When we returned to the common room, I looked around for Bull. When I saw him, I froze. A club bunny was up close to him. She was looking at him with desire in her eyes. I knew he was an attractive man, but women were even more attracted to him since he was the president of the club. They wanted not only to be an old lady, but the most powerful one. I’d learned about that from Devyn. Ace told her a lot about club life. I looked at Devyn. She was looking at Bull and the woman with narrowed eyes. She looked at me.

“Go over there and show her he’s taken. Put these bitches in their place. You’re a claimed woman. He isn’t paying any attention to her. Own it.” I nodded. I could feel the anger bubbling up inside of me. Bull wasn’t doing anything, but she was still trying to touch him. I saw him push her hand away and say something with a scowl on his face. I marched over to them. Devyn was right behind me.

I tapped her on the shoulder. When she turned around, I stepped right up in her face. “If you don’t leave my man alone, I’m gonna beat that caked-on makeup right off your face and tear that overprocessed hair out of your head. He’s taken. Get lost,” I snapped. Bull’s eyes got big, and his jaw dropped. So did all the other guys standing with him. I heard him stifle a laugh, so it came out like a cough. The bunny wasn’t so amused.

“Who are you to tell me anything? Bull and I have a history. I don’t know you bitch,” she sneered. I pointed to my name, then turned around so she could see the back of my cut. When I turned back to her, she was looking stunned and pissed. I smiled.

“Oh, I don’t doubt he’s fucked you at one time. I guess a shitty fuck is better than no fuck. But he’s not doing that anymore. He’s realized he can have better. So, scamper off and hang onto someone else. Just make sure to tell the guys to wrap it. I’d hate for them to catch something they can’t get rid of.” I didn’t know where that last part came from. She choked and then shrieked. Her hand flew out and slapped me. The entire place went silent. Bull growled and stepped toward her. I didn’t give him a chance to say or do anything. I hauled back my fist and punched her in the mouth. Blood flew, and she grabbed her bleeding mouth, screaming.

“She hit me!” She was sobbing and looking like she wanted to slap me again. I shook my head.

“I’d think before you try to slap me again, or you’ll get more than a busted mouth. I don’t bitch slap people. I’ll put your ass on the ground.” Devyn was grinning her ass off like the surrounding men, especially the Warriors. The bunny looked at Bull.

“I suggest you get lost, April. And Jocelyn is correct, I’m taken,” he told her. She stormed off, still crying. Slash came up and hugged me.

“Damn, you’re a beast! I wish I’d recorded that.” I slugged him in the arm.

“Stop it. And if you go hooking up with that or any of the others, you’d better double wrap it. That goes for all of you. They’re looking to get a baby daddy or pass something along. You don’t want that.” He shook his head and snorted. The guys were all talking excitedly about my punch. I looked at Bull, afraid to see how he reacted to my punching her. I hoped I hadn’t embarrassed him. He was looking at me with fire in his eyes, but it wasn’t anger. It was desire. He yanked me into his arms and took my mouth. He devoured me right there in front of everyone. It was the whistles and catcalls that finally made me surface.

He whispered in my ear, “I want to fuck you so bad right now. That was incredible, Jocelyn. And so damn hot. Let’s get out of here.” I tried to protest. He was the host, and it was only midnight. I knew these parties could go on all night. He shook his head and tugged me toward the door. I tried to slow him down, and he stopped, threw me over his shoulder and walked out the door to the hoots of the others. As we left, I saw some guys getting down and dirty with the women—as in pants down and getting their cocks sucked. It shocked me. Devyn was laughing and waving at me. I waved back, then smacked Bull’s ass for good measure. He stumbled.

“I’m gonna fuck you until you can’t walk, woman. Now behave.” He took me to his bike and sat me on it. In a couple of minutes, we were back at the house and he had me through the door and up the stairs to his bedroom. He was tearing off his clothes and mine. Boots went flying. His mouth was eating at mine. He pushed me back on the bed and crawled over top of me. His cock was erect and straining toward me. I took him in my hand to feel that steel covered in velvety softness. He groaned and shuddered. “Don’t, baby. I’m on the edge. I don’t want to blow yet. Not until I’m inside you.”

I stroked up and down once. His eyes met mine with a warning. “Then fuck me. No foreplay. Just hard and deep. I don’t need you to get me ready. I’m more than primed.” He growled and pushed my legs up toward my chest. He probed my entrance and then slammed his cock deep in one hard stroke. I moaned. He made me feel so full every time he was inside of me. He was not a small man, and I struggled to accommodate him every single time. He rested his forehead on mine.

“Fuck! You’re on fire, baby. So tight. So wet. This time is going to be fast, but I’ll make it up to you,” he promised. Then he blew my mind. He pounded in and out of me like he was a piston. The slap of his flesh meeting mine echoed around the room. Our loud pants and moans filled the room. He was gritting his teeth. His eyes held mine as he stroked in and out of me over and over. I could feel my orgasm rushing up from my toes to my thighs. He sucked one of my nipples into his mouth and bit down. The fire spread to my pussy, and I came screaming. I clamped down and milked his cock. He slammed into me as his cock jerked inside of me and he grunted. I clasped him to my chest, digging my nails into his back. He kept gliding in and out of me until we both stopped coming. Then he slowly pulled out and rolled onto his back, pulling me to his chest. I rested my head over his heart. I could hear it pounding.

“Goddamn, Jocelyn. You’re gonna kill me one day, but I’ll die a content man. It gets better every time with you. First you come out in that sexy-as-fuck outfit, then you punch that bunny, and finally you tell me to take you hard and deep. Christ! How could I resist?”

I ran my hand through his hair. “You’re okay with how I handled that bunny? I hoped I didn’t embarrass you in front of everyone. I just couldn’t take her fawning all over you.” He shook his head.

“Hell no, I didn’t mind. I fucking loved it. All the guys there wished you were theirs. You should have heard them talking about you while you were in the bathroom. I had so many damn compliments, I was worried I’d have to fight to get you out of there. But this raises a question.”

I looked at him confused. “If I’m your man and you’re my woman, we need to be sure everyone is aware of it. I think the best way is to have you move in here with me.” He watched my face.

I gaped at him. Had I heard him, right? He wanted me to move in with him? We’d only known each other for a month. While I knew I was hopelessly in love with him and he said he loved me, wasn’t it too fast? Before I could say anything, he did. “Don’t tell me it’s too fast. With us, everything is fast. I don’t want to go to bed without you. I have plenty of room in this damn house. You can do whatever you want to make changes. You don’t have to pay rent on a house. And before you say anything about Devyn, she can move in too. I don’t like the thought of the two of you being out there by yourselves. I need you where I can protect you. Please, baby, say you’ll move in here. You’re my old lady. My wife in the eyes of the club. Husbands and wives live together.”

I searched his face. He was dead serious. He wanted me to move in with him. I had to admit, I wanted to be with him every minute I could. I slowly nodded. “If you’re sure, then I’d love to move in here. But I can help with the mortgage, Bull. I don’t expect you to pay for everything.”

He laughed. “Darlin’, there isn’t a mortgage. I paid for this house outright.” His confession stunned me. He’d paid for it? This house had to have cost a half a million dollars or more. He had heated floors and top-of-the-line everything. Just how much money did he make from the club?

I let that be for now and snuggled into him. We laid there holding each other for a while until he said it was time to soak in the tub. After a long soak, he took me back to bed and made slow, passionate love to me, wringing three more orgasms out of me before he gave in to his own. God, I loved this man. Life for once was perfect.


The next morning, Bull tried to get me to move in immediately. After much discussion, I got him to agree to wait until next weekend. I needed to talk to Devyn and make sure she was good with it, then talk to my landlord. I didn’t think he’d have a problem with me moving, since I was now on a month-to-month lease. Then if all that was okay, we’d need to pack. When I told him this, he said I didn’t need to worry about it, that he’d have the guys help pack. I just needed to talk to my landlord and Devyn.

I saw Devyn later. The Souls had left just a while ago. Ace was off doing something, so she came over to see me. We sat out in the four-season room. I loved it. It was full of light. I poured us some iced tea. Bull had gone to the clubhouse to check on something. She grinned. “That was so great what you did last night, Mom. Ace couldn’t stop laughing.”

I smiled. “It was mean of me, but I couldn’t help it. I need to talk to you about something. How are you and Ace getting along? Do you like it here?” She gave me a questioning look.

“Ace and I are doing well. I know you had concerns, but he says he only wants me. You know we’re having sex. I’m being careful. And I love the club. Everyone is nice and treats me well. Why? Is everything okay with you and Bull?”

I rushed to reassure her. “Everything is great with me and Bull. It’s just that he brought something up last night.” I paused. “He asked me to move in here with him, Dev. Not just me, he wants you to move in as well.” She looked at me in shock.

“Are you serious? He wants you to move in? That’s great, Mom! But he doesn’t have to move me in. I don’t want to cramp your love life,” she told me. I shook my head.

“This house is big enough. We don’t have to worry about that. And I can’t leave you alone at our house. Even though I could keep paying the rent since he says this one is mortgage free. I’d worry about you out there alone.” She was looking thoughtful.

“Mom, I want you to do what is best for you. I’ll be fine. I’m happy he thought to offer me a place too. While I’d love to stay close to you, I’m not sure if I should move in with the two of you. Let me think about it.”

I hated to think about her choosing to stay at the house alone. But if she insisted, I’d have to consider it. Her program was so intense, she didn’t work. I didn’t want her to work. “Where do you see you and Ace headed? You’re young and he’s not much older.”

“I hope it’s like you and Bull. I know I love him and it’s not just puppy love. I think he loves me too, but he’s not offered me anything like a cut, so I don’t know. I worry that I might have deeper feelings than he does. If that’s the case, it would probably kill me if he walked away. But I wouldn’t want to stay with him if he didn’t end up feeling the same. It’s complicated. I just plan to see what each day brings and live in the moment.” I could see the worry in her eyes. I knew if she was sleeping with him, she was serious. I saw how he was attentive to her, and I really thought he felt the same way. Maybe he hadn’t told her yet, but I thought he’d do it soon. I kept that to myself. We spent an hour talking, then she said she needed to get back home and study. I hugged her and watched as she headed toward the clubhouse. She was going to say goodbye to Ace.

Bull returned later, and I told him about my talk with Devyn regarding moving. I kept her fears about Ace to myself. Some things needed to stay between mother and daughter. He told me if she stayed at the house, he’d be sure to have someone check on her and add a security system, but he insisted he’d pay the rent. We argued for a long time until he took me upstairs and as he said, fucked the stubbornness out of me. Wow, did being stubborn pay off! I still didn’t intend for him to pay for her housing if she stayed there.