Chapter 17: Jocelyn

It had been two weeks since Bull had proposed. He’d told me the next morning after we had recovered from our lovemaking, that he’d called Harley and that she wanted to come for a visit.

Even though I was leery of seeing or talking to her, I told him to tell them they could come. They were due any minute. I found I was full of nerves. My stomach felt like I was going to puke. I’d felt like that over the last few days. I had tried to ignore it as I concentrated on work, taking care of Bull, doing some redecorating and wedding planning with Devyn.

Both Ace and Bull had indicated they didn’t want to wait long to get married. However, they wanted us to have the weddings we’d always dreamed of. Honestly, I’d never done that. Since they proposed to us together, we asked what they thought of us getting married together. They loved the idea, so we were going to have a double ceremony. Bear would marry us like he did all the others.

We had decided the first meeting should be with us, Ace and Devyn, and Terror and Harley at the house. Then assuming it went well, we’d all go to the clubhouse. I paced as Bull, Ace and Devyn sat in the living room. Bull gestured for me to come to him. I went and stood between his legs, and he tugged me down on his lap. His arms wrapped around me and he hugged me. His lips grazed my cheek then ear as he quietly said, “Calm down. Everything will be fine. You’re making yourself sick. I can tell. You haven’t eaten hardly anything the last couple of days.”

“I know. But I want this to go well, Nick. I know how important your daughter is to you and the club. I don’t want to interfere with those relationships.”

“You won’t. You had no problem accepting her. She is the one to cause the issue. If this doesn’t work out, it’s on her, not you.” I nodded as I laid my head on his shoulder. He rubbed my arm and back.

Devyn was sitting with Ace. He had her hugged against his side, whispering and rubbing her arm. She looked less worried than me, though maybe a bit sterner. I hoped she’d forgive Harley. Devyn could hold a grudge. The sound of a vehicle outside the house had me standing up. Bull got up and went to the door. He pulled me along behind him.

He opened the door, and we waited on the porch as Terror and Harlow got out of the car. I didn’t see the kids. They must have left them at the clubhouse. They came up the steps hand in hand. Harley looked apprehensive. Terror looked his usual badass self and calm. I could see why Harlow had fallen for him. He was somewhere around six foot five with long black hair, a goatee, and blue eyes. He was very good looking even with the scar that ran from his right eye to his jaw.

Harley was drop-dead gorgeous with her auburn hair and violet eyes. I knew she looked like Bull’s wife, Kelly, because he’d shown me her picture. I’d asked about her and after I assured him it didn’t bother me to see her, he had shown me. She’d been tall like Harley’s five foot nine; more than my five foot four. I’d told him to leave out her photo in the house. This was Harley’s home, and she should have a visual reminder of her mom. He’d agreed after I’d been able to assure him, I didn’t mind.

I knew I was his last-and-ever-after love as he called me. She had been his first love and had given him a daughter. As they reached us, Terror shook Bull’s hand. Harley looked at me and then took me by surprise. She hugged me. I stood there stunned for a moment before I hugged her back. She quietly said, “I was a bitch. I’m so damn sorry I did what I did and said what I said. I was mad about my dad finding someone and loving me less. I just didn’t know that was why I was acting that way. I know now, he’ll always love me. I hope you and I can become friends, Jocelyn. I see how happy you make him. Thank you.”

Her words brought tears to my eyes. I hugged her harder. “Thank you. I never want to come between you and your dad. I’m not going to try to take your mom’s place. I just want to share his love and life with you, Terror, and your kids.”

When we broke apart, both of us were crying. The guys looked at us with indulgent looks on their faces. I looked at Bull. “Wipe that look off your face before I kiss it off.” His smile got bigger.

“Well, darlin’, come over here and wipe it off.” He opened his arms. I stepped up to him and kissed him. He made sure it wasn’t a peck. His tongue took over. I vaguely saw Harlow and Terror kissing too. We broke apart when Harlow said, “Eww, Dad, I can’t see this. My eyes are burning,” she teased. He laughed.

“Well, you’d better get used to it. I can’t go long without kissing this woman or sexing her ass up.” Terror roared with laughter as Harlow pretended to gag. I had to laugh as well. When we were done, Terror gave me a bear hug and a kiss on the cheek.

We headed inside to a waiting Ace and Devyn. The meeting between her and Harlow was tense, but ultimately, they hugged it out. We sat down to chat for a few minutes. As we were talking, Harley looked around. We’d painted the great room, nook, kitchen, and dining room so far. I’d chosen a light calm sage green. The moldings were bright white. The couches and chairs had throws and pillows that continued with the sage green and other colors to tie it into the walls. I wondered what she thought of it.

I saw the moment she noticed her mom’s picture. Her face froze in a surprised look. She got up and walked over to pick it up. She turned around. We’d all stopped talking to watch her.

“You have Mom’s picture out,” she told Bull. He nodded.

“Yeah, we do. Jocelyn insisted it should be out. She said this is your home too and you should have a reminder of your mom visible just like we did when you were growing up. I’d put it away, but she found it.”

Harlow teared up again and took a shuddering breath. Then she looked at me and mouthed thank you. She looked at her dad. “So, when are you marrying this wonderful woman? Better make it fast before she smartens up.”

This caused a lot of laughing and Bull to glare at her. We briefly told them we had decided on a double wedding and had some ideas. No date yet. She told me we’d get it kicked off. The ladies from Dublin Falls had all come with their men. In fact, I think the whole club had come. They were experts at planning a wedding. I was happy with the offer. I didn’t have a clue what I was doing.

We spent over an hour with them before we all headed to the clubhouse. We were greeted by everyone. Hunter and Emerson, or Emmie as they liked to call her, ran over and attacked Bull. He picked both up. He and Hunter talked. Emmie babbled and they were kissing each other. I was happily watching when Hunter looked at me.

“I want to kiss Jos,” he said. I guessed he had trouble saying Jocelyn. His grandfather handed him to me. As I held him, he kissed my cheek and hugged me. I was taken aback by how he acted. We’d only seen each other for a couple of days. Soon, Emmie was trying to reach out to me.

I traded Bull for her. She gave me a slobbery kiss. We stood holding and talking to them as the guys and ladies from Dublin Falls all came up to greet us. The whole group seemed to be welcoming, though I saw the Hunters Creek guys watching alertly. They had been mad about Harley’s behavior toward me. Demon came up and threw his arm around me.

“Well, babe, how does it feel, to be taking all this shit on? Still want to marry him? My offer still stands.” He said it so Bull could hear him. Demon liked to tease me about dumping Bull for him. Heck most of the guys did it. They loved to rile him up.

Bull handed Hunter to Terror and walked over to us. Everyone watched with grins on their faces. Bull stared at him. “How many times will you ask her? I’m warning you, one time I’ll snap and kill you, if you keep trying to steal her away. I’m keeping her no matter who I have to kill.”

Demon smirked and looked down at me. “I guess that means, no. Damn, I’ll have to go drink my sorrows away now. You coldhearted woman, you. I can’t even console myself with Devyn because Ace keeps threatening to kill me too. I must be doing something wrong.” His smile was killer. I laughed and poked his ribs. He jumped. I knew he was ticklish, and I liked to make him jump.

“Pres, your woman is touching me again!” he hollered, then winked and kissed me before he walked off. He went to hug and kiss Harlow. Terror gave him a small shove.

“Don’t come over here and think you’re getting my woman since the other two sent you packing.”

Demon screwed up his face in mock disgust. “Hell no, that’s my sister. Besides, I know the crap she’s capable of. I’ve never wanted that kind of headache. On top of it, she has cooties,” he added for effect. Hunter and Emmie were watching him. His last remark got Hunter to come to his mom’s defense. We had fun watching Demon tease Hunter.