Chapter 8: Jocelyn

It had been two weeks since Bull and I had made up our misunderstanding. Things were going well. He took me out at least a few times a week to dinner. I tried to tell him it was unnecessary, but he insisted. When we didn’t go out, I cooked. He would stay the night at my house, or I’d stay at his. Devyn continued to see Ace. I knew they were having a sexual relationship, and all I could do was caution her to be careful. I liked Ace, but I didn’t want to see her hurt. He was young, and I knew he had women throwing themselves at him all the time. Hell, so did Bull.

Both of us had been at the clubhouse, but never during a party when the guys let loose. That was changing tonight. The club was having a party and had invited friends and another club out of Georgia called the Pagan Souls. Bull explained they had first become an affiliated club when the Cherokee, North Carolina club had become friends with Terror’s chapter. Now, they were friends with all the Warriors. They lived close to us. He’d invited them and their Cherokee chapter, but Cherokee had a run and couldn’t make it. I wondered why he hadn’t asked the Dublin Falls chapter to come but didn’t ask. Maybe he wasn’t comfortable having me meet them. That thought was a little unsettling. As far as I knew, he hadn’t told his daughter about me. It gave me an insecure feeling if I was honest. Why was he keeping me a secret? His own club knew about me. I shook off those thoughts and turned back to getting ready.

Earlier, after church, I had been at the clubhouse. Devyn was still at home finishing a paper for one of her classes. She would be here for the party. Bull had come out of church and hollered for everyone’s attention. Once he had it, he’d come over to me and gave me a bag. Inside was a cut. It had the Archangel’s emblem and name on it. On the back it read Property of Bull. On the front it had what they explained was my club name, Duchess. I got choked up. Duchess is what Bull called me sometimes. I’d asked him why and he said because I was way out of his league and as beautiful and poised as one. I’d laughed, but he had been serious. I hugged and kissed him. He then took me aside and explained again what it meant.

He’d told me before that I was his old lady and what it meant. The cut was to show others I belonged to him so I would be protected. They would know it was a warning to not touch me. I loved that he was so protective of me. I’d called Devyn afterward with the news. She had been happy for me. I wondered if she’d get one of these from Ace one day.

I checked myself out in the mirror. I was nervous about meeting the club’s friends. What would they think of me? Would they think I wasn’t good enough? It was obvious Bull had a lot of money. He’d talked one day about the businesses the club owned. I saw his house, bike, and truck. He had money. I hoped no one would think I was with him for it. I worked, but I was nowhere close to his income bracket. I was still in some ways a single mom struggling to make a life for her and her daughter.

I checked out my clothes first. I’d started leaving clothes at Bull’s place just like he had some at mine. Devyn had convinced me the other day to go shopping for a few additional clothes, what she called MC appropriate clothes. I’d been a little hesitant to buy what she had me try on. Not because it wasn’t pretty, but because I worried, I might be too old to wear it. She scoffed at me and shook her head. She told me I needed to embrace my hot babe and MILF status. I’d almost died when she called me a MILF.

I had on a pair of tight, dark jeans that molded my small waist and ass. While my figure had recovered nicely from having Devyn so young, my ass had gotten more junk in the trunk. I knew it was attractive because Bull told me so all the time. He loved to spank, kiss, and even bite it. A sexy top encased my upper body and breasts. It was a boho-style blouse in red and black with a deep V-neck. It was slightly cropped, so it sat right at the waist of my jeans and a peek of skin showed. The sleeves were long, flared, and sheer. It clung to my torso. The top was sheer with a liner underneath where my breasts were. I tried to tell Devyn it was too much for a woman my age, but she insisted. I hoped Bull liked it. I didn’t want to embarrass him. My naturally full breasts showed off to advantage in it.

On my feet I had on black boots with a sexy three-inch heel. I had left my hair down the way Bull liked it. I’d curled the ends and teased just a little height on top at the crown. My jewelry was a simple silver choker and hoop earrings. I usually only wore minimal makeup, but today I went darker. I lined my eyes with a cat-eye liner look. I glossed my mouth red to match the red in my top. Making sure everything was in place, I slipped on my cut. I had to admit, I looked good. I took a deep breath and headed over to the clubhouse.

Bull had said to call him when I was ready, and he’d come get me, but it wasn’t far to the clubhouse, so I walked there. I needed time to calm my nerves. I heard a group of bikes arrive about fifteen minutes ago. That must have been the Pagan Souls. As I approached the clubhouse, I could hear laughter and music. Tate was standing outside the door. His eyes grew huge when he saw me, and his jaw dropped. I sure hoped that meant I looked good. I nodded to him as he opened the door for me. I walked inside to a room full of big, dangerous, sexy men. There were a few women, and I saw Devyn over in a corner with Ace. Those closest to the door stopped talking and stared at me. I felt the blush moving up my chest. Before I could move or look to see if I could see Bull, a man broke away from a group and sauntered over to me.

“Well, hello, beautiful! Where have you been all my life? Please tell me that isn’t a cut you’re wearing. Because if it is, I may have to cry. Let’s run away together.” He licked his lips as he smirked at me. I could see he was used to women dropping at his feet, or at least dropping their panties there. I gave him a smile.

“Sorry, I have to disappoint you. It is a cut. I don’t think my man would like it if I ran off with you. I’m sure you’ll find a way to console yourself.” He looked surprised for a moment, then laughed.

“Yep, you’re a Warrior woman all right. You sound just like the ones out in Dublin Falls. I didn’t know one of the Hunters Creek guys had taken an old lady. Who’s your old man, darlin’?” Before I could answer, I saw several other men come up to stand behind him, avidly listening.

I was feeling a little unnerved when a voice said gruffly, “She’s mine, Wrath. Keep your eyes and paws off her unless you want me to remove them.” Bull stepped out of the crowd and came over to tuck me under his arm. He held me tight against him. Wrath sighed.

“Goddamn it, Bull! You got a woman this fucking fine? I can’t believe it. She’s way too good for you.”

Bull nodded. “I know, but she’s mine and I plan on keeping her. Isn’t that right, Duchess?” He smiled at me, and I smiled back at his silliness and the use of my name.

I kissed him and said, “You’re right, Bull. I only want you, honey.” Wrath groaned. The surrounding guys laughed and looked at me with appreciation. Devyn chose that time to come over to me.

“Hey, Mom. I was wondering when you’d get here.” This caught all their attention.

“Mom? Did she say Mom? Jesus Christ, there is no way she’s old enough to have a daughter that age. Though they look alike, they look more like sisters. You’re a cradle robber, Bull.” This came from another guy who had the name Crusher on his cut. He looked at me in disbelief.

“I am her mother. I had her when I was young. There’s not that much difference between Bull's and my age. He’s only seventeen years older,” I told them.

I heard someone mumble, “Lucky bastard.” Bull went into host mode. He presented me to all of them and then Devyn. I saw she was getting plenty of admiring looks too. Ace was gripping her tightly. Unlike me, she didn’t have a property cut. I hoped no one got any ideas. After introductions, Bull led me around to various groups. We talked and joked. Everyone seemed to be having an enjoyable time. When it got late, we went outside while a few of the guys barbequed.

Before heading out, Bull grabbed me a jacket. “Baby, it’s too cold for you to be outside like that. Though I have to tell you, you look hot as hell. Later, when we’re alone, I’ll show you how much I love that fucking outfit you have on,” he growled low in my ear as he nipped it with his teeth. I shivered. He was making my panties wet. He was looking yummy in his tight jeans, boots, and t-shirt. As usual, he had his cut on. His silver-streaked hair was combed back, and his beard was neatly groomed. His eyes were eating me alive. I licked up his neck.

“I’m looking forward to that promise, Nick. I can’t wait. I’m wet already.” He groaned. Even though we were having sex almost every night and multiple times a night, I still couldn’t get enough of him. He acted the same way with me. He helped me put on the jacket. It was a woman’s leather jacket that fit perfectly. I looked at him, puzzled. “Whose jacket is this? I don’t want to take someone’s jacket.”

He laughed. “Babe, it’s your jacket. I didn’t give it to you earlier. Look at the front.” I looked down to see it read Duchess like my cut. Apparently, the cut wasn’t enough. Bull wanted me to have a property jacket too.

I kissed him until Demon came along and told us, “break it up, you’re embarrassing me,” he groaned. I pinched his waist when he said it. I’d gotten to know all the guys well over the last two weeks and felt comfortable with all of them, but Demon had made me the most comfortable. He was like Bull’s son. He just laughed and jogged away from me.

“Keep that mean woman away from me, Bull,” he teased. Bull laughed at him. Outside everyone was sitting or standing, drinking and talking. Jake, Tate, and a prospect from the Pagan Souls were at the barbeques. Bull had ordered dozens of entire chickens, steaks, and hamburgers. He had been going to have someone do the main dishes to go with the meats, but I convinced him to let me and Devyn do that. He had objected, but I wore him down. We’d fixed the baked beans, corn, coleslaw, potato salad and macaroni salad. We’d also had a bunch of desserts made by a woman we both had met several months ago. She was a great baker. In fact, when Bull asked about opening a bakery in town, I’d told him I knew the perfect person to run it! We’d met her through a book group we’d joined. She was a little older than Devyn, but a master at baking.

As the afternoon wore on into night and they had consumed the food, the drinks became even more plentiful. We were back inside the clubhouse and the music was loud. Several guys were playing pool. That’s when the doors opened and several women walked in. I knew immediately these were the club bunnies. They were all dressed so scantily. I was wondering how they hadn’t caught pneumonia. I realized my outfit was tame compared to theirs. They had on skirts barely below their asses, tops which looked like bras and sky-high heels. Their makeup was caked on and their hair was teased to the heavens. I couldn’t say they weren’t attractive. They were, but in a trashy way. This is what Bull had been having sex with before me? Most were younger than me. I instantly felt uncomfortable. Before Bull could realize they made me uncomfortable, I told him I needed to go to the bathroom. He said he’d go with me, but I told him no. I would take Devyn. I grabbed her when I passed her and Ace. Ace just looked amused to see us going together. Didn’t he know women always went in pairs or packs?

In the bathroom Devyn looked at me. “Mom, what’s wrong? I know that look.”

“Did you see those women who just came in?” She nodded. “Those are the club bunnies. The ones who service the members. I just needed a minute,” I told her as I sucked in a breath to calm myself.

She hugged me. “Mom, I don’t enjoy seeing them either. Ace has been with a lot of them, maybe all of them. I try not to think about it, but it’s true. But they have nothing on you. No way Bull would hook up with one of them now that he has you. Just go out there and show them how beautiful and sexy you are.” I nodded as I tried to believe what she said. She talked to me for a couple more minutes while we used the bathroom. It had been the two of us her entire life, she was used to seeing me on the toilet or naked.