“We could put a tracker on his car. It won’t help if he leaves it, but it’s better than nothing. I’d also suggest we have the two of them get the trackers the crew in Dublin Falls has. We talked about us doing it, and this would be a good time. The other option is to have someone follow him, but that is likely to attract his attention. I’ll think about other ideas.”

It was a start at least. We sat and bitched about him for another half hour. They all wanted to kill him like we did. I thanked them all for coming in and helping. They all told us no problem. After the meeting was over, Ace and I sat out back talking.

“So, have you talked to Devyn about what kind of house she wants?”

“Yeah, we talked yesterday. We spent time online last night looking at house plans. We found one that both of us love. I plan to talk to the crew this week. We don’t want to impose on you and Jocelyn longer than we have to.”

“It’s not an imposition. I just figured you’d like to be in your own house so you have more privacy. I’m sure she’d like to move before the baby comes. There’s a nice section close to our house if you two would like to build there, though anywhere on the compound is open.” He nodded.

“I like that idea. Want to go check it out?” he asked. We headed to the house on our bikes. Instead of stopping, we went past it and stopped just down the road. There was a cleared, flat area on the same side of the road as my house. We walked the site. He showed me the house plan on his phone. I thought it was an ideal spot. After walking it, we went to the house. The ladies were at the counter drinking iced tea. He gave Dev a kiss while I did the same to Jocelyn.

“Where were you two? We thought we heard your bikes pass by the house,” Dev said.

“Bull took me to look at a cleared spot past here that is close. He suggested we might want to build our house there. I think it would be perfect, babe. How about after dinner, I'll take you there?” She eagerly nodded. “Did you show your mom the house we want to build?”

“No, I haven’t, but let me pull it up.” She pulled it up on her laptop. We spent the next hour looking over the plans and making suggestions. I could see they were excited. Even though Ace was much younger than me and the youngest patched member, he had plenty of money in the bank to build a house and give Devyn whatever she wanted. And if he didn’t, she was now my daughter, and I’d make sure she had everything she needed and wanted. Hell, I’d fucking pay even if he did have the money. He could save it for something else.

For dinner, Ace and I grilled steaks outside while the ladies fixed baked potatoes and corn on the cob inside. For dessert, we had a sour cherry pie Jocelyn had made yesterday afternoon. Damn, if she kept this up, I’d need to hit the gym twice a day. Most days I boxed and lifted weights in the gym. Jocelyn had asked about using it for her and Dev to work out on the machines. I told her it was open to everyone. She’d said they were used to walking, yoga and weights. I wanted her to learn some self-defense moves. Dev should learn them too, but not until after the baby came. No way anyone would chance something happening.

After dinner and cleanup, all four of us walked to the house site. Devyn ended up loving it. Jocelyn did too, especially because it was right next to us. Back at the house, we were about to sit down to watch a movie, when my phone rang. I saw it was Harley. I excused myself to take her call in the office.

“What’s up, sweetheart? It’s good to hear from you. Is everyone doing okay?”

“Everyone is fine, Dad. I was calling to see if everything is fine with you. I know the last time we talked. I got a little bitchy. I wanted to say I was sorry again. I shouldn’t have said anything about her without knowing her. I just don’t want anyone to take advantage of you. I am looking forward to meeting her and her daughter. You said she’s dating Ace, right?”

“Actually, they’re doing more than dating. He’s claimed her as his old lady and they’re going to be building a house on the compound. And she’s pregnant, so Ace is going to be a daddy in about eight months.” I told her cheerfully.

I heard her gasp. “What? I can’t believe little Ace is going to be a daddy!”

I chuckled. “Harley, little Ace is twenty-five. He’s only four years younger than you and you have two kids. He’s head over heels for her and she feels the same.”

“How has it been with the bunnies? You and Ace are the first guys to claim anyone. Are they causing shit like they do in Dublin Falls?”

I sighed. “Yeah, we had some drama with one of them. She caused shit between Ace and Devyn, but they’ve worked it out. In fact, the other night, that bitch tried again, and Dev put her on her ass on the floor. She reminded me of you.” She broke out laughing. We both remembered what she’d done to the bunny who wouldn’t leave Terror alone. And what happened to that one when she betrayed Harley. She had been lucky he hadn’t killed her.

We chatted for another fifteen to twenty minutes, then she said she needed to put the kids down. I told her I loved her, and she told me the same. Before she hung up, she told me Terror wanted to talk to me. He got on the line.

“What’s up, daughter stealer?” I asked him. I always love teasing him about taking my daughter away from me. He groaned.

“Really? When are you going to forgive me? It’s been five years, Bull. Maybe I’ll start giving you shit about your woman. I want to meet her and tell her all the things she doesn’t know about you.”

I chuckled. “Yeah, you’d better not. Besides, she knows me. I don’t think you’ll shock her.”

“Speaking of meeting her, are you guys coming out the day before the wedding or earlier? Or do you plan to stay a few days afterward?”

“I need to ask Jocelyn. She has to work, but I know she should be able to take a few days off. I’ll let you know in a day or two. Ideally, I’d like to come the day before and then stay for a few days. Ace and Devyn will be with us, so we’ll all ride out together. I’m not sure if he’s coming on his bike or not.”

“Why wouldn’t he? Doesn’t his woman like to ride?”

“Oh, she does, but she’s pregnant, so no riding for her until after that baby comes.” We spent a couple minutes talking about Ace and Devyn, then he got quiet.

“Bull, I’m thrilled you’ve found someone. I never thought you would. I know Harlow didn’t react well when you told her, but she’s calmed down. We’re looking forward to meeting your Jocelyn and Devyn and getting to know the two of them. Well, I need to go check on the wife and kids. See you soon. Take care.” I told him goodnight.

When we hung up, I went back to the living room. Devyn and Ace were on the couch, watching a movie. Jocelyn was nowhere in sight. Dev smiled. “Mom went up to your bedroom. She said she wanted to take a bath and read.” I bid them both goodnight and went up.

I found her soaking in the tub with her eyes closed and her hair pulled up in a messy knot on the top of her head. Her slender neck was looking bitable. I leaned down and nipped it. She squealed and her eyes flew open.

“You scared the shit out of me, Nick. Don’t do that!” I grinned as I stripped off my clothes. She licked her lips as she watched. I stepped in behind her and lowered myself into the hot water. She leaned back against my chest with a sigh.