Inside, the hostess led us to one of the nicest tables. People looked at us as we passed. Some gave us admiring looks. I saw more than one woman checking out Bull and Ace, then throwing Devyn and me angry looks. I also saw guys checking out me and Dev. Ace and Bull must have seen those, because they pulled us closer and glared at them. Others gave us scared looks, all because they had on their biker cuts.

We sat having a wonderful time as we ordered and then ate. We chatted about the baby. We were having dessert when Lloyd stopped by our table. I was happy to see him, but not so happy to see his companion. It was Jonathan. I ignored him as Bull and Lloyd caught up. I could see Jonathan staring back and forth between me and Devyn. I’d never mentioned to him I had a daughter.

“It’s good to see you, Bull. Enjoying a fantastic dinner, I see. Smart man to snatch up Jocelyn. And I know who this beautiful young lady is. She looks like you, Jocelyn,” Lloyd said with a smile on his face.

“Yes, this is my daughter, Devyn. Devyn, this is my boss, Mr. Sanders. I’ve told you about him.” She smiled and shook his hand. I reluctantly introduced Jonathan. “And this is the other lawyer I work with at the office, Mr. Burk.”

Jonathan leered at her while he said, “As beautiful as your mother.” She just nodded her head at him. Lloyd was oblivious to the undercurrent. Bull and Ace both glared at Jonathan. He was practically licking his lips. They chatted for about five minutes, then excused themselves. As soon as they left, Devyn sighed.

“Mom, that’s the creep who is all over you? God, he’s slimy. He made me feel like I needed to take a bath. Gross.”

I nodded. “I know. He is gross and a creep. If you ever run into him, stay away from him. I don’t trust him any further than I can throw him.”

“If he knows what’s good for him, he’ll leave both of you alone. I thought you were going to tell Lloyd about him?” Bull growled. Ace nodded his head in agreement. Both had scowls on their faces.

“Don’t let him ruin our night. Let’s enjoy dessert. I was and honestly forgot. I promise I will.” I told him. He reluctantly settled down. We enjoyed the rest of our meal and then we headed home. At the house, Bull stopped Devyn and Ace from heading back to the clubhouse for the night.

“Since you two are settled on being together and you’re having a baby, I don’t want you to have to spend all your time staying at the clubhouse. It’s not private. Ace, you can stay here with Devyn if you want. Just keep the sex down to a dull roar and I’ll try to do the same,” he teased with a smile. Ace smiled back. Devyn turned pink.

“Oh gross, you didn’t have to remind me you and my mom have sex. I’m scarred for life!” This made all three of us laugh. Ace thanked him and said they’d be back later. When they left, I turned to him.

“That was a gracious thing to do. I know it can’t be private there. Does that make me an even worse mother that I let my teen daughter stay with her boyfriend in the house? It has to break someone’s taboo.” He shrugged.

“Don’t care what anyone else thinks. Only us. Let’s go watch some TV and snuggle. Then maybe I can convince you to let me fuck that pretty pussy tonight.”

I laughed. His dirty talking turned me on. “You don’t have to convince me of that. Ever. You can have me anytime you want, Nick.” We hurried upstairs. We watched television and then he fucked me until I couldn’t move or think. I didn’t know if we’d kept it down to a dull roar or not. I got vocal with him. We’d heard Devyn and Ace come in earlier. Thank goodness we heard nothing out of them, though their bedroom was on the opposite side of the house.


I sat down at church feeling satisfied with life. Last night was a splendid night with Jocelyn. After dinner, we made love until we were both exhausted. I couldn’t help but hope she’d get pregnant right away. I wasn’t going to mention to anyone we were trying in case it took a while. I didn’t want to put pressure on her. Though I did want to tie her to me in every way possible, including having her as my wife. We were going to Smoke and Everly’s wedding in two weeks. I’d wait until after she’d met Harlow and the gang, then I’d ask her to marry me. In the meantime, I’d look for the perfect ring and decide how I wanted to ask her. The first time around I’d just asked Kelly. I didn’t want to do that with Jocelyn. I wanted to make it special. The rest of the guys taking their seats pulled me away from my thoughts.

I called the meeting to order. “Okay, first thing is how is the move and renovation on the new Dark Angel site?”

“It’s coming along on target. The crew has told me we should be on target to finish it in six weeks. As soon as they get done with it, they’ll go over to the current site and work on the bakery,” Bear reported.

“Good. Jocelyn has talked with Madisen, and she gave us the preferences on layout and equipment. What about the other businesses? Anything new?” Everyone reported that there were no issues, and that all were at or making over their expected earnings. I looked at Outlaw.

“Did you find out anything about that creep, Jonathan Burk? We ran into him last night at the restaurant.”

Ace growled, “Yeah and he couldn’t keep his fucking eyes off Jocelyn or Devyn. He gave me the creeps.”

“Well, he’s been working for Lloyd for five years. Before that, he moved from Nashville where he’d been with a firm for about four years. He never seems to keep a girlfriend for long. There were two instances where women reported him as a stalker, but then the charges were dropped. He hasn’t had a girlfriend that I can find in two years. The last one was one of the women who accused him of being a stalker after they broke up.”

This piqued my interest. “A stalker? I don’t like the sound of that. Anything to tie him to the attack on Jocelyn?” Outlaw shook his head.

“Not outright. I could see if I could get into his email accounts and shit. Maybe he’s emailed something to someone about her. It’s a long shot. I’d hope he wasn’t stupid enough to tell someone he attacked a woman, but some guys are dumb enough to brag.”

“Do it.” I wish I knew for sure he was the one. If he was, he was a dead man. I couldn’t justify killing him just because he wanted my woman. The meeting ended up being a short one today. After I dismissed the meeting, I headed to the house. I was taking the ladies shopping today. They both had wanted to look for something new to wear to the wedding. I told them I needed to get a new shirt and Ace said he wanted to get something new as well. So, the four of us had decided to make it a day.

Once we were all in the truck, I headed toward Nashville. It was more than an hour away, but they would have a better selection of stores to shop. Once we got there, I took them to the Opry Mills mall. It was the largest in the area. Inside were more stores than you could imagine. We were walking around when a dress in a window caught my eye. It was a beautiful blue one that would match Jocelyn’s eyes and show off her figure to perfection. I pulled on her arm to go inside. She balked and shook her head no.

“Why not?”

“It’s too expensive, Nick. Nothing in there will be cheap.”

“I don’t care if it’s cheap or not. I want to see you in that dress,” I said, pointing to the window. She tried to argue, but I didn’t listen. I took her inside. We looked around and she pulled a couple of dresses off the racks but put them back when she saw the prices. I picked them up behind her. When she was done looking, I had four dresses in my hands including the blue one I liked. Devyn grinned as she watched. I shooed Jocelyn in the back to try them on. Each one she came out in. She was more stunning than the last. The last one she tried on was the blue one. When she came out, I lost my breath. I had her turn around. It was perfect.

“What do you think of that one, babe?”

She hesitated. “It’s beautiful, Nick. But it’s too expensive. Let’s go somewhere else.” I shook my head.

“No, that’s the perfect one. Now, don’t give me any grief. We’re getting it, and the other three as well.” She protested and argued, but I refused to back down. By the end of the trip, she not only had the dresses but heels to match. I tried to get her to go into a jewelry store so we could pick out something to go with the dress, but she refused. I relented, but only for now. I would go pick something out myself and present it to her when we went to the wedding.

Devyn found a beautiful dress and shoes as well for the wedding. I tried to pay for her clothes, but Ace gave me a scowl, so I let him take care of his woman. There were other clothes she saw that he insisted she get. Like her mother, she tried to balk, but he bought them anyway. They had never been able to buy anything and everything they wanted. I would change that, and it seemed Ace had the same idea. Even though he was only twenty-five, he made good money. He started working around the garage when he was sixteen. He’d become a prospect at eighteen and a patched member at nineteen. Other than his bike, he never really spent much money. I knew he had a nice nest egg—more than enough to get what she needed.

When we passed a baby store, Ace insisted we go inside. He looked around in fascination and no small amount of fear when he saw all the things one could buy for a baby. I saw him hold up a sleeper, and he looked at Devyn.

“Will our baby be this small?” She nodded. “Fuck. I’ll break it, Dev. I need a book.” He ended up getting a book on pregnancy and one on babies. I could see he was going to put a lot of effort into being the best father he could. I caught Jocelyn’s eyes. She was smiling at them.

I whispered in her ear, “Do you think our baby will be that small?” She laughed and smacked me on the chest. I had to chuckle. After tiring the ladies out, we had a late lunch and then headed back to the compound. The four of us spent time at the clubhouse later that evening with the rest of the guys. When things got a little louder and the bunnies showed up, I got up. “Let’s go, baby.” She stood with me and smiled. As we were walking toward the door, the bunny who had sat on Ace’s lap and kissed him came through the door. Jocelyn stopped and glanced back at Devyn.

Devyn was nowhere in sight, and Ace was standing with Slash. I groaned as I saw the bunny head straight for him. I started toward them to head off the disaster. Before I could get to either of them, she reached Ace and slid her hand up his back. He looked around and scowled when he saw her. He jerked away from her and over the music, I heard him snarl, “Get the fuck away from me, Lucy. Haven’t you caused enough shit with what you pulled last week. I don’t fucking want you. I’m with Devyn. Get lost.”

Lucy pouted. “Come on, Ace, I know you don’t mean it. We’ve had so many enjoyable times. Just because she’s Bull’s girlfriend’s kid, doesn’t mean you have to be with her.” She grabbed his hand and jerked it toward her breast. I heard a roar of anger. Looking around, I saw Devyn rushing over to them. Jocelyn was coming toward them too. Devyn beat her mom to them. She grabbed Lucy’s arm and twisted it up behind her back. The bunny cried out and dropped to her knees. The music was shut off and everyone watched the drama unfold. Devyn leaned down and got in Lucy’s face.

“You touch my man one more time, skank, and I’ll beat the stupid out of you. He said he was with me. He doesn’t want you. He will never want you. I’m his old lady and his baby mama. Get a fucking clue!” She shoved her away from her. Lucy sat there whimpering and holding her arm. She looked around at all of us. The guys laughed, and the other bunnies stared in shock. Jocelyn and I glared at her. She got up and shuffled to the door. Before she went out, she looked at Devyn.

“He’ll tire of you, bitch.” Devyn went to go after her, but Ace held her back. Lucy ran out the door. Devyn was having a fit.

“Let me go, Ace! I’ll beat her ass now.” He held her around the waist, smiling.

“Calm down there, Rocky. She’s left. Pay no more attention to her. Besides, getting this upset isn’t any good for the baby. Let’s head to the house and relax. Come on.” Several of the guys gave her a high-five as they left. I wrapped Jocelyn up in my arms.

“Wonder where she got her feistiness?” I asked with a snicker.

She smirked. “Well, let one of those bunnies come to you again and I’ll give you a refresher if the last time wasn’t enough.”

I kissed her. “They won’t. But I love you’re so protective. Now, let’s go home. I want to spend the night making love to my woman.” She smiled and led me out the door. When we got to the house, it was quiet. After a hot shower, I laid her out on the bed and feasted on her until we were both sated.