“How long has she been gone?” I asked with a lump in my throat.

She looked at her phone. “Over an hour.” I hugged her then headed for the door. Terror caught up with me. Harley was cowering behind his back.


“I don’t have time for this right now, Terror. My woman has left the fucking resort. I have no idea where she is or if she’s all right. I need to find her. I’m going to find her. We won’t be heading back tomorrow with you to Dublin Falls.”

Harley sobbed. “Dad, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t—”

“You’re right, you shouldn’t have. You have no idea what she’s been through in her life. How she worked and sacrificed, so she could give her daughter a better one. She doesn’t take money from anyone. It’s all I can do to get her to accept anything from me. I meant what I said. I’m marrying her and I plan to have kids with her, God willing. We’re already trying.” I heard Devyn gasp. I shook my head and walked off. Terror was yelling my name, but I ignored him.

Seeing Outlaw, I went over to him. He was with several of the others from my club. They all had frowns on their faces. “I need you to find Jocelyn. She left and went to a hotel. Probably near the Charleston airport. Can you trace her phone?”

Outlaw nodded. “Let me get my laptop and I can.” I told him to meet me back in our room. Ace and Devyn went with me. Less than five minutes later, Outlaw, as well as my whole club, were crowded in my room. I paced as I waited to see if he could find her. Devyn and I had filled them in about what Harley had said about Jocelyn. The guys were all swearing and looking pissed. Demon more so than anyone. I was watching Outlaw.

Suddenly his frown turned into a smile. “I got her. She’s at the Embassy Suites near the airport. I’ll text you the address. Not sure which room she’s in yet.” Grabbing my jeans, boots, and a different shirt, I went into the bathroom. In a matter of minutes, I was out and headed for the door.

“I’m going to get her. Ace. Will you grab my things and bring them back with you? We’re going to leave from there and head home instead of going to Dublin Falls. You guys come back when you’re ready.”

I heard several snorts. “What?”

“You think we’re going to let you ride off alone, and then stick around here? No disrespect to the Dublin Falls crew, but Jocelyn is our queen bee. We go where she goes. Harley needs her ass beat,” Slash growled. The others all nodded, even Demon.

“Grab your shit. We roll out in ten minutes.” They all hurried away. I began to stuff my things into my bag. I was almost done when there was a knock at my door. I yanked it open. There stood Terror. I turned my back on him.

“I told you, I don’t have time. I need to go find Jocelyn.”

He walked in and shut the door. “I know. I heard you. I wanted to see if you needed any help. Fuck, Bull, I can’t tell you how sorry I am. I have no idea what’s come over Harlow. I thought she’d accepted that you had someone after that first phone call. To tell you the truth, I’m not too happy with her either. I think Jocelyn is wonderful and a perfect match for you. Anyone can see you love each other. Maybe Harlow is threatened by it.”

“She might be, but that is no excuse for her to say what she did! My God, Terror. I could have given the two of you a lot of shit when you told me you wanted to claim her. I didn’t. A little gentle teasing was it. I could see how you felt.”

“What did you mean earlier about her life before you met her?”

“She was kicked out by her parents when she got pregnant at sixteen by the boy she thought loved her. She refused to have an abortion. They disowned her. The boy ran because he only slept with her as a bet since she wasn’t easy. She lived in a home for unwed teenage mothers until eighteen. She got her GED, worked two or more jobs at a time plus went to college at night for years to get her paralegal degree. If she hadn’t stopped to help her daughter pay for pharmacy school, she’d be a lawyer already. Devyn told Ace how she used to starve herself and only eat ramen so Devyn could have enough to eat. That is the fucking kind of woman I’m in love with. She doesn’t care about my age or money. She loves me.”

He hung his head and rubbed his eyes. “Jesus! Okay, tell me what we can do. We want to help.”

“Nothing. We know where Jocelyn is. Outlaw found her. We’re going to get her, and we’ll stay in Charleston. Just keep Harley away from us for now. Maybe in a few weeks, I’ll be able to talk to her, I don’t know. But I will tell you this, if she can’t accept Jocelyn, then our future relationship will probably only be about the kids and the club.”

He quietly left the room after clasping me on the shoulder. I grabbed my bag and hurried down to the parking lot. The rest of the guys were there as well as Devyn and Ace. I saw some of the other Warriors, Marauders, Souls, and Punishers had come out to see what was happening. The roar of our bikes must have gotten their attention. I ignored them as we pulled out.

All the way to Charleston, I fumed about Harley and worried about Jocelyn. What if she didn’t believe me? What if she was too hurt to listen to me? God, if I lost her, I don’t know what I would do. She was soul deep for me. There was no way to get her out without carving out my own soul and heart.

We pulled into the Embassy Suites around midnight. I parked my bike then raced into the lobby. I went to the front desk. The young girl there smiled at me. “I’d like to check which room my wife is in. Her name is Jocelyn Atkins.”

She frowned. “I’m sorry, sir. I can’t give out the room numbers of our guests. I can ring her if you’d like.”

“No, I want to surprise her. Which room is she in?”

She kept shaking her head. I was about to lose my cool when Outlaw ran inside. “She’s in room 404.”

The girl gasped. “How do you know that?”

“Because I hacked your shitty system, sweetheart. Now, how about you stay quiet and don’t call the police and we’ll forget about that pot you’ve been smoking.” She squeaked in fright. I had no idea how he knew she had pot, but I didn’t care. All I wanted to do was get to my woman. I left them to find rooms.

Room 404 was at the far end of the hall from the elevators. I knocked. There was no answer. I knocked again. Then I heard a faint, “Who is it?”

“It’s your man, darlin’. Open the door, Jocelyn.” A moment later, the door opened. She stared at me in apprehension. I pushed inside. As soon as the door closed, I had her in my arms, devouring her lips. I swung her up and carried her to the bed. I laid her down and covered her with my body. I nipped and kissed her lips. She was at least kissing me back. When I got control of myself, I pulled away from her.