distrust men so much? What did they do to you? Did they hurt you?”

My gut clenched into a knot, thinking that one or maybe all of them had done something to her. Maybe something awful. I waited for her to answer me, dreading to hear what she might say.

“Can we please sit up? If you’re going to make me talk about this, I need to sit.” I slowly moved so she could sit up. I sat beside her with my back to the headboard. She sighed.

“Talk,” I told her.

“My first boyfriend was when I was a junior in high school. We dated for six months. Like an idiot, I thought I loved him. So, I slept with him. As soon as he got what he wanted, he moved on to the next girl. I thought I’d never be the same. Then at the beginning of my senior year, I had realized he hadn’t been the love of my life. He was just a stupid guy. That’s when another senior asked me out. I went. He acted like a gentleman for months, never pressuring me to have sex. We’d been dating for about five months when I slept with him. We made it through senior year, and it was almost the end of summer. We planned to go to schools close to each other. I was on cloud nine until I overheard some of the other guys from school. They were talking about us. About how my first boyfriend had bragged to the guys that none of them could get me to sleep with them. That I was still in love with him. My current boyfriend had bet him he could.” I growled when I heard this. She kept talking. It was like she was somewhere else.

“I confronted him. He didn’t even try to lie. He told me he’d done it, but then he tried to tell me he really fell for me. I couldn’t stand to even look at him. I felt used. I broke up with him that day. He tried calling and coming to see me even after I left for school. I wouldn’t see or talk to him. He finally gave up.” She got up to pace around the room. I could see the tension in her body.

“After that, I didn’t date anyone. I focused on getting through my undergraduate program and then medical school. I was getting ready to start my last year before my residency. During clinical rotation, I met a doctor who had finished his residency the year prior. We started out talking about school. Eventually, he got me to go out with him. After that we seemed to do everything together. We’d been seeing each other for nine months when he proposed.” I stiffened to hear her say she’d been going to marry someone else.

“All our friends and family seemed to be thrilled. I moved in with him and we started to plan our wedding. It was hard since I’d just started my residency, but he wanted to get married as soon as possible. I thought it was because he loved me. I was a stupid, blind fool,” she said while laughing humorously.

“What happened? What did he do, Zara?”

“The hours were crazy long. We barely saw each other. He was establishing himself as a doctor, so he had to go to a lot of functions. I thought we’d just have to get through the year, and everything would go back to normal. Then one day, I came down sick. I went to class anyway. As the day progressed, I got sicker. My instructor ordered me to go home and rest, so, I did. I never thought to text him to tell him I was on my way home. I knew he’d be busy at the hospital.” She went to stand and stare out the window into the darkness.

“Imagine my surprise when I came into the apartment and heard voices, and what sounded like moaning. I thought maybe he was home early and watching a porno. I knew he watched them though he didn’t when I was around. I went to the bedroom to tell him I was home. I opened the door, and he was fucking some woman from behind. He was in our bed with another woman! I lost it. I ripped him out of her. She screamed and scrambled to get dressed. He stood there naked, gaping at me in shock, his quickly deflating cock swinging in the air. The woman I recognized as a nurse from the hospital.” She’d wrapped her arms around her middle by now. I could see her pain and she was hunched in on herself. I got up to comfort her. She held up her hand and shook her head no.

“Don’t. I can’t handle that right now. Let me finish. Anyway, as she was getting dressed and he was trying to talk himself out of a hole, I was packing some of my clothes. No way was I staying there with him. She left as soon as she got dressed. He tried to get me to stop. I hit him in the face, then I started to scream at him, asking him why. Finally, after arguing for a long time about how she didn’t mean anything, he told me why.”

She moved to sit on the edge of the bed. “He asked me out because he knew who my family was, and he thought it would help his career. That was the reason he asked me to marry him. He blamed his cheating on the fact that we rarely had sex anymore. When I called the bullshit card and told him it was over, he got ugly.”

“He fucking touched you, didn’t he?” I hissed. I was going to hunt his ass down and end that fucker.

“No, he didn’t touch me. It would have been better if he had. He told me the reason he didn’t have sex with me often and had to go elsewhere to get it. Apparently, it was because I was lousy in bed. I didn’t know what to do. He said that I didn’t know how to satisfy a man.”