“Why? What are they doing?” I asked curiously.

“They’re a bunch of horny men coming in there to flirt and eye fuck the staff. And fucking Jessica is oblivious to it. I warned her to watch them and she looked at me like I was crazy. And that fuckwad, Officer Talbot, is one of the worst! He’s in there every day now, getting his Danish and sitting there taking his damn time to eat it. He never looks away from her. I don’t like it. Someone could get obsessed with her or something. Can’t we get someone else to work the front so she can stay in the back and bake?”

I choked back my laugh. No doubt about it, he had it bad. “Well, I’d have to see if we can afford another person right now. We may have to wait. She’d probably have fewer issues if she wasn’t single and unattached. Though there are still guys who look even when they are. Madisen had a doctor in here a little while ago who I wanted to flatten.”

Ajax looked at me and sighed. “She’d be spoken for if I could get her to talk to me and believe I want something with her. The damn woman is oblivious. She honestly was surprised when I said I wanted to go out with her. She thought I was joking. The shit at the party only added to it. She seems to think I’d want the likes of a bunny over her. She is totally unaware of her attractiveness. God, I’m gonna lose my mind before this is through,” he groaned.

“So, are you saying you want to date her and get serious or just to hook up? Because hooking up isn’t what I see when I look at Jess.”

“Hell no, I don’t want to hook up! I want her. She’s all I can fucking think about. I just need to get her to take me seriously and see what I see. Having all these other men slobbering all over themselves when they look at her is going to drive me to kill someone. I had to warn Lash over there when he first saw her. Luckily, he listened to my warning, though I still don’t want him around her.”

I looked at Lash. He was talking to Madisen and Jessica. He was doing a great job not staring, but you could see he had some appreciation in his eyes. I saw it even when he looked at Madisen.

“Listen, I hate guys looking at Madisen too, but we’re going to have to find a way to live with it. Our women are beautiful and sexy, and guys are going to respond to it. As long as they don’t step out of line, we have to ignore it. When someone does step out of line, we shut that shit down immediately.” Ajax nodded. The girls talked for a little while longer. Ajax asked Madisen how she was doing, but other than that, he stayed quiet.

Once they left, Madsen settled down for the night. We watched some cooking shows on television until she fell asleep. The room was private, so they found a cot for me to use and brought it into the room. Not the best bed I ever had, but I’d slept on worse too. All we needed to do was get her back on her feet and home. I drifted off, secure in the knowledge my brothers were on guard. I could rest with her in my sights. And soon, we’d be back home.