“Baby, tell us,” I told her. She sighed.

“There is someone else, but I don’t think it’s him. If it was, I should have been warned.” She paused before continuing. “If it was anyone else, I’d say it could have been my stepdad.” Her answer stunned me. Why would her stepdad want to hurt her? And why did she say she should have been warned?

“Why your stepdad, sweetheart? Who was supposed to warn you and why?” Bull asked her gently.

“Because he said he’d kill me after I sent him to prison just over four years ago. But he’s not supposed to be out yet. He got an eight-year sentence. He would have no idea where to find me.”

“Tell us what happened, babe.”

“Okay, I need to go back a bit. I grew up with my mom. I never knew my dad. When I was eleven, she met my stepdad. Within the year, they were married. I couldn’t stand him. He gave me the creeps and had a bunch of creepier friends he’d hang with. When they would come around, I locked myself in my room. However, my mom was head over heels for him. She wouldn’t listen to a word being said against him. He became her world, and I was left to fend for myself. I planned to move out as soon as I turned eighteen and graduated high school. I ended up hanging around for a year longer so I could finish culinary school. But before I could move out, my mom was diagnosed with cancer. He wouldn’t take care of her. He went about his day doing whatever he wanted, so I took over her care. I took her to appointments, chemo, radiation, you name it. She just kept fading. It took her two years to die. She lost the battle right after I turned twenty-one.” She stopped to take a drink of water. I could see this was hard for her.

“It was after her funeral that I told him I would be moving out. I didn’t want to be there, and he was already partying with his friends. He didn’t act like her dying bothered him at all. He went off when I told him. He yelled that I wasn’t going anywhere. He ranted and raved, then left the house. I figured he was going out to party again. I went to bed. I had a friend who was going to help me move the following weekend. She told me I could stay with her and we’d share the rent. It was hours later that I woke up to him kicking in my bedroom door. He looked wild and crazy. He came in and ranted again. He was saying stuff about not waiting this long only to have me leave. He had put up with her to get me and a bunch of other crap. I admit it stunned me. While I was trying to understand what he was rambling about, he attacked me.” My gut seized. I knew that was what she would say as soon as she said he broke into her room. Jesus, please tell me he didn’t violate her.

“We fought. He was strong and high on something, but I was finally able to get away from him. I ran to the neighbor’s house, and she called the police. I’d knocked him out, so he was still there when the police arrived. He was arrested and later tried. He was sentenced for attempted rape, aggravated assault with a gun and a few other things. I never even saw the gun. He swore he’d find me and make me pay when he got out. The warden at the prison they sent him to promised he’d tell me if he came up for parole and if he was getting out. Not long after that, I left and came here to Hunters Creek. Everyone back home was talking about me, him and what happened. Some thought I’d done something to cause him to attack me. Any friends I thought I had no longer would talk to me. I had a great aunt here in Hunters Creek. She was the only one I’d ever liked. She told me to move here, which I did three years ago. No one back there knew where I went. Then my aunt Margo got sick and died last year. I liked it here, so I stayed after she died.”

Seeing the pain on her face, I went to the bed and sat down beside her. I gently tugged her into my arms. She stiffened at first, then slowly relaxed. Bull came over and kissed her forehead.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I know that was hard to tell us.”

Scarelli looked on with concern. “Madisen, thank you for telling us. I need to know his name and which prison they sent him to. I’ll have it checked out just in case he got out with no one telling you. In the meantime, you rest and get better. If you remember anything, let one of these two know and they’ll get a hold of me.

“His name is Paul Butler. He’s in the Draper Correctional Facility in Alabama.

“Thank you, sweetheart. I’ll see you later.”

He shook my hand and then Bull followed him out to the hallway.

I rubbed up and down her arm. She peeked at me through her lashes. “Thanks, Rebel. I’m alright. I hate thinking about him, but I’m fine. You and Bull were great to check in on me, but you guys can leave. I’m sorry you were dragged out in the middle of the night like this. I only hope we can get the bakery repaired and reopened soon.”

I pulled away and looked down at her. Her sexy mouth was tempting me to kiss her. I controlled myself… barely. “Babe, there is no damn way we’re leaving you alone with someone out there gunning for you. And it isn’t just me and Bull here. The whole damn club is waiting to see you.” She jerked in surprise. “Now, I would like you to rest, but two guys need to see you. Is that alright?” She nodded. I texted Joker to tell him he and Ajax could come in. The rest would have to wait until she had some sleep.

A minute later, they came through the door. Joker smirked when he saw me sitting on her bed, holding her in my arms. Ajax smiled. Joker came over and kissed her on the cheek. I couldn’t stop the growl from coming out. I knew he said they were friends, but I didn’t want any man touching her. Call me a caveman.

“Hey, sexy. How’re you feeling? Do you need anything? If so, let me know and I’ll go get it,” Joker told her tenderly. She smiled and touched his face. I tensed up.

“I’m fine, Joker. Thanks for the offer. I can’t think of anything right now. Maybe some clothes when they discharge me. Hopefully, they’ll let me go home tomorrow. Hi, Ajax.”

Ajax came over and pushed Joker out of his way, so he could kiss her forehead and halfway hug her. I narrowed my eyes at him, and he laughed. She looked at him, confused. She had no idea I was warning him off. She wasn’t looking at my face. They chatted with her for several minutes. I was about to tell them they should leave when Bull came back in with Jocelyn, Ace, and Devyn. Joker and Ajax told her they’d see her later and left. Jocelyn and Devyn fussed over her for a little while. She tried to reassure them she was fine. I caught Bull’s eyes and jerked my head toward the door. He gave me a chin lift. I slid off the bed. She looked at me with wide eyes. I think she forgot I was holding her.

“Baby, I’ll be back. I need to talk to Bull for a minute. You and the girls talk. I’ll be back.” She nodded. Out in the hall, we stood in a dark corner at the end of the hall. “What’s up, Bull? Did Scarelli tell you anything else?”

He shook his head no. “He didn’t tell me anything else. He’s worried like we are. He told me he’d let us know what he found out about her stepdad and that Chris guy. I see you staking a claim in there. You realize if you go there with her, it’s not for a casual hookup, right?”

“Believe me, I know. I don’t want to just hook up with her. I want her. It killed me thinking Joker was with her. But I want her safe, Bull. She needs to have someone from the club with her at all times. I want it to be me, but I know there might be times I can’t. Whoever did this might try again. When we find out who did this, he’s mine. I want to deliver the final blow when we end his life.” Bull didn’t argue. He had been the same with Jocelyn. We might do things some people didn’t agree with, but we never harmed women and children. Our old ladies were our queens. Madisen would be my queen. From the sounds of it, she’d had a shit life. Well, not anymore.

“Good. As for protecting her, you’re claiming her, right?” I nodded. “Then we need to have church with the guys. We need to discuss what we found out and come up with a game plan for her protection and the repair of the bakery. When we get the person responsible, you’ll get your chance. Now, why don’t you go spend a little time with her. I’ll get the women out of there. I’ll have Tate come to stand guard, so you can come back for church. We’ll do it at three this afternoon. Does that work for you?”

“That works. Thanks, Bull.” He slapped my shoulder, and we went back inside. Bull got the ladies to wind up their talk when we saw Madisen yawn. They promised to come back to see her later. After they left, I pulled up my chair. I wanted to crawl back in that bed with her, but she needed to sleep. She threw me a puzzled look.

“Rebel, seriously. There’s no reason you have to stay. I’m in a hospital. No one will come after me in here. Go get some sleep.”

“Not happening, Firecracker. I’m your bodyguard. You go to sleep. I’ll keep watch.” She harrumphed out her displeasure.

“Fine. How did you draw the short straw and get this detail? Did you piss off Bull or something?”

I laughed. “No, I asked for it.”

“Why in the hell would you ask for it? Are you crazy or something?” she fired back at me. I could see her fiery personality coming back. I’d planned to talk to her later about us, but it looked like I needed to talk to her now. I stood up and sat on the edge of her bed. I ran my finger down her cheek and to her lips. She still had the oxygen on, but it was one of those nose things. Good. I leaned down and kissed that mouth that had been tempting me. At first, she didn’t move. I pressed harder and teased the seam between her upper and bottom lips until she opened. As soon as she did, I thrust my tongue into her mouth. I wanted to taste her. I wasn’t disappointed. I was instantly addicted to her taste. As I deepened it, she kissed me back. I pulled her closer with the hand that I’d grabbed the back of her head with. The kiss went on until we had to breathe. When we pulled away from each other, her face was flushed and her eyes were stunned.