Chapter: 9 Madisen

A week had passed since the incident at the bakery, when the prospect let a man in the back of the bakery and he left me a message on the door. I didn’t feel safe anywhere but at the compound, but I made sure not to tell Rebel this. He would have locked me down there and I had to be at the bakery. I needed to bake and make sure the business was growing.

He didn’t tell me much about what was going on in the search for my stepdad, only that the club was working on it. I found that to be frustrating. He said it was club business. We’d argued a couple times about it, however, I let it rest since I needed all my energy to get up and through my day. This first trimester was kicking my ass. The nausea would come out of nowhere at any time. The vomiting was still happening but not as often. I was exhausted most days. The only positive I found was my need for sex was in overdrive. I wanted Rebel several times a day. I couldn’t get enough of him. He was loving it though he did try sometimes to get me to sleep more.

Today was Saturday. Jessica was handling the baking for me. I’d dropped my workdays to Monday through Friday. She was doing an excellent job with the baking. I felt good about leaving her to do it. Since I was off, I was at the clubhouse with Jocelyn and Devyn while the guys were in church. We were talking about going baby shopping.

I was only nine weeks along. I had a long way to go and we couldn’t find out the sex for at least another nine weeks or so. Dev was around twenty-six weeks. She and Ace had found out they were going to have a boy. Ace was walking around with a smile on his face. As for Jocelyn, she was just at twenty weeks and had gone a few days ago to see the doctor to determine the sex of their twins. She and Bull had returned, smiling from ear to ear. We all tried to get it out of them, but they resisted all our efforts. They wanted to tell everyone at the same time. This included his daughter, Harlow, and her husband, Terror. So, we were waiting for the Dublin Falls gang to get here. We were going to have a cookout and gender reveal. Plus, we’d be celebrating Ace and Devyn’s little boy and Hunter had just turned five, two days ago! Bull was chomping at the bit to see him and give him his gifts.

All this made me even more eager to know what Rebel and I would have. It would be wonderful to have so many kids around the same age. Our baby would have lots of playmates to grow up with. Though he didn’t really have a preference, Rebel had admitted he would like for our first one to be a boy. That way he would be able to protect any sisters who came along. I told him my daughters would be taught to protect themselves. They wouldn’t need a man. Rebel insisted they wouldn’t need any man but their daddy. I could see some fights if we had girls and they started to date.

With all three of us pregnant, the guys refused to let us cook for the celebration. They would be grilling the meat while the club’s bar/restaurant would do all the sides. I’d won the battle for the bakery to do the desserts. Jessica had helped me to get those all done. She and Trudie, as well as Trudie’s husband, would be coming today as friends of the club. I’d gotten close with both of them and Jessica in particular. Also, it hadn’t escaped my notice that Ajax seemed to be into her. I think she felt the same. I’d caught her looking at him more than once and blushing when he said anything to her or looked at her. I didn’t know what her story was yet, but I knew there was one.

Tate was going to pick up the desserts and the side dishes later before the cookout. He and the other prospects had gotten tables and chairs with shade awnings set up and purchased all the alcohol and other beverages we’d need for the day. I was looking forward to talking to the others from Dublin Falls. I’d met them at the last get-together, but it had included the other clubs and there were too many people to spend a lot of time with everyone.

Jocelyn had decided we’d see if the guys would let us go shopping in the next couple of weeks. If we did it on a Sunday, most of the guys would be available and they would have no trouble putting together an escort. Both she and Devyn wanted to go to Nashville to shop. They had a better selection of stores. I was planning to rely on Jocelyn to tell me what I truly needed for the baby, since she’d done this before with Dev. I loved babies and kids but had no experience in buying what they needed.

We were laughing about Dev’s weird craving for ice cream and sea salt when the guys came out of church. When Rebel, Ace, and Bull exited, they headed straight for us. The other guys teased them about not being able to resist us. I waited for them to argue, but they all nodded and said they were right. God, did I love this man. In a short time, he’d become my whole life. My heart was his. He wasn’t shy about telling me he loved me and that I had his heart. Who would think a big, bad, alpha biker could be so sweet?

He kissed me leisurely, making sure his tongue and mine danced with each other. When we parted, I was slightly breathless. I saw both the other ladies had very satisfied looks on their faces too.

“Baby, can I get you anything?” I shook my head no. “It’s still a few hours until the others get here. You should take a nap so you can enjoy yourself. Why don’t we go lie down for a little bit?” he cajoled. He was always trying to get me to take a nap. However, this time, I thought it was a good idea. I didn’t want to run out of steam before the party even started.

I told the others I was going to take a nap. Ace and Bull both thought it was a great idea. Before we headed to our room in the clubhouse, they had Devyn and Jocelyn agreeing to take naps too. Rebel grinned as he led me down the hall. When he got me in the room, he stripped off my clothes and pulled one of his tee shirts over my head. I liked to sleep naked at night, but during the day, I wanted one of his shirts. Weird, I know. He stripped down to nothing and slid under the covers with me. Seeing his sexy hard body instantly made me slick and horny. He grinned when he saw my face.

“Is my baby horny?” he teased as he ran his finger down my neck to my nipples.

“When aren’t I? I swear I think of sex more than guys. It’s your fault for being so damn hot. I’m not going to be able to take that nap without a little incentive.” I pouted. He laughed and tossed the sheet to the foot of the bed.

“Well, I can’t have my woman telling anyone I’m not satisfying her or taking care of all her needs.” He laid back on the bed. “Climb up here and give me that pussy. Turn so you can suck my cock while I eat you, babe.” I hurried to do as he asked. He knew I loved having his cock in my mouth almost as much as I loved it in my pussy, and him going down on me.

His first lick had me moaning as I took his cock slowly into my mouth. I hummed, causing him to hiss. I made sure to keep up the attention to his cock as he drove me insane. It was hard to do. I got caught up in the pleasure streaking through my body. I nibbled on the head of his cock gently with my teeth then licked down his length and back up. Once I did that, I sucked one of his balls into my mouth and twirled it around.

He broke away long enough to say, “That feels so good. Work my balls, baby.”

I went back to working both of them then massaging them with my hands while I took his cock back in my mouth and swallowed him down. I was getting close, and I knew he was by the way he was moaning and his sac was tightening up. I doubled my efforts.

“I’m gonna come, Madisen. Come with me. Give me more of that honey.”

His eagerness for my juices and his fingers thrusting in my hole while he licked and sucked my pussy sent me over the edge. I screamed around his cock as I came. This caused him to lose control, and he shot his load down my throat. I swallowed every drop. I loved it when I could get him off and have him come in my mouth. When we both came down, he eased me over onto my side and turned me around. He kissed me, letting me taste myself on his lips and him to taste himself on mine. After a passionate kiss, we collapsed. I was feeling sleepy. He hugged me close and rubbed up and down my back. I drifted off in a happy haze of bliss.

It was after one when I woke up. Rebel wasn’t in the bed. He was probably out getting ready to greet our guests. They were due to arrive around three o’clock. I got up, put my hair in a shower cap and jumped in the shower. I’d washed my hair last night, so that would save me time. After I got out, I did my makeup and hair, nothing too crazy. I left my hair down and curled the ends. I slipped on a pair of tight jeans, high-heeled black heels with a snakeskin pattern on the back of the shoes. The top was a royal blue, cold-shoulder eyelet, lace-up top. The shoulders were open with a small quarter sleeve below it. The front was cut low with string lacing it up. Rebel hadn’t seen me in either the top or the heels. For my jewelry, I wore a silver choker, cuff bracelet and hoops. Looking at myself in the mirror, I felt like I looked good. You couldn’t tell I was pregnant yet. After a spritz of perfume and slipping on my cut, I exited our room to go find Rebel and see what I could do.

The common room was busy. I saw Devyn and Jocelyn were already here. They were talking at one of the tables. I didn’t see Rebel so I went over to them. They both smiled.

“You look hot as hell. Did Rebel see you yet?” Devyn asked.

“Thank you. No, he hasn’t. The two of you look gorgeous as always. Is there anything I need to do?”

“No. It’s all been handled. We were told to sit and relax. I think Rebel is outside, making sure everything is set for the grills. Have a seat. Terror and the Dublin gang should be here soon,” Jocelyn said. As soon as I sat, Tate was setting down a bottle of water and iced tea on our table. He knew I loved tea, and that Rebel insisted I drink lots of water. I thanked him. He gave me a cute smile. I looked at the ladies.

“I don’t know if we’re supposed to have favorites, but Tate is mine out of the prospects. Don’t get me wrong, I like Jake and Alex too, but I’m around Tate more. He can be funny as hell. At least when he’s on guard duty, I get some laughs,” I told them. Both nodded.

“I agree about Tate. I really like all three of them. I think they’ll make it and earn their patches. Jake and Tate should be ending their year soon. Honestly, I’m glad Jonah is gone. He always gave me a weird vibe,” Devyn said.

“Me too! Good riddance,” I told them.

“Good riddance to who?” Rebel asked as he came up behind me. I jumped in surprise. He kissed me and took a seat.