Chapter 6: Jocelyn

It had been almost a week since the ride with Bull and his guys, and I hadn’t heard a word from him. I knew when he left that day. He had distanced himself from me. I had to say, it hurt. What had happened? We’d been having a marvelous time, then suddenly, he went silent and distant. Maybe he got what he wanted and was ready to move on. The thought tore at me, but it also pissed me off. Fine. If he wanted to be that way, I wouldn’t chase him or wait for him. I had a life to live, and I hadn’t been living one for years. Devyn had been right. I needed to get out there. There were more men than Bull in the world. I just had to find the right one!

It was Friday again. Yesterday, one of our clients stopped by the office. He was a guy in his early forties who Lloyd had done some work for. He had come into the office to make sure his account was paid up. He ended up stopping to talk to me. After a brief chat, he asked me if I’d go out to dinner with him. I would have typically declined, but I was hurting from Bull’s rejection, and Jonathan was lurking in the background, watching us. I’d told him yes. He told me he’d pick me up after work on Friday. I asked him to pick me up at work. I didn’t know him and didn’t want him to know where I lived.

Devyn had been asking me all week where Bull was. I had to tell her he hadn’t contacted me and it was unlikely he would. It pissed her off. She wanted to go tell him off, but I told her no. Ace had been by a few times when I was home. He’d looked at me with a questioning look in his eyes, but I said nothing. I didn’t know what to tell him. But I knew one thing. Fuck Bull! He wasn’t any better than Devyn’s dad.

At five o’clock, Jared was at my office door, and I told Lloyd and Meg goodnight. Jonathan watched as Jared placed his hand on my back and escorted me out of the office. Outside, he helped me into a red sports car. When he got inside, he smiled at me. “I hope you like seafood. There’s a place in Chattanooga I’ve been hearing raves about. I’d like to go there if you’re okay with that.”

I hadn’t expected us to leave town, but seafood sounded nice. I nodded. “That’s fine. But let me tell my daughter. She gets worried if she’s not sure where I am. What’s the name of the restaurant?” He told me and I sent off a text. She knew I was going on a date with Jared.

She’d been all for it. Her exact words had been the same as mine, “Fuck Bull.” She wasn’t happy with him. She texted back telling me to have a wonderful time. I think Ace was supposed to be over to see her tonight.

Dinner ended up being fun. Jared was entertaining, handsome, and successful. He didn’t talk about himself the whole time. He wanted to hear about me. He was polite and chivalrous. He made me laugh. But I didn’t feel a single spark. After dinner, we’d taken a lengthy drive before heading back to Hunters Creek. As we pulled into my driveway, and he came to a stop, he put the car in park and turned to me.

I’d let Jared bring me home since I’d had a few drinks and didn’t want to drive. I’d get Devyn to take me to the office in the morning to pick up my car. After spending time with Jared, I knew he was fine to know where I lived. I could see Ace’s bike under the tree in my front yard. It was going on ten.

“I really had a marvelous time tonight, Jocelyn. I can’t remember the last time I enjoyed dinner so much. I’d like to see you again.” I could see the hopeful expression in his eyes. I hated to disappoint him, but I refused to lead him on any more than I already had by accepting the date.

“Jared, I had fun too. You’re a wonderful guy. You’re funny and charming and handsome. Any woman would be lucky to go out with you.”

He sighed. “This is where you tell me you aren’t the right woman for me, isn’t it? Before you do, just think about it, okay? I think we could be good together.”

I shook my head. “I’m sorry, Jared. I should have never agreed to this date. I think you’re wonderful, but I don’t have any feelings other than friendship toward you. I don’t want to lead you on. I enjoyed tonight very much, but I can’t go out with you again.” He looked disappointed. Then he closed his eyes and nodded.

“I understand. But I hope this doesn’t mean we can’t be friends. Even though I find you attractive as hell, I also find you fun and witty. I’d like it if we could be at least friends. No ulterior motives, I promise. Deal?”

I looked at him for several minutes, then nodded. “Okay. Friends only. Now, I need to get inside. It’s been a long week. Thank you again for a wonderful night.” He smiled and got out to come around the car and open my door. He walked me to the front door. I turned to tell him goodnight. He hugged me and gave me a peck on the cheek. Just as he did, the door jerked open and there stood Ace. He was glaring at Jared. Jared looked at him in surprise, then a smidge of fear when he took in his cut and scowl. He hurried away to his car after a rushed goodbye. I watched him leave, then turned to Ace.

He was still scowling at me. I pushed past him. He followed me to the living room. Devyn was on the couch giving me a worried look. I went over to her and gave her a kiss and told her goodnight. I then headed down the hall toward my room. I felt Ace breathing down my neck, and I swung around. “Why are you following me, Ace?”

“Why were you out with another man? You’re Bull’s woman. Do you know what he’ll do when he finds out another man kissed you?”

I stepped up and got in Ace’s personal space. My temper was about to explode. I saw Devyn standing in the hall watching and listening to us. She knew what was about to happen.

“I don’t give a fuck what Bull thinks! I’m not his goddamn woman. I’m his nothing. He’s ignored me for a damn week. Not a word. That’s not the behavior of a man who is with someone. I’ll go out with whoever I want and do whatever the hell I want with them. Now, get the hell off my ass! I’m going to bed.” He stepped back in astonishment. I turned on my heel and stomped the rest of the way to my bedroom.

Once inside, I stripped and took a quick shower. I was tired. I needed to sleep. It wasn’t long after I got out of the shower, that I heard Ace’s bike start up and drive away. Good. I didn’t want to hear any more of his bullshit tonight. I had a headache. I fell into a restless sleep thinking about the fact I couldn’t even feel a spark for such a catch like Jared. Life was so unfair.