I winced. “Yeah, I have. Though I always made sure my daughter was never around. I wasn’t an angel before you met me, Jocelyn. I had more than my fair share of women, but not anymore. I’m with you.”

She sat down on the bench behind her. I could see she had a worried look on her face. I crouched down and took her hand. “What’s wrong?”

“What if I’m not enough, Nick? You’re used to being with so many women. All of them I expect are way more experienced than I am. What if you get bored? I don’t want you to cheat on me. Promise me, if you find you want someone else, tell me first. It’ll hurt, but I’ll get over it. Finding out you cheated would kill me, and I can’t be with someone who I have to share.” Her words almost knocked me on my ass. Didn’t she know how much I loved her?

I got up and sat beside her, pulling her onto my lap. “I’d never fucking cheat on you! Never. I love you. You’re more than enough for me. Hell, it’s gonna sound cold, but they were just a way to get off, to get a release. They didn’t mean shit. But you mean everything, Jocelyn. I love that you’re not experienced. I get to explore so many things with you for the first time. Please, never think I’d jeopardize that for a piece of ass that means nothing to me.” She looked at me for a few moments, then nodded. I grasped her face and drew her mouth to mine. I put all the love and passion I felt for her into that kiss. When we broke apart, we were both panting, and she looked in awe. “We good?” I asked. She nodded.

I led her back to the party a few minutes later. As soon as things got a little wild, I would get her the hell out of here. She didn’t need to see that. And deep down, I didn’t want her to see it and think about me acting the same way. I had never cheated on Harley’s mom when we were together, and I sure as hell wouldn’t do it to Jocelyn. Thinking of Harley, I knew I needed to call her tomorrow and tell her about Jocelyn and Devyn. I didn’t want one of the guys here to mention it if they were in Dublin Falls. There would be hell to pay if that happened.

Back with the gang, we all enjoyed the food. Music was pumping loudly from the speakers. We moved inside once it got too cold. Several were showing signs they were getting drunk. Devyn and Jocelyn were up on the floor dancing. I had to admit, they both had moves. More than one admiring glance was thrown at them. I crammed down the beast inside that wanted to roar at all of them to not look at my woman. They weren’t drunk, but Jocelyn was a little tipsy. I was watching them dance, when I looked over and saw one of the bunnies had gone over to Ace.

He wasn’t really paying any attention to her. He was busy talking to the guys. She ran her hands down his arm. He barely glanced at her, then went back to talking with the guys. I frowned. He needed to shut that shit down now. Give a bunny an inch and they would take the proverbial mile. As I watched in concern, she suddenly dropped onto his lap and wrapped her arm around his neck, pulling him into a kiss. I knew he was frozen because he didn’t move, and I saw his shocked face.

I was standing up to go over to them when I heard a cry. I looked back with dread to the dance floor. Devyn stood there with her hand over her mouth and tears in her eyes. Her cry shocked Ace out of his trance. He shoved the bunny off his lap onto the floor. She cried out as her ass hit the floor. Devyn raced out of the clubhouse with him calling after her and running to catch her. He had to push through the crowd to get to the front door.

Jocelyn came over to me. She had concern in her eyes and even some anger. Before she could say anything, I did. “I was watching them. He wasn’t paying attention to that bunny. She came over and then threw herself on his lap and kissed him. He should have sent her on her way as soon as she approached him, but he wasn’t doing anything. He’s young and doesn’t know that shit can get you in trouble if you don’t nip it in the bud.”

She shook her head. “I hope you’re right, but I don’t think Devyn will listen to a word he has to say. She’s too upset. And she’s been worried like I was about you. That he was used to experienced women, and she was a virgin when they got together. She’s uneasy around the bunnies. We know they’re a part of the club life, even if we don’t like it. It might take her a while to calm down. I think I’ll head to the house and see if she’ll talk to me.”

I stood up. “I’ll go with you. I’ve had enough.” She took my hand, and we left, calling out goodbyes as we did. Several of the guys were looking worried. As we approached the house, I could see Ace sitting on the front porch steps with his head in his hands. He looked up at us. His eyes were full of despair.

“She won’t fucking talk to me. She locked the door and told me to never speak to her again. What do I do?” I looked at Jocelyn. She squeezed my hand.

“I’ll go inside. You stay out here and talk to him.” I gave her a kiss and the keys to the house. I saw Ace look at them longingly. I shook my head.

“No, you stay out here with me. Going in there right now won’t accomplish anything other than drive her further away.” He sagged back on the step. I waited until Jocelyn was inside, then I sat down beside him.

“What do I do, Bull? She won’t talk to me. Surely, she didn’t think I wanted that bunny or that I kissed her. I love her. I don’t see other women, just her. She’s it for me. I can’t believe this went to hell so badly. We were having such a great time, then this. I fucked up, but I don’t know what I could have done differently.”

“Okay, let me help you out. These bunnies are out to do anything to get a patched member, whether he is taken or not. I saw you. I know you weren’t paying any attention to her, and she threw herself in your lap and kissed you. But you set yourself up for this Ace.” He gave me a confused look. “As soon as she came over to you, you should have sent her packing, even if you had to get mean about it. Then she wouldn’t have been in the position to do what she did. Obviously, all Devyn saw was her in your lap and the kiss. And you weren’t struggling.” He went to protest, but I held up my hand. “I know. It shocked you. I could see your face, but Devyn couldn’t. Dev is young, Ace. You’re her first sexual experience from what Jocelyn told me. She’s already worried she isn’t experienced enough to keep your attention. This only reinforced that.”

He groaned. “What the fuck do I do? I don’t want anyone but her. I love the fact she’s never been with anyone but me. I’d never cheat on her. Hell, I planned to ask Player to order her property cut tomorrow. I know we’re both young, but I know she’s the one. How do I fix this when she won’t even speak to me?”

“It won’t be easy. I have the feeling she’s not going to just forget it. You’ll have to keep showing her what she means to you. Even if she won’t speak to you, you come to see her every day. You call and text, you write her fucking letters, or whatever else it takes to show her you only want her and you’re sorry. When she finally speaks to you, you explain what happened and what you’ll do to prevent this shit from happening again. Because I can guarantee you, some woman will try this shit again.”

He moaned. “What if she won’t forgive me? I can’t live without her, Bull. I can’t. God, this is so fucked up! Fuck!” He stood up to pace around the front yard. I let him pace until he collapsed back down beside me.

“Think positively. She will forgive you. It may take time. Probably more time than you wanted or imagined, but it will happen. Now, why don’t you get some sleep and let her cool down some. I wouldn’t recommend you rejoin the party even if you plan to be good.” He gave a humorless laugh.

“You don’t need to worry about that. I’m going to fucking bed and hope this is all a dream. Thanks, Bull. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I clasped him on the shoulder as he left. He walked away, slumped over, and shuffled his feet. I sighed and went inside. Upstairs, Jocelyn was waiting in our bedroom. She was undressed and under the covers. I gave her a kiss.

“Let me take a quick shower, then I’ll join you.” She smiled. I hurried through my shower. I wanted to be in bed cuddled up with my woman. The fight between Devyn and Ace had been tiring. When I crawled into bed, she laid her head on my chest and sighed. “How did it go with Devyn? Or should I even ask?”

“Not good. She’s convinced Ace wanted that woman on his lap. I told her that wasn’t what happened, but she’s too hurt right now to hear me. She said she didn’t want to see him again. I told her that would be hard since he lives on the compound. She rattled on about getting a job, finding her own place, and moving into town. I told her she couldn’t do that. There is no way she can work and go to school with her class load. She’s beside herself, talking about how she should have known he wouldn’t be satisfied with one woman, and one who was inexperienced to boot. I’m not sure when or if she’ll calm down. I think it is partially my fault.”

I looked at her questioningly. “Why would it be your fault?”

“Because she knows what happened between her father and me. He used me and then left. Though I never told her all men are cheaters or users, she must have thought it when I didn’t date anyone. God, I don’t know what to say to her, Nick. She’s crushed. It hurt her heart along with her pride. I think since it happened in front of so many people, she’s even more embarrassed. What did Ace have to say?”

“He had no idea the bunny would do that. I told him he needed to learn to cut bitches like that off, because they will take any advantage to cause trouble. He’s in love with her, Jocelyn. He told me she’s the one he wants to be with for the rest of his life. He’s just as devastated as she is. Shit! I feel fucking old dealing with this kind of crap.” I groaned.

She laughed. “Me too. I feel like I have enough with my own issues to deal with, but she’s my daughter. I have to be here to support her.”

“Baby, of course you need to support her. And as your man, I need to support her too. I also need to support Ace as a member of my club. I told him to go to bed and get some sleep. We’ll see how things are in the morning.” She nodded and snuggled deeper into my chest. We both laid there, deep in thought. She eventually fell asleep, but I laid there awake, thinking of what hell we’d be facing tomorrow.

The following morning found Devyn staying in her room. Ace came to speak to her, but she refused to see him. I left Jocelyn to deal with her, while I went to send off the other clubs. Some weren’t leaving until a little later in the day. I hated to leave her, but Jocelyn insisted. When I got to the clubhouse, my guys were waiting.

Tank spoke up first. “How’s Devyn? We saw Ace, and he looks like shit. Did she talk to him?” I shook my head no. “Fuck, this shit blows. The guy is crazy for her. She has nothing to worry about, but I can see how she could take it the wrong way. Damn bunnies, stirring shit up. Remember all the shit they caused in Terror’s chapter?” I cringed. There had been more than one that had tried to break up a brother and his woman.