“I’m not ruling it out. Just see if you can find anything on him. If you can’t, reach out to Smoke and Everly. Their contacts may be able to help.” I knew Outlaw was good, but Smoke and Everly were exceptional with their government contacts. He nodded.

“I’ll get right on it. If he’s the one, we’ll get rid of his ass where no one will find him,” he said grimly. None of us liked men who abused women and kids. Outlaw even less. He’d grown up in a household where his dad beat on his mom and him until one day Outlaw had been big enough to fight back.

“Thanks. Let me know if you need anything.” With this in the works, I headed to my office in the clubhouse. There were some accounts I needed to sign some checks for. Player had left them on my desk. The rest of the afternoon rushed by as I handled club business. The next time I looked at the clock, it was after five o’clock. Jocelyn should be home. Demon had been her escort to and from work today. I locked things up and headed to the house.

When I walked inside, I could hear her in the kitchen talking to Devyn. I headed that way. Devyn and she were working on something for dinner. I gave her a kiss and a hug, and then I gave Devyn a hug. She seemed a little surprised but hugged me back. “What are you two fixing for dinner?”

“We’re going to have herb garlic chicken, rice pilaf, rolls and broccoli. How does that sound?” Devyn asked. I grinned.

“Damn tasty. Can’t wait. Can I do anything to help? Is Ace coming over?”

“There’s nothing you need to do. Relax and watch some TV or something. It should be ready in a half hour. And yes, Ace is coming,” Jocelyn told me with a smile. I grabbed a bottle of water and after another kiss, headed to the living room to watch the news. It wasn’t ten minutes later when Ace came through the door. I tended not to keep my doors locked on the compound except at night. He went to the kitchen after greeting me. He was back in a minute with his own water. He dropped in the chair next to mine.

“What are you watching, Bull?”

I grimaced. “The damn depressing news. How did the rest of the day go at the garage?” He filled me in on what they had accomplished. I could tell he’d taken a shower before coming over because his hair was wet. We talked about nothing major until the ladies called us in for dinner. As we sat down, I looked around at what was becoming my family. I loved Harley, Terror, and the kids, but they weren’t here often. The guys in the club I’d always considered family, but this was something else. I had a close family again. I cared about Devyn like she was my kid. It made my chest hurt a little thinking about my new family.

Dinner was excellent. Even though it was relatively simple, it was delicious. Both Ace and I complimented the women. They both brushed it off, but I knew they were happy to hear them. After dinner, as had become our habit, Ace and I cleaned up while the ladies relaxed. The evening passed with them chatting with us before Ace and Devyn headed over to the clubhouse. I’d asked Jocelyn if she wanted to go, but she said no. We spent an enjoyable evening watching movies in bed. Before she went to sleep, I made love to her. God, I couldn’t get enough of her.

The rest of the week had passed quickly. Before I knew it, it was Saturday and time for the party. We had church first thing in the morning. It was a quick one. When it was over, we headed back to the common room. Devyn and Jocelyn were there talking to Jake and Tate. They were laughing at something.

“Is there anything you found we need for the party? You said you would check. If so, let Tate know and he can run out to get it.” I reminded her.

She shook her head no. “It looks like everything is ready. Devyn and I completed the last of the desserts last night. We should be good.”

As the day wore on, she fluttered around making sure everything was done. I tried to get her to rest, but she refused. The other clubs were due to get here around four. Some had to drive a significant distance, so we made it later in the day. They would stay all night here. Around two, she and Devyn retreated to the house to get ready. I didn’t know why she had to do anything. She was looking sexy and beautiful as always, but women never thought they looked good enough. I left them to get ready in peace.

The first of the guys pulled in at three thirty. We greeted them and got them set up with drinks. It was late March, so the weather was still cool, but not terrible. We had lights set up outside since it would get dark early. Once it got too cool, we’d all head inside. By four, the rest of them had arrived. I still didn’t see the women. I could see Ace was looking for them too. I told Reaper, the president of the Iron Punishers and his guys, Maniac and Lash I’d be right back. When I turned to head to the house, there they stood. Both were always beautiful, but they were something else tonight. I devoured Jocelyn with my eyes, as Ace rushed over to Devyn. I saw the heat in his eyes.

Jocelyn walked up to me and placed a kiss on my mouth. I swore my heart stopped. She was dressed in a tight-fitting pair of dark denim jeans. They showed off her curves and tiny waist and that gorgeous ass of hers. Her hair was down in a cloud of strawberry-blond hair which hung down her back in soft waves. Her green eyes looked even bigger with the dark green shadow and liner she wore. Her lips were wet with a pale pink tint. Her top was a dark green, short-sleeved blouse with a deep V-neck that had Harley Davidson across the chest. She had on black heeled boots and her property cut. I growled as I kissed her back. When we broke apart, I looked up to find Reaper, Maniac and Lash staring at us with their mouths open. Several others from the other clubs were staring too. I tugged her under my shoulder and wrapped my arm around her waist. Reaper cleared his throat.

“Who in the hell is this, Bull? I didn’t know you had an old lady. Did I miss something? I see she comes as a set,” he said as he pointed to Devyn. I laughed.

“This is Jocelyn, and that is her daughter, Devyn. Yeah, I didn’t have an old lady the last time you saw me, but I do now. Baby, this is Reaper, he’s the president of the Iron Punishers. His sister, Harper, is married to one of Terror’s guys, Viper. These are two of his guys, Maniac and Lash.” She greeted all of them with a sweet smile. Reaper shook his head.

“Damn. Mom and daughter. I don’t know how that’s possible. They don’t look over ten years apart in age. Fuck, leave it up to you to find such beauties.” He looked at Jocelyn. “You sure you don’t want to upgrade. I live in Virginia. Have you ever been there? I bet you’d like it,” he teased her.

“Yeah, have your fun. If I thought you were serious, I’d kill you and bury your body, asshole,” I told him. He chuckled, then he looked at Ace and Devyn.

“Ace, how in the hell did you luck out too? Damn, it’s like all the Warriors are blessed when it comes to finding beautiful women. Terror’s fucking club is full of them and now you guys. Shit! I need to change my ways or something.” This got a laugh out of everyone listening to him and the women. Others came up to be introduced. I saw Ace giving more than one guy a warning look. Jocelyn was more protected than Devyn because of her property cut. Devyn didn’t have one yet, so Ace was making sure no one stepped out of line. Not that any of them would hurt her, but they would definitely try to hook up with her.

I saw when Jocelyn noticed the club bunnies. Not only were our bunnies here, but some from the other clubs. The other clubs didn’t seem to have any old ladies. The bunnies were easy to spot because of their near non-existent clothing and makeup-caked faces. Looking at them, you could see the drastic differences between them and Jocelyn and Devyn. Several were rubbing up against various guys. I knew as the night progressed; things would start to get wild. When I had a moment, I pulled Jocelyn aside.

“Babe, I need to warn you about something. I forgot to tell you this earlier, and you didn’t see much of it last time. I’m sorry. The guys will all be getting looser as the night wears on. That means you’re gonna see things you might not want to see.” She looked at me confused. I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck. “The bunnies and the guys will start pairing off, and bikers don’t tend to be shy. They have no problem with people seeing them.” She looked at me, shocked.

“Do you mean they’d have sex right out in front of people? I saw a few of them having oral sex last time in the common room. Do they do more?”

I nodded. “Yeah, that’s exactly it. And not just one-on-one. When it starts to get too crazy for you, tell me and we’ll go to the house.” She stood there stunned.

“But it’s your party. You have to stay and be a good host.”

“Fuck that! Tank can take over as the host. No way am I making you stay to see that, and I’m not gonna stay if you’re not here. I don’t want to give you any reason to doubt I’m faithful, baby.”

“Did you usually stay before?”

“Yes, I did.”

“Did you have sex out in front of everyone?”