“Hello, baby. The kitchen smells awesome. Should you be drinking with your pain pills?” he asked with a frown. I laughed.

“I’m not taking the pain pills. Tylenol is all I need. I hate to take those kinds of pills unless I’m in terrible pain, so the wine is fine. Do you want me to get you a beer or something?” I went to rise, but he pushed me gently back down in the chair.

“I’ll get it. You stay here.” He went back in the house only to return a minute later with two beers. He handed one to Ace, and he sat down with us.

“How was your day? Did you guys get whatever you were working on, done?” I asked them. Both of them looked at each other and smiled. Bull was the one to answer me.

“Yeah, we got it handled. Also, I wanted to let you know we’ll be having a party the Saturday after next. I have a meeting set up with our affiliate clubs—The Pagan Souls, the Iron Punishers, and a new one Terror has recommended, the Ruthless Marauders. I was going to have the other Warriors clubs come too but decided to wait until the next time. I want to vet them on my own and see what we can do for each other. The Souls and Punishers have already proven themselves, but the Marauders are new. We’ll do it as a barbeque like last time. The Dark Angel will be the one to cater all the food.” I began to protest, but he stopped me. “I know you would do it. But it’s too much for you and Devyn to be expected to handle. If you want to do the desserts, then fine.”

I decided not to argue. I knew it was to keep me from overdoing it. I nodded so he would know I was listening. “How many people should we expect?” He thought about it for a minute.

“I’d say with members and some will bring their old ladies and bunnies, seventy-five max. If the two of you need help, let me know and I can get a couple of the bunnies to help you.” I looked at Devyn. There was no way we wanted to ask them for help. I’d keep that to myself. I stood up to pull the lasagna out of the oven so it could sit. We chatted for another fifteen minutes, then all of us went inside to eat. The guys ended up having two huge helpings. They were both moaning about how good it was. Ace looked at Bull.

“We’d better keep how good they cook to ourselves. If the guys heard about this, they’d be here every night asking for food.” Bull laughed. I looked at them.

“I’d love to cook for all of you. It’s just as easy to cook for two as it is for dozens. Sometimes I find it easier, since many of my recipes are for a larger number of people.” Both of them sat there frozen.

Bull swallowed and asked, “You still want to cook for the guys? Babe, you know I don’t expect that and neither do they. They might tease you about doing it, but no one would expect it.” I smiled at him.

“I know they don’t expect it, but I’d enjoy it. I told you guys before, I’d cook meatloaf. It wasn’t a one-time offer. How about we set something up and try? Like, I’ll cook one night a week. You guys decide which night, then everyone can tell me what their favorite meals are. I can make up menus based on their input and some of my own. It would be fun, wouldn’t it, Devyn?” She nodded.

Bull and Ace stayed silent, then Bull got up and came around the table. He leaned down and took my mouth in a sweet, heated kiss. When he broke away, he smiled. “I’d love it if you would cook for my guys. I know they’d love it. We can try it and if you don’t want to do it anymore, let me know. God, you’re perfect,” he whispered. I blushed. I wasn’t perfect, but I loved that he thought I was. He sat back down. Devyn and Ace were grinning at us. I ignored them.

After dinner, the guys insisted they would clean up. Never would I imagine seeing two tough bikers cleaning dishes. I had to take a picture when they weren’t looking. Once that was done, Ace and Devyn said they were going to hang at the clubhouse. I was bored and wished I could go too. Bull must have seen it on my face because he asked if I felt like going. I nodded eagerly. I rushed upstairs to change into nicer clothes and check on my face. Bull followed me.

“Baby, you don’t need to change. You look perfect like that. And you definitely don’t need any damn makeup,” he growled when I went to apply some. He took it away from me. I huffed at him.

“Nick, I want your guys to like me and think I’m worthy of you. I can’t go there looking like this!”

He turned me around and wrapped his arms around me. “Look at me. You are already liked by the guys and they know you’re too good for me. You are fucking stunning without a stitch of makeup on. You don’t need to do anything else. And if you think you’re not, feel this.” He took my hand and laid it on his jeans-covered crotch. He was hard and full. I rubbed back and forth across him, which caused him to groan. “Damn, don’t do that, babe. I’m trying to be good and let you heal.”

I squeezed him gently and kissed up his neck to his ear. “No need to wait. I’m more than ready for you. Let’s go to the clubhouse and then when we get back, I’ll show you.”

He shuddered. “Maybe. Let’s see how you feel. Now, stop tempting me and let’s go.” He smacked me on the ass. I shook my head as I followed him downstairs and out the door. The weather was still nice, so we decided to walk. When we got inside, I could see most of the guys were here. They all yelled out greetings. Ace and Devyn were on one of the couches. Bull led me over to a plush chair near them. “What do you want to drink, baby?” I told him I wanted a Coke. He nodded and went to the bar. He was back in no time with a Coke for both of us. He had me stand up so he could sit, then he pulled me down on his lap. He started nuzzling my ear and neck, and I shivered. He knew what that did to me.

Several of the guys came over and took seats around us. Player was smiling. “So, it looks like you must be feeling better, Jocelyn. Otherwise, Bull wouldn’t be all over you like a hound with a bone.” The others laughed along with me. Bull looked up and narrowed his eyes.

“You calling my woman a bone, asshole?”

Player hurried to shake his head. “No, I’m not. You just act like she is. You can’t get enough of her. She’s far from a bone. You know you’ve got the catch of the century. I just can’t understand what she sees in you. I mean, she should consider other options. Like me, for example.” He looked at me and winked. I waited to hear what else he had to say. Bull had stopped kissing me. Player continued, “I think she should leave your ass and be mine. I’m better looking, sexier and not to mention younger. What if you can’t keep up with her?” I looked at Bull to see how he would take those comments, especially the older one.

“Well, Player, I guess you don’t understand. Women want more than a pretty boy. They want substance. As for you being sexier, I don’t think so. And as for me being older than Jocelyn, it’s like that saying, I’m like a fine wine. I get better with age. So, don’t worry. I can more than satisfy my woman. If you don’t want to find your ass six feet under, you’d better remember this. I’ll fight to the death to keep her.” Bull threw him a smirk. Player didn’t look at all offended. He threw his head back and laughed.

“I told you guys, he’s a goner. Our Pres is off the market. Ladies are crying all over Hunters Creek,” he teased. I didn’t doubt there were plenty of women who would be jealous of me being with Bull. He just shook his head at Player’s remark. I looked at him.

“Well then, how many death threats should I expect from all those disappointed women? Just so I can better prepare myself. Maybe I need to carry a gun. Does anyone know where I can get a permit to carry?” I teased Bull. He hugged me closer.

“You don’t need to worry about any women. Anyone says something to you, tell me, and I’ll take care of it. Although, carrying a gun isn’t a terrible idea. All the ladies in the Dublin Falls chapter do. Ranger does their classes. If we can’t find you a class around here, I’ll ask him to come over. It would be good for both you and Devyn to get a permit to conceal carry.”

I looked at Devyn. She nodded. I knew I didn’t have a problem with it. I’d just never looked into it here in Tennessee. “I’d love to do the class and I know Dev would too. But as for the jealous women, no, I won’t tell you about those. I’ll handle them myself. If I’m with a big, bad biker, I can’t be a pushover. I know a little about taking care of myself, though if anyone teaches self-defense, I’d love to learn more.”

Bull looked at me, surprised. “Babe, if you want to learn more, a bunch of the guys can help. Demon, Payne, Ajax, Rebel, Maverick, and I have all been in the military. We know how to do a variety of self-defense moves. I wish Harley were here. She teaches all the women in Terror’s club how to fight. Damn, we need to think about this kind of thing now. Once you’re fully healed, we’ll get you set up on both.” I nodded. I looked forward to learning both. I’d shot before, but never had someone with a lot of different training work with me on self-defense. Devyn and I had taken classes at the local gym in Kentucky.

We spent two hours there just talking and joking. The guys were giving Bull a hard time. I didn’t know why they weren’t doing the same to Ace. Bull brought up my idea about cooking for the guys one night a week. It was met with deafening approval. I told them to let me know what some of their favorites were. I’d start and do it next week. Friday night was the night agreed upon. Bull just smiled and shook his head as they talked excitedly about homemade food.

I leaned down to him. “I guess they don’t get homemade food often, do they?”

“No, Harley was the only one to cook for us. Harley’s been over in Dublin Falls for five years and before that she was in the Marines and only cooked when she’d come home on leave. A bunny might try once in a while for a guy, but not everyone. And they only do it when they’re trying to snag one of them as an old man. They can’t seem to realize no man wants a woman all his brothers have had. Most of us can cook well enough to get by, but nothing to compare to you, babe. Thank you for doing this. Just know it isn’t necessary.” He gave me a gentle kiss.