“Did they tell you anything?” I asked her. She shook her head no. I was about to go see if I could find someone to tell us what the hell was going on, when a doctor and the nurse who had brought us back stepped into the room. The doctor was maybe in his late thirties. I could see the look of appreciation in his eyes as he saw her. That quickly fell away when he noted me and my hold on her hand. I gave him my best intimidating look.

“Hi, I’m Doctor Jeffers.”

“Where’s Doctor Weeks? He’s Jocelyn’s doctor. I asked for him. I tried to call but he didn’t answer,” I told him. I was pissed he hadn’t.

“Oh, Dr. Weeks is off today. Not sure where he is, but we took care of her. You are…?”

“I’m her fiancé, Bull. This is her daughter, Devyn.” He looked at my cut, then he looked at Devyn. She looked like her mom, so he couldn’t help but give her an appreciative look. Good thing Ace wasn’t in here.

“She’s taken too,” I growled. He jumped and looked away.

“Hmm, well as I was going to say, we ran tests. We checked several things, but so far nothing has shown to be wrong. There are a couple of tests we’re still waiting on the results for.” He told the last to Jocelyn. I was about to ask how long until we got those results when another person ducked her head in. She whispered something to the doctor and handed him a paper. He nodded at her.

He looked it over and then at us. “This might explain it. It certainly correlates with your symptoms. Congratulations, it looks like you’re pregnant.” His words shot shock through me, that was quickly followed by joy. We’d only been trying to get pregnant for a month and a half. She’d been checked a few weeks ago, and it had been negative.

I grabbed her and kissed Jocelyn deeply. I made it long, hard, and deep. As we parted, she looked flushed and was short of breath. The doctor looked uncomfortable. Devyn was grinning. I looked at the doctor again. “How far along is she?”

“We’re going to have them do a quick ultrasound. Her chart says her last period was a month ago. We’ll see. The tech will be in soon. Our head of OB/GYN will check it. If you need anything else, let the nurse know. We’ll let you know if the other tests show anything.” I nodded to him.

I looked at her. “Baby, we did it. I can’t tell you how fucking happy I am. You’ve just made my life complete.” I couldn’t resist. I kissed her again. Devyn was laughing.


“Mom and I are going to have babies together. My brother or sister will be the same age as his or her niece or nephew. How crazy is that?” This made me laugh too. We waited a few more minutes before a technician came in. She told Jocelyn what was going to happen, then she pulled out a long wand thing and rolled what looked like a condom on it.

“What in the hell is that?” I barked. She jumped. Jocelyn and Devyn laughed.

“It’s the ultrasound. Since I’m not far along, they have to use that and insert it into my vagina to see the baby. Relax. It’s a little uncomfortable but it doesn’t hurt,” Jocelyn told me. I frowned.

The tech was quick and seemed to be gentle. In no time, she was clicking and typing. I waited impatiently to see what she saw. She told us to hold a minute while she went to get the doctor. I tensed up. Was something wrong? Jocelyn squeezed my hand. Thankfully, the doc wasn’t long in coming. He did the same moving of the wand and looking at the screen as he clicked. After maybe five minutes, he looked at all of us and smiled.

“Congratulations. Sorry, I was rude. I’m Doctor Mark Foreman. I’m the head of OB/GYN here. It looks like based on your measurements, you’re six weeks pregnant. We base it on four-week months, and it starts from the first date of your last period. So, you told the nurses you had a very light one on May first and before that April second. I’d say you were already pregnant when you had the May period. Not unusual to do that. But there is something else we did see.” His words caused us both to stiffen.

His eyes twinkled. “How do you feel about twins?” I froze. My mind went blank. I blinked and then blinked again. Then his words registered. Twins? I looked at her. She was looking stunned.

“Twins? Are you sure?” I asked him. He nodded and turned the monitor toward us. He pointed out two lighter areas and said they were the babies.

“Of course, we won’t be able to tell what they are until she’s around eighteen to twenty weeks, if you want to know. I calculate your due date is next year around January ninth.” Tears filled my eyes. I leaned down and kissed her.

The doctor slipped out. “I love you so fucking much, Jocelyn. This is more than I ever prayed for. Thank you, baby. Thank you for loving me.”

Devyn stepped outside the curtain.

“I love you so much, Nick. I can’t believe it. I’m so happy to be carrying your babies.” I took her mouth in a gentle deep kiss. I stared into her eyes afterward. We didn’t speak for several minutes. Then I shook myself and called Devyn back inside. She congratulated and kissed both of us. I made sure Jocelyn was okay. I told her I had to update the full waiting room. Her eyes grew big.

“How many are out there?”

“Almost every single one except the prospects. They stayed at the compound. Do you want me to tell them the news, or do you want to wait and do it together?” She thought about it.

“Tell them. I’d love to see their reaction, but you might explode if you can’t tell them.” She wasn’t wrong. I pulled back the curtain and waved over the nurse who had brought us back. When she came over, I told her what I wanted. At first, she didn’t look like she would, but finally she gave in. Five minutes later, I pushed Jocelyn in a wheelchair out to the waiting room. Everyone came to attention. They were all asking if she was okay and what was wrong. I held up my hand for quiet. The noise died down.

“She’s fine. They’re going to discharge her soon.”

“Why did she faint?” Demon asked.

“Nothing that won’t be resolved in about eight months,” I told him. It took a second for it to click, then his face lit up.

“Are you telling us—?”