Inside the bathroom, I raced to one of the stalls. I had waited so long I was about to wet myself. As I sat there trying not to groan in relief, the bathroom door opened. I heard three voices. One I recognized as Harlow’s. I was about to call out when I heard her mention my name.

“I can’t believe Jocelyn. Did you see her? She’s looking all smiley and sweet. I can’t believe my dad doesn’t see it. She’s a damn gold digger! She and her daughter must be jumping for joy that they found the money train. She’s been single all these years? Really? More like she’s left one man after another looking for the next big score.”

Her words cut me to the bone. How could she think that? I didn’t even know he had money until we were already together. I heard another woman speak.

“Harlow, I don’t think you’re right. She’s very nice and I thought she was lovely. I don’t see your dad falling for someone who was only after his money.”

“Well, maybe he knows and just wants someone around to take care of him when he gets older. She’s seventeen years younger. I guess he could be looking for a nurse,” she snipped. The third woman harrumphed.

“I don’t think that’s it either. He’s in love with her. He made her his old lady, and they seem very much in love. I think you’re just upset he’s found someone.”

“Hell yes! He told me he’d never love another woman after my mom. There’s no way he can love this woman. I hope he comes to his senses. I know she’s out for his money. Did you see that necklace, earrings, and bracelet she had on? It was worth a fortune. I heard her telling someone he gave it to her.” I heard their voices grow faint as they left the bathroom.

Tears ran down my face. Oh God, how could I go out there and face any of them? I wonder who else thought the same thing, acting nice to my face and talking behind my back. I couldn’t see Bull right now. I finished and washed my hands then took out my phone. I sent a quick text to Bull telling him I needed to run to the room for a minute. He responded immediately that he’d come with me. I texted back saying not to worry, I wouldn’t be long. Then I texted Devyn to come to my room but not to bring Ace or Bull. She responded she’d be there in two minutes.

I snuck out of the bathroom and exited the reception area. I was back in my room in no time. I pulled out my bag. Since we were spending only two nights here, I hadn’t unpacked all of it. I threw my unpacked things in it. There was a knock at the door. Looking to be sure it was Devyn, I opened it.

She came in with her brow furled with worry. “Mom, what’s wrong? You’ve been crying!” I rushed around the room. I quickly told her in between sobs what I’d heard. She was livid when I got done.

“Let me go find that bitch! I’ll beat her ass.”

“No, Dev. I don’t want to cause a scene. I don’t want to embarrass Bull. I just need to get out of here. Do you think you can keep them occupied until I get a cab or something? I don’t want to stay here at the resort.”

“But how will you get home? Don’t you want me to get Nick?”

“No. He needs to enjoy this wedding. I’ll see about getting a flight or something back home. I can’t stay here, sweetheart. I want to smack the hell out of his daughter and scream at everyone that I’m not a gold-digging bitch. Until I calm down, I need to be away from them. Will you help me?”

It took some convincing, but she ultimately agreed to distract them. I left her at the front lobby. Outside, they had a line of cabs, and I hailed one. When I got inside, I told the cab driver to take me to a hotel close to the Charleston airport. It was the closest to the island. We were there in under an hour. I ignored the texts from Bull asking when I was coming back to the reception. When I checked into the room after checking there was no flight until tomorrow, I dropped into bed and cried myself to sleep.


Jocelyn and Devyn had been gone for almost an hour. I kept texting her, but she wasn’t answering. Devyn had texted earlier that she and her mom were with a few of the ladies having girl time in the ladies’ lounge. I was about to go find them, when I saw Harley, Brielle, Terror and Ranger coming toward us. I looked for Jocelyn and Devyn. I could have sworn Dev had said they were with Brielle.

“Where’s Jocelyn and Devyn?” I asked. They all shook their heads.

Harley answered, “I haven’t seen her for a while.”

“Wasn’t she with you in the ladies’ lounge, Brielle?”

Brielle shook her head no. “I haven’t been in the ladies’ lounge. Where is it?” My gut twisted. I pulled out my phone to text both of them again when I saw Devyn barreling in our direction. She looked pissed. Ace ran over to her. She pushed him out of the way and stomped up to us. She got in Harley’s face.

“How dare you talk about my mother the way you did? You have no fucking right! She’s a warm, sweet, caring, and wonderful person. You fucking destroyed her with the shit you were saying.” I saw Harley pale. Her fearful eyes looked up into mine.

“What the hell did you do, Harley?” I growled through my gritted teeth. She slumped and then lowered her eyes. “What?”


“She called my mom a gold digger. Said she was after your money and we were probably overjoyed at catching you. She said Mom has been trading up men as she finds richer ones. That you couldn’t love her because she isn’t your first wife, the only one you said you’d ever love. And that you were probably only telling her you love her, so you’ll have a nurse when you get old.” Rage flowed through me. I got in Harley’s face. Terror stood rigid next to her.

“Did you say those things?” She slowly nodded. “Why? Why would you even think that? Jesus Christ, Harley! I fucking love her. I plan to marry her and have more kids with her,” I yelled. Harley gasped at me in shock. “And do you want to know something, little girl? I’m going to fucking live with her until the day I die. Whether you’re a part of my life will be up to you and her, if she can forgive you. I’m not sure if I can.”

Harley burst into tears. I walked off. People were watching us. We had gained a lot of attention. I turned to Devyn. “Where is she, in our room?”

She shook her head no. “She left.” My heart dropped into my feet.

“She left? Where did she go, Dev?”

“She took a cab. Said she’d find somewhere to stay tonight and then she’d get a flight home, hopefully in the morning. She didn’t want to upset you or the wedding, but I couldn’t hold it in anymore. She devastated my mom. You should have seen her. I wanted to leave with her, but she wouldn’t let me.”