“Well, damn. Are you sure you’re alright, Jocelyn? You take all the time you need. Do you have any idea who it was? What did the police say? I didn’t get a call from you last night to come down to the station.” He was in full lawyer mode.

“Thank you, Lloyd. Two days should be enough. I’ll be back on Wednesday,” I told him.

Bull butted in, “She needs the entire week. And we didn’t call the police. We’ll be handling it internally.”

I protested, but Lloyd sided with Bull and told me he didn’t want to see me in the office until the following Monday. He also told us to let him know if we needed anything. I noticed he didn’t question Bull about handling the matter internally. I guess he knew not to ask. We exchanged a few more pleasantries, then we hung up.

“Nick, I don’t need the entire week off. Why did you tell Lloyd I did?”

“Because I know you. You’ll push yourself too hard and that will only slow down your recovery. This way I can ensure you rest for the week, even if I have to tie you to this bed.” His eyes got a gleam in them when he said he’d tie me to the bed. I raised my eyebrow.

“You like that thought, don’t you? Tying me up? Is that something you like?”

He slid closer to me. “I’ve done it. It can be enjoyable, but it isn’t anything I have to have. Is it something you’d like to try when you’re better?”

“I don’t know. It might be fun. I guess I’d have to see what I felt like after trying it. I’m not opposed to us exploring unfamiliar things. I know you have way more experience than me in that department. I want to please you, Nick.”

“Baby, you already please me. More than any woman ever has. I’ll gladly teach you anything you don’t know. I love the fact no one else has been with you in those ways. We’ll explore when you’re feeling better. Right now, I can see you’re tired. Why don’t you take a nap?” I didn’t want to admit it, but he was right, I was tired. I snuggled into his arms and fell asleep almost immediately. I felt so safe with him.


The next three days had passed quickly with me sleeping most of them. On Saturday, they got all our stuff moved, and Devyn unpacked our things. I tried to help and got the sit-down-or-else look from everyone. The guys were in and out checking on me. They asked every time if I needed anything. Bull wouldn’t let me lift a finger. Devyn spent time with me when she wasn’t with Ace. I was so glad she hadn’t been home when the break-in occurred. Ace had a protective look in his eyes any time he looked at her.

Today was Tuesday. Bull had to go to the clubhouse to work on something. He’d made sure Devyn stayed with me. Once he was gone, I told her she could go. She shook her head. “Mom, do you really think I’ll do that? Bull would have my head if I left you alone. We can watch a movie or something. You’re still sore and black and blue. Do you need another pain pill?”

I told her not right now. The doctor Bull had come to examine me that night called back on Saturday to tell me my pregnancy test was negative. He called me in a real pain med. Though I said nothing to Bull, I knew he had to be relieved. There was no way at his age he’d want to start over with a new family. A part of me was a little sad that if we remained together, I’d have no more kids. Even though Devyn was grown, I’d always secretly wanted to have another one. But I loved Bull and wouldn’t ever want to lose him. I could give up that dream. I didn’t think I could give up Bull.

While Devyn was busy doing laundry, I snuck down to the kitchen. I wanted to see what we had in there to work with. I was going to make dinner tonight. I was hanging half my body down in the large freezer Bull had in the garage, when hands grabbed me around the waist and lifted me out of it. I gasped and turned around. There stood Bull, looking less than pleased. “What in the hell are you doing, Jocelyn?” he growled. I gave him a stern look back.

“I’m looking to see what is in here so I can cook dinner, Nick. Come on, cooking dinner isn’t strenuous! If I sit on that damn couch one more day, I’ll become homicidal. I’m fine. Sore, but that gets less and less every day. You can’t keep treating me like I’m made of glass!” I was half yelling by the time I finished. He stood there looking impassive. God, I wanted to wipe that look off his face. Suddenly, he stepped toward me and threw me over his shoulder.

He took off across the house with me hanging over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes. I yelled and swore at him the whole time. He didn’t respond. I beat on his back, but he didn’t even flinch. Once we were in the master bedroom, he kicked the door closed and locked it before lowering me to the bed. I flipped back my hair and glared at him.

“Way to go, caveman. What in the hell, Nick? Is this your answer whenever you don’t like something? Ignore me and force your will on me? If so, this will not last long between us,” I told him hotly. His face then showed some emotion. His eyes grew heated, and he scowled. He stalked to the bed and leaned down over me, so I had to lean back on my elbows.

“Don’t think for a minute I’m giving you up, Jocelyn. I know I can be dominant and I expect my way, but I’ll try and temper those urges around you. I want you to voice your thoughts and opinions, but I will not allow you to endanger yourself or your health. Ever. You were severely beaten not even a week ago! He could have killed you! Forgive me if I can’t forget that yet.” I could see the war inside of him. My anger seeped away. I leaned up and placed a soft kiss on his mouth.

“Thank you for loving me enough to want to protect me. I appreciate it. But will you listen to me when I tell you I can handle something or not? I can handle cooking or doing light housework. I know I’m not ready to do anything like sweep or lift laundry baskets. Devyn is doing that. But I want to fix our dinner. I promise to take breaks if I need them. Please.”

He sighed and kissed me back. “Okay. You can fix dinner. Just don’t go too crazy. I’ll be back and forth, but Devyn will be here. I’ll make sure she keeps an eye on you. Love you, baby.”

“I love you too. Now get out of here and do whatever it is you need to do. I’m fine.” After kissing me again until I was breathless and faint, he reluctantly left with a smirk on his face. Damn man knew exactly what he did to me. I headed back downstairs. Devyn was in the living room grinning.

“He caught you. I knew he would. I tried to tell him. You wouldn’t remain still much longer. Come on, I’ll help with dinner if you want. Maybe that will calm him down.”

I shook my head. “I don’t know how to take him. It’s always been me making the decisions since I was sixteen. I’ve never had to get someone else’s approval. It’s a lot to adjust to. I love that he’s so protective, but he can’t run my life either.”

“I know, Mom. Just keep working with him. He’s been the alpha dog around here for years. His word is law from what Ace has said. He has to get used to sharing his life just like you do, but I think he’s worth it. Anyone can see he loves you to death.” She smiled as I took out the ingredients to make lasagna for tonight. He loved it at my house.

“Okay, I’ll cut him some slack. Now, enough about me and Bull. How are you and Ace getting along?”

She blushed. “We’re doing fine. I’ve been staying with him at the clubhouse, though it isn’t very private. Luckily, the club bunnies haven’t been around much. I hate to see them. I know he’s slept with them. What if I’m not enough for him? He’s used to experienced women. He’s the only guy I’ve been with. What if he gets bored?” I could hear the fear in her voice and see it on her face. I hugged her.

“Baby girl, if Ace does that, then he wasn’t the guy for you. I know it would hurt, but you would get over it. I see how he looks at you, and I don’t think it will happen. Don’t forget, I have the same issue. A lot of them have been with Bull. I’ve only ever been with your dad and Bull. I guess we’ll always have some insecurities. We just have to work to not let them rule our lives. Now, let’s get this done. Make sure you text Ace and tell him to come for dinner tonight.” She gave me a watery smile and pulled out her phone.

I hated that she was worrying about that, but I had the same feelings too. I had no experience. With her dad, we’d been together twice before I got pregnant and he vanished. And that had been pure missionary sex. Bull had already opened my horizons so much and I knew he had a lot more to teach me.

The rest of the afternoon passed quickly with us making the lasagna, fresh garlic bread and a massive salad to go with it. We’d told the guys dinner would be ready at six. I rested a time or two when I felt tired. When the guys came tromping in just before six, Devyn and I were on the back patio with a glass of wine. Even though she wasn’t twenty-one, I allowed her to drink wine with me every once in a while. Bull came straight over to kiss me while Ace did the same to Devyn.