“Just for a couple of hours. Maybe next time I’m here, we can take a ride,” he said with a smirk on his face. He knew I wouldn’t go for that shit.

“She won’t be riding with anyone else,” I told him flat out. She gave me a surprised look but didn’t argue. I’d have to make sure she knew that she was to only be on my bike unless it was an emergency. Jinx just smiled more and gave me a chin lift. He and I would be talking as soon as I could get him alone.

We had a leisurely lunch. The conversation was fun and there was a lot of laughing. I was happy to see her relaxing. We were done and settling the bill when her phone rang. She took it out and looked at it, then she looked at me.

“I need to take this. It’s the hospital. Is there somewhere I can go to take it in private?” I knew she often got calls that were about patients. She was careful to never say anything that would violate whatever HIPAA was—something to do with patient confidentiality.

“Go down the hall and at the end is the office. Here, you can use my key,” Bear said. He managed the bar for us. She gave him a grateful smile and left. When she was out of sight, I turned to Jinx. I could tell he was waiting to say something. I was right. He stepped over to stand beside me.

“She’s one special woman, Demon. I really hope what I see on your face is real. She doesn’t deserve to be hurt.”

“I’m only going to say this one more time. She’s mine, and I don’t ever plan to hurt her. That woman is going to be my old lady. Keep your damn hands off her. I don’t know what happened the night of your walk, but it won’t be happening again,” I growled. Images of them kissing flooded my mind. I felt my ire rising again.

“We talked. That’s all. I didn’t touch her. But if you’re not serious about her, I think I might just have to try my hand, however, seeing as you say you’re serious, I won’t try and poach. That’s not my style. But I think you might have your hands full with her. I get the feeling she’s been burned. She doesn’t trust a lot of people in general and men even less. Keep that in mind.”

“I will. I don’t ever intend to lose her, Jinx. I know she has trust issues. Not sure yet why. But she’s it for me. I’m going to make her my old lady and then my wife. God help any man or woman who tries to get between us or to take her away from me,” I warned him.

“Message received. Now, as soon as she gets back, let’s go to the clubhouse. I could stand a drink. I prefer to drink there than out here.” I nodded as he clapped me on the shoulder.

Our conversation had gone on long enough that I thought she should be done with her call. I didn’t see her coming from the back hall. I headed toward the office to check that everything was alright. As I rounded the corner, I heard a raised voice. It was Zara’s.

“Mr. Barnes, I told you, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Now, let me pass.” I saw a large man looming over her. His face was angry.

“Like hell you don’t! You were the fucking one to tell the police I hurt her. They took my ass to jail. When I got out, she was gone. I know you had something to do with that, you bitch. Tell me where she is,” he roared and grabbed her by her upper arms. I charged down the hall. No man was going to lay hands on her.

I’d almost gotten to them when she kicked out at him. Her knee took him square in the crotch. He doubled over with a groan. Next, her knee connected with his nose. Blood flew. I made it to them, latched a hold of his neck before she could do something else, and jerked him away from her. My fist landed square on his jaw.

“You keep your goddamn hands off her, do you hear me? If you don’t, I’ll put you in traction for a few months.” I looked at Zara to be sure she wasn’t hurt. She was watching us with her mouth hanging open. “Are you hurt?” She shook her head no. “What’s his problem?”

“His wife came into the ER a couple of days ago. She was beat all to hell. He’s the one who did it. When it was reported, he was arrested. I guess she’s left him, and he can’t find her. He blames me and thinks I know where she is. I don’t. Once she was discharged, I had no contact with her.”

“Lying bitch! Why don’t you mind your own business? She’s my wife and what I do to her is no one’s business,” he hissed. I jerked him upright and slammed my fist into his gut. The air whooshed out of him. The idea of a man hurting women and children set me off. Really, it set me and all my brothers off. Some had grown up in abusive homes.

“Don’t call her a bitch. You think it’s okay to put your hands on a woman? That if she’s your wife, she has no rights? That you can put your hands on her and it’s fine? I think you need a little educating.” I looked over my shoulder when I saw Zara’s eyes stray there. Standing behind me were my three brothers and the three Marauders. They had very pissed looks on their faces.

“Give him to me. We’ll take him and make sure he’s re-educated,” Animal said. He had an unholy gleam in his eyes. Jinx and Mad Dog both nodded and cracked their knuckles. I looked back at my captive. He was now sweating and looked ill. His eyes were jumping all over the place, taking in our size, number, and cuts. I guess mine hadn’t registered with him. I threw him toward Animal.

“Good. I need to take Doc for another ride. Just a quick one, then we’ll see you at the compound. You can take care of the trash. If I ever hear of you coming near Doc again or threatening another woman, I’ll finish what these guys start. I can promise you, you won’t walk away,” I told the now shaking man. He gave a sick sounding wheeze. Animal and Mad Dog grabbed his arms and dragged him to the back door. I went over to Zara.

“Are you sure you’re okay, Hellion?”

“Hellion? Really? You seem to like to call me that. I’m fine. He caught me unaware. It was my fault for not staying more situationally aware. I could have handled him, Demon.”

“Maybe. But you don’t need to do it. That’s why you have me. And you are a hellion. You’re always causing trouble. Now, if you’re ready, let’s go,” I told her with a wink, before taking her hand and heading toward the door. She followed me without protest. Out in the parking lot, Bear, Player, and Tank got on their bikes.

“Want to take a shorter ride? The weather is nice, and we could see more of the scenery.” I had my fingers figuratively crossed that she’d agree. I wanted her wrapped around me and to be alone a tad longer. She hesitated, and I held my breath.

“Okay, let’s go. I have to admit, I did enjoy the ride to Lebanon and back. But only a short one. If you want to go out tonight, I need to change.”

“Baby, I promise to get you back in time to change and for us to stop at the compound.”

“Then I’m game.” With her consent, I yelled over to Tank who was the closest to us.

“We’re going for a ride. See you later at the clubhouse.” He nodded and grinned. They knew I was working hard on this relationship with her. We took off. I stayed on the secondary roads where there was more to see and more curves. I loved when she’d tighten her arms around me on those turns. It made my cock jump in anticipation. We rode for a half an hour before I stopped to gas up and let her get some feeling back into her ass.

I pulled her to me. “Is your ass hurting again?” She blushed and then nodded. I slid my hands down and gently grabbed both cheeks, massaging them. Her eyes fluttered and a look of pleasure came over her face, as a low moan left her mouth. Jesus, that sounded fucking sexy. I could imagine her doing the same as I sank into her.

I lowered my head so I could capture her lips. As my hands continued to massage her lush ass, my mouth devoured hers. She had the softest lips I’d ever felt, and she always had this underlying sweet taste. I flicked my tongue inside to touch hers. Her arms came up around my shoulders and she pushed into me harder. I knew she could feel how hard my cock was between us. I tugged her even closer.