
It had been a miserable week. I’d avoided talking to or seeing Jocelyn. I knew I owed her an explanation and an apology, but I had needed this time to get my head on straight and figure out what I wanted. It took a lot of soul searching, but I’d finally found my answer. I wanted to be with her no matter what. Even if it was too fast, too intense, too possessive, I wanted to be with her. I had to let go of the notion it was too scary because I’d never felt this way, not even about my late wife, Kelly. I knew I’d been shitty to Jocelyn by cutting her off like that. I’d planned to go over tonight to apologize and explain, but I’d gotten back late from a run. I’d have to wait to see her in the morning.

I’d just finished my beer, when the clubhouse door swung open, and Ace came in the door. He looked like he was pissed. He saw me and headed in my direction. When he got to me, he stood there looking at me with indecision in his eyes.

“What’s up, Ace? You look like you’re pissed. Did you have a fight with Devyn?”

He shook his head. “No. Can I talk to you?” I nodded yes. He asked, “Alone?” I peered at him.

“Yeah. Let’s go to my office.” He followed me down the hall. Once inside, I closed the door and had him take a seat in one of the chairs in front of my desk. I sat behind it. “Okay, tell me what has you all wound up.”

“I don’t know how to tell you this, Pres, so, I’ll just say it. I was over at Devyn’s house tonight. She and I were hanging out, and her mom wasn’t home.” Hearing this, I sat up straighter in my chair. He continued with a wary look at me. “I asked Dev where her mom was and all she said was she was out. I didn’t think too much about it until I heard a car pull up around ten. I thought it was Jocelyn, but when she didn’t come inside right away, I went to see what was wrong.” He paused and then swallowed. “It was Jocelyn, but she wasn’t alone. There was a guy with her. He had her in his arms and I’m pretty sure he’d kissed her.”

Hearing this, I came out of my chair and swore. I leaned over my desk. “Say that again.”

He swallowed again nervously. “She had been out on a date. The guy took off after I gave him the look of death. Jocelyn didn’t say a word until I tried to follow her down the hall. She asked me what I wanted and so I told her she shouldn’t be going out on dates with other men when she was your woman. She lost it. Told me she’d go out with whoever she wanted and do whatever she wanted. That she wasn’t your woman. That you hadn’t spoken to her for a week. She said you could go to hell. I’m sorry, Bull. I hate telling you this, but I knew you needed to know what was going on.”

I stomped over to the wall and punched it, roaring out my rage. She’d fucking went out with another man! She’d taken my silence to mean we were over. Like hell! I would not be done with that woman until the day I died, and even then, I’d still try to be with her in the next life. I was filled with anger. A little voice in the back of my head asked, what did you expect? You froze her out without a word of explanation for a week. You deserve this. I ignored that voice and went to the door. When I swung it open, there stood all the other guys. They’d heard me roar.

Tank stepped toward me. “What’s wrong, Pres? We heard you yelling.” I stomped past them, heading for the front door. I was going to go have a talk with my woman who thinks she isn’t mine.

“I need to straighten out my woman. Apparently, she thinks we’re through and she can date other men,” I growled. They all got shocked looks on their faces. Then their looks turned to concern.

Demon was the next one to speak. “I’m not sure what’s going on here, but maybe you should cool down before you go see her. This doesn’t sound like Jocelyn. There has to be some mistake.”

“There’s no mistake. She told Ace that she was and he saw her with the man. A man who was holding her and kissing her.” They all exchanged worried looks hearing this.

Demon spoke again. “I’ll go with you. You shouldn’t be riding alone when you’re upset.” I shook my head no.

“No, you all need to stay here. But Ace,” I swung around to look at him, “I need you to come with me. You need to take Devyn somewhere else for the night. I need some time with Jocelyn. Just don’t bring her back here and fuck her. That’s the last thing I need.” Ace gave me a funny look. I groaned. “Don’t tell me you’ve already been in her pants. Jesus Christ, Ace. She’s not a club whore or barfly.”

He stood up straight. “I know that. And yes, I’ve slept with her, but I have no intention of treating her like a club whore or barfly. And honestly, Pres, I don’t think you can throw that back at me, when you’ve already slept with Jocelyn. Right?” The little fucker had a point. I just glared at him while the others chuckled.

“Come on, asshole,” I told him. He followed me out to the bikes. I told him to bring the SUV. I wasn’t sure if Devyn would willingly leave, and I intended for her to go even if we had to tie her ass up. He’d have a hell of a time if that happened, and he was on a bike. We were on the road to Jocelyn’s within a minute. I fumed the whole way there. When we pulled into the driveway, I could see the house was dark. I cut my engine and headed up to the door. Ace was right behind me. I raised my hand to pound on the door when it swung open and there stood Devyn. She was scowling at me, and then she glared at Ace.

“What the hell is he doing here, Ace? You told him about my mom, didn’t you?” He nodded. She looked back at me, blocking the entrance with her tiny body. Did she think I couldn’t get past her? I admired her spunk.

“Yeah, he told me. I need to talk to your mom, Devyn. And you need to go with Ace.” She was shaking her head.

“I’m not leaving my mom alone with you. She has nothing to say to you. Leave her alone, okay? She got the message loud and clear. I can’t believe I encouraged her to go out with you. I was wrong about you.” I could see the sheen of tears in her eyes. I stepped closer. She held her ground but looked at me warily.

“Devyn, I know I fucked up by not talking to your mom for the past week. I own that. But I never meant we were through. I had shit to figure out. But she went out with another man. Why? She hasn’t dated since your dad and now she’s going out with other men.” I asked. I know she could hear the hurt in my voice, the fear.

A tear ran down her face. I couldn’t stand it. I pulled her into my arms and rubbed her back. “You were supposed to be the one to make her whole. My entire life she’s done nothing but sacrifice and take care of me. She deserves someone to take care of her. I thought it would be you. I saw the way you looked at her and treated her. But you crushed her. When she was asked out, she went. I’m not sure if she’ll forgive you or even talk to you.”

Hearing her words, my greatest fear made my stomach cramp. What if she didn’t? What if she’d gone out with that douche and liked him? Did she want to continue to see him? All these questions kept swirling around in my mind. I swallowed. “Did she say anything to you about their date? Does she like him, Devyn?” I waited with a bated breath.

“I don’t know. She went to bed and didn’t come out after Ace left. I checked on her and she’s asleep. I’ll go with Ace, but Bull…” she paused, and I pulled back to look down at her. “If you hurt my mom, I’ll kill you. She’s had enough pain in her life. She doesn’t need any more.” She gave me a fierce look. One that said she’d find a way to do it.

I nodded. “I have no plans to hurt your mom. I’d never lay a hand on her, Devyn, and I don’t want to hurt her emotionally either. But we need to talk, and I think it’s best if we are alone to do it. Pack a bag and go with Ace. You’re staying at the clubhouse tonight.” She nodded and pulled away to go back in the house. Ace and I followed her and stood in the living room.

I wanted to go straight to Jocelyn’s room, but I’d wait until Devyn left. She was back in record time with a small bag. She gave me one last searching look before she left. I locked the door behind them. I took a deep breath and slipped off my boots, then headed down the hall to Jocelyn’s room.

Quietly opening the door, I stepped inside to find her twisted up in the sheets on her bed. Her tiny nightie had hiked up to above her waist. I could see her bikini underwear. I felt my cock growing hard, and I beat back my arousal. Now wasn’t the time for that. We needed to talk. But after we did, I planned to make love to her until she knew who her man was.