Terror headed toward a really tall guy with brown wavy hair to his shoulders, a goatee and bright green eyes. Beside him was a smaller woman who looked like she was in her mid-twenties to his thirties. She had pitch black hair to below her shoulders, brown eyes, and a killer body. Seeing us, they both got huge smiles on their faces. When we got to them, Bull and Ace embraced the woman and then gave the man a half hug, back slap. Then Bull gestured to me.

“Smoke, Everly, this is my woman, Jocelyn. This is her daughter, Devyn. She’s with Ace as you can see. Jocelyn, Dev, this is Smoke and Everly. The two who are getting hitched tomorrow. They are two of the elite hackers in the world. If Outlaw can’t find it, they can.”

We both greeted them with smiles and handshakes. Smoke looked me up and down. I raised my brow at him. He laughed. “Damn, I never imagined Bull would find someone as fine as you. We have to talk later, darlin’, about your taste in men.” I laughed and Bull scowled and gave him the middle finger. Then Smoke looked at Devyn. “Same goes for you, Devyn. I bet I could hook you up with a better one here in Dublin Falls. I still have single brothers,” he teased.

Dev blushed and shook her head no. Ace narrowed his eyes at Smoke. “Keep it up, asshole, and I’ll be talking to Everly about her shitty taste in men. We have more single brothers in Hunters Creek for her to choose from.” Smoke threw his hands up.

“I surrender. No one is getting their hands on my woman.” He pulled her into his arms and gave her a deep kiss. After they broke apart, we began to chat. We got to know a little about each other. As we talked more and more, people came up to our group. My head was swimming with the introductions. Thank goodness they had on cuts, otherwise I’d never remember half their names.

“Tell me a little about yourself, Jocelyn. Where are you from? What kind of work do you do? You must have been really young when you had Devyn,” Harlow said. There was nothing in her tone to suggest she was anything but curious, but I felt like she was trying to determine something about me.

“We moved to Hunters Creek a little over a year ago when Devyn started college. We lived in Louisville, Kentucky before that. I work as a paralegal in town for Lloyd Sanders. I was young when I had Devyn. I was sixteen.” I saw her eyes get sharper. Before she could ask me anything else, we were distracted by other people.

We moved from group to group. The conversations were lively. Everyone was nice and welcoming. A couple of hours later, I asked Nick where the bathroom was. I needed to go, and I knew Dev probably did as well. He said he'd show me, but I told him to stay with the guys he was talking to and to point me in the right direction. He did. I grabbed Devyn and headed down the hall.

When we got into the bathroom, she looked at me with narrowed eyes. “What’s wrong?” I asked.

“It’s Harlow. She’s pissing me off. She keeps watching you like you’re going to steal something. I don’t think she’s happy to see Bull with you, Mom. Oh, she’s keeping her tone nice and all, but I know. If she keeps it up, I’m going to call her ass out.”

“No, you won’t. Dev, imagine how you’d feel if your dad had raised you almost your whole life and then brought some woman in out of the blue as his old lady. Wouldn’t you be suspicious?”

“Maybe a little, but surely she can see you’re no threat. You love Bull and he loves you. She just needs to be happy for him. Like I’m happy for you. Okay, I’ll keep my mouth shut, but she’d better not say anything mean, or all bets are off.” I hugged her and told her thank you. We used the bathroom, then headed back to find the guys.

I found Bull and Ace had moved on to another group. We hurried to join them. The rest of the day and evening passed in a whirl of conversation, laughter, and food. With the wedding being tomorrow, they hadn’t cooked. Around seven o’clock, pizza after pizza was delivered. I had no idea where they could have gotten a place to make so many. When I said something, Terror admitted they had paid the local pizza place extra to make pizzas just for them. With everyone in the two Warrior clubs, we were well around fifty people. They said there’d be more at the wedding and reception!

It was going on ten when Bull suggested we go back to the house. Harlow and Terror had headed back with the kids a while ago. I agreed. I was tired from the drive and the stress of worrying about meeting everyone. Devyn looked like she was beat. Ace had been trying to get her to go to the house for over an hour. When I agreed, she did too.

Back at the house, we found Terror and Harlow in the living room watching television. We greeted them and talked a couple of minutes before excusing ourselves for the night. In our room, Bull showered with me. We kissed and caressed each other. Once we were in bed, he became more amorous.

“Baby, you were amazing today. Everyone loved you and Devyn. I can’t tell you how many people congratulated me when you weren’t around.”

I smiled. “I liked meeting everyone too. Though I do have a question?” He raised his brow. “Is it a requirement you have to be hot and sexy to get into one of Warriors’ MCs? Is there a screening process?” He burst out laughing.

“Jesus, you’re crazy. No, there isn’t a screening process. And I don’t like that you noticed anyone but me is sexy and hot,” he growled and nipped my neck.

I laughed. “But, baby, you have nothing to worry about. You’re the hottest and sexiest of them all.” This earned me a devouring kiss. That kiss led to him making love to me for the next hour. When we were done, we both dropped off in a matter of minutes.

The next morning was hectic. After a quick breakfast, everyone set about getting ready to leave for Kiawah. We got an early start, at eight. With pit stops, we hoped to be there by four at the latest. Bull told me to let him know when riding got to be too much, then he’d stop so I could ride with Ace and Devyn. Six hours was a long ride when you weren’t used to it.

Bikes and vehicles created a caravan down the highway. I saw people eyeing the bikes when we’d pass them. We made a couple stops for a bathroom and gas break, and one for food around lunchtime. We pulled into the resort on the island at three thirty. The wedding was tomorrow afternoon close to sunset. We were quickly shown to our rooms. Everyone agreed tonight we’d relax and do dinner on our own. The kids had to be exhausted after being cooped up in cars that long. I’d done all but the last two hours on the bike. I was a little sore and looking forward to a soak.

Our room was beautiful and had a sunken tub in the middle of the bathroom. The club had rented out the whole place, I think, or at least the large villas. After a long soak and a nap, we met up with Ace and Dev for dinner and then a walk around the resort. I couldn’t get over how breathtaking it was. I’d have to ask Everly how she found it.

Since we’d napped, Bull and I weren’t tired, so we stayed up watching television. As we laid there, he rolled over and smiled. “What?” I asked. He had a gleam in his eye.

“You know how you like to try new things?”

I nodded. “Yeah, why, do you have something in mind?”

“Have you ever watched porn, baby?”

I gaped at him speechless. I had to admit I’d watched it once just to see what it was about. For some reason I was reluctant to tell him. He looked at me expectantly. “Yes, I watched it once.”

“Did you like it?”

“It was okay.”

“Would you watch it with me?”