“I’ll be there in five.” Hanging up, I gave her one more kiss. “Baby, I need to go to the clubhouse. Outlaw needs to see me. I’ll be back later. What are you doing today?”

“Devyn and I need to go to town and pick up a few things at the drugstore.”

“A prospect can do it.”

“I know, but I prefer to get some things myself. You know, personal items. We’ll take one with us, but I don’t want them picking up stuff for us,” she objected. I blew out a frustrated breath.

“Fine. But stay with him. I’d suggest Jake. I’ll see you when you get back. Love you.”

“Love you too.”

I headed out to the clubhouse. When I got to Outlaw’s room, he had the door open, waiting for me. I closed it and took a seat. “What’s up? Did you find something?” He gave me a frown. I could see his face was tense and he looked pissed.

“Oh, I found something. I got to digging around in Burk’s business. I noticed he keeps going to the library. Made me wonder why. So, I dug into the servers there. He’s been using the computers at the library. Now, the only reason I can think for him to do that when he has one at home, is because he’s trying to hide his IP. I’m trying to dig into those. I suspect he either has a different username account or he’s doing something shady. As soon as Smoke and Everly get back from their honeymoon, I’m going to see if they can dig for me. They know the dark web shit way better than me. But my gut is telling me he’s doing shit, he shouldn’t. She’s not safe. I know it. Still not sure if he’s her attacker, but he’s a threat. I’d bet my fucking life on it.”

I knew this was tearing him up almost as much as it did me. He hated anything to do with abuse to women and kids with an unrelenting passion. None of us liked it, but he was fanatical. With his history, who could blame him?

I ran my hand down my face. “Shit. I wish I had just killed the fucker and been done with it. Sometimes trying to be legit is a pain. Neanderthal works for me.” He laughed.

“I understand completely. How’s Jocelyn? She hasn’t been to the clubhouse the last two days. Is she doing better?”

“A little but still too quiet and subdued for me. It’ll take time. She and Dev are going into town. Jake is going to go with them. Hopefully, she’ll be back quickly. I’ll see if she wants to come over later.”

“Sounds good. I’ll let you go and if I find anything, you’ll be the first to know.” I gave him a fist bump and then headed out. I decided while she was gone to see if anyone wanted to play a game of pool. I needed a distraction.