Chapter 13: Jocelyn

I went to work on Monday morning in a great mood. I was in love with the man of my dreams. Devyn and Ace had ironed out their issues and were planning out their future. Everything was looking perfect. I should have known it was too good to be true.

I’d been in the office about three hours and Meg was the only one there besides me. Lloyd was in court and I had no idea where Jonathan was. I got up to stretch. My back was aching from sitting too long. I went to the breakroom to get a cup of coffee. While I was pouring one, Jonathan walked in. I tried not to cringe. Instead, I nodded and headed toward the door. He blocked my way.

“What’s the rush, Jocelyn? Don’t you have time to talk to me? You seem to have all the time in the world for that biker. Why didn’t you ever tell me you had such a sexy daughter? Hmm, I’d like to have a piece of both mommy and daughter. How about we have a threesome together?” He ran his finger down my cheek. My stomach roiled. I wanted to vomit. He was sick! I slapped his hand away.

“You’re disgusting, Jonathan. Stay away from me and my daughter or you’ll be sorry. Now get the hell out of my way!” He smirked and then shrugged. I hurried past him. Back in my office, I shut and locked my door. I knew I had to talk to Lloyd about this. I couldn’t go on putting up with his remarks and touching. I tried to do some work while I waited for him to get back from court, but I couldn’t keep my mind on it. It was after lunch when Lloyd returned to the office. I gave him an hour to catch up on calls and emails, then I went to his door and knocked. He looked up and smiled.

“Hello, Jocelyn. Come on in. What can I do for you?” I closed the door and took a seat. I didn’t know how to start, so I started at the beginning. I told him about Jonathan’s behavior over the last year. His face got harder and harder as I went on. When I was finished telling him what he’d done today, he got up and paced.

“Why didn’t you tell me this sooner, Jocelyn? There was no reason for you to put up with this kind of behavior. My God, I don’t know how you stood it.”

“Honestly, I didn’t want to chance you wouldn’t believe me and would fire me. You’ve known him for years and me only a year. But Bull said I needed to tell you. I can’t do it anymore. He’s brought my daughter into it now. She’s pregnant, Lloyd. I can’t take a chance he’d do something to her.”

He dropped in his chair and rubbed his face. “Okay, here’s what we will do. I can terminate someone without cause. I’ll speak to him after you leave today, and I’ll tell him I’m ending our work relationship. I will also let him know if he continues to bother you or your daughter, I’ll have him blackballed from practicing anywhere in the state, and report his ass to the bar association.”

“Just like that? You’re taking my word for it?” He nodded.

“I know you wouldn’t lie, and Bull’s endorsement only solidifies my belief. Now, I want you to leave early today. Go home. Relax. Talk to Bull. If I know him, he’s going to want to beat Jonathan’s ass. Hell, I want to kick it.” He gave me a hug. I went back to my office stunned he would take me at my word and fire Jonathan. I quickly grabbed my purse and headed to my car. Twenty minutes later, I pulled into the compound. Bull was most likely at the clubhouse, so I stopped there first.

Inside, I saw Tate. He waved and pointed toward Bull’s office. I thanked him and went to the door. He was sitting at his desk working on his computer. When he saw me, he smiled. “Come on in, babe. Is it that time already?” He glanced at the clock. When he realized it was only three o’clock, he jumped up and came to me. “What’s wrong? Why are you home early? Are you alright?”

I hugged him and laid my head on his chest. “Yeah, I’m okay. I need to talk to you.” He took me over to the couch in his office and sat down with me on his lap. I snuggled deeper into his arms. “I spoke to Lloyd today about Jonathan. He told me to go home early because he’s going to talk to him and fire him. He’s also going to warn him to stay away from me and Devyn or he’ll blackball him then report him to the bar association.”

I looked at his face. He was frowning. “Baby, I’m glad you talked to Lloyd, but why would he warn him to stay away from you and Devyn?” I swallowed. I knew he wouldn’t take the next part well.

“Because he cornered me in the office and made a remark about how beautiful she was and how he wanted to have a threesome with the two of us,” I whispered. His face grew red with rage.

“He fucking said what?” he yelled. I cringed. He eased me off his lap and stood up. He stomped over to the wall and punched it. I winced because it had to hurt, not that he gave any sign it had. He swore more, then pulled out his phone.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m telling Ace to get his ass over here and then I’m calling for church. No way is this bastard going to threaten our women. I want eyes on him. If he tries anything, he’s dead. I’d rather just kill him now, but I know you won’t like it. But I’m warning you, if he approaches either of you, he’s a dead man.” I wisely kept my mouth shut. Five minutes later, Ace was knocking at the door. He gave me a surprised look when Bull told him to come inside and to shut the door.

“What’s up, Pres?”

“I wanted to tell you about a conversation Jocelyn had today. Do you remember that lawyer we met at dinner on Friday? The one who works for Lloyd Sanders.” Ace nodded his head yes.

“Well, Jocelyn has had problems with him for the past year as you know. Today he made a remark to her about her and Devyn.”

Ace stiffened. “What kind of remark?”

“He remarked on how beautiful she was and then told Jocelyn how much he’d like to have a threesome with both of them.” Ace jumped to his feet.

“What the fuck? Are you serious? I’ll kill the motherfucker.” It took me a few minutes to calm both of them down. By the time they had settled at least a little, it was time for their impromptu church. Bull kissed me and told me to head to the house. I watched them go into church. I slowly headed to the house. I found Devyn at the island working on one of her classes. I knew I needed to warn her about what Jonathan said and that Ace knew. I took a deep breath. This wasn’t a conversation I wanted to have, but she needed to know.


The rage inside of me was trying to boil over. I knew Ace wasn’t any better. We both sat down grim faced with our brothers. They looked concerned. We’d just had our regular church meeting two days ago. Tank looked at me. “What’s happened, Pres? You and Ace look like you’re about to kill someone.” The others murmured in agreement.

“That’s because we are. It’s that fucking creep lawyer, Jonathan Burk, who Jocelyn works with. He’s crossed the line for the last time today.” They all looked at each other uneasily. “We ran into him with Lloyd when we had dinner Friday night. He cornered Jocelyn today and made remarks about Devyn. The bastard told Jocelyn how beautiful he thought Dev was and then said how much he’d love to have a threesome with the two of them.” The guys all burst out swearing.

I held up my hand. “I know. I wanna to kill him, but I promised her I wouldn’t. Not unless he approaches or threatens either of them again. Then it’s a done deal. She told Lloyd what he’s been doing all year, and he sent her home early. He’s going to fire him and warn him if he bothers either of them, he’ll blackball him and report him to the bar association to get him disbarred. What I need to know is, did you find anything else on him, Outlaw? Anything I can use to prove he was the one who attacked her?”

Outlaw grimaced. “Not yet. He’s kept his social media and regular emails clean. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t have something else on the dark web or under a different IP address. I’ll keep searching. My gut tells me he isn’t clean. In the meantime, what do you want us to do?”

“I don’t want either of them to leave the compound alone. If Ace or I am not with them, then at least one prospect or a patched member must be. I also think it might be a good idea to put his ass under some kind of surveillance. What can we do with that, Outlaw?”