Chapter 5: Bull

The guys and I were just finishing up church. The entire crew was planning to go on the ride today. All of us were itching to be out on our bikes. As we were wrapping up, I got their attention. “After we head out, we need to make a stop.” They all looked at me with questions in their eyes. “I need to pick someone up to go with us. It won’t take long.” They looked at each other questioningly and then back to me. The only one not looking confused was Ace. He had a smirk on his face.

Tank, my VP, was the one to voice what they were all thinking. “Who are you taking with us, Pres?”

I looked around the table at all of them. “The woman I’m dating.” They all gave me a startled look and began whispering. I continued, “Her name is Jocelyn. I expect you all to treat her with respect. She’s not some club bunny or barfly. She’s never been around an MC and I don’t want any of you jackasses scaring her off. She lives not too far from here, so it’ll only be a brief delay.” Ace raised his hand. I gave him a chin lift.

“Is it okay if I ask Devyn to come along too?” I knew he’d been out with her last night. I also knew he was aware of the consequences if he messed around with her. I scrutinized him for a moment.

“Yeah, it might make Jocelyn feel more at ease. Just make sure you have a helmet for her and take it easy.”

Demon was the one to speak this time. “Who is Devyn? Since when have you been dating? What the hell?”

“Devyn is Jocelyn’s daughter. Ace and I met them two weeks ago. We found Devyn walking home alone in the dark late at night, so we took her home. I met her mom. Both of them are to be treated with respect. You fucking scare her off, and I’ll have your asses.” They all threw me stunned looks. “We’ll leave in ten. See you out front.” I slammed down the gavel to dismiss the meeting. They all filed out to get any last-minute things for the ride. Demon hung back.

“Seriously, Bull, I had no idea you were even thinking about dating. What’s this Jocelyn like?” he asked curiously. I shook my head.

“You’ll just have to wait and see. I wasn’t planning to date until I saw her.” He left me, shaking his head. Ten minutes later we were pulling out of the compound. Rebel, our road captain, was ensuring all of us got out without other cars cutting us off. He’d been the one to plan our route for this ride. I headed down the road and led the guys to Jocelyn’s house once we got to her turn off. Thirteen of us pulled into her yard. We’d barely stopped our bikes when the door opened and out came Devyn. Even though the other guys were much older than her, except Ace, I could see they all were throwing her admiring looks as Ace got off his bike to greet her. She looked over at me.

“Mom will be out in a minute, Bull. She needed to finish braiding her hair.” I nodded my thanks. She’d barely got her helmet on and seated on the back of Ace’s bike when the door opened and out came Jocelyn. I heard several of the guys gasp and then saw them exchange looks. I knew they hadn’t thought about her being significantly younger than me. She didn’t look old enough to be Devyn’s mom. She had her gorgeous hair pulled back in an intricate braid which was thick as my wrist and hanging down to almost her waist. It emphasized her beautiful eyes. Her jeans were tight and molded to her lush ass. Her top wasn’t low cut, but it emphasized her rather sizable breasts. The short jacket she had on with her jeans and top made her small waist look even smaller. She was smiling but looking a little stunned by all the guys outside her house. Demon leaned over to me as she came down the steps. “Jesus Christ, you sure know how to pick them! She’s fucking beautiful, Bull.”

I whispered back to him, “Yeah, and she’s all mine. Remember that.” He chuckled. As she got near me, I got off my bike and took her hand. I pulled her to my chest and gave her a kiss. It wasn’t a brief peck on the mouth. It was a deep one with lots of tongue, a claiming kiss. She was stiff for a moment, then she relaxed into it. When we pulled apart, the guys were whistling. She turned a pretty shade of pink. I turned her toward all of them.

“For those who hadn’t guessed it, this is Jocelyn. And over there is Devyn, her daughter. Ladies, these degenerates are my club. I’ll run through their names really quickly. Don’t worry about remembering them all. You’ll learn them and they have their cuts on to help you.” I took Jocelyn around to each bike. I introduced her to Tank, Payne, our enforcer, Ajax, Player, our secretary, Bear, our treasurer, Demon, Slash, Joker, Rebel, Maverick, and Outlaw. She already knew Ace. The only ones not here were our prospects. She’d meet them another time.

She looked overwhelmed at all the names and the admiring looks she was getting. I didn’t understand why she was surprised by the looks. She was beautiful. Hadn’t men ever shown her that? Well, if not, that worked for me. I’d show her just how beautiful she was. Ace then introduced Devyn to everyone.

Once all the introductions were over, I helped her into her helmet and onto my bike. I tugged her close, so she molded her body to the back of me. “Hold on tight, darlin’. When we go into a turn, lean with me. Don’t lean more or less than I do, otherwise I’ll have to fight the bike. I don’t want to chance an accident. Try to relax, it’ll help you with the leaning. If you need to stop for any reason, tap me on the shoulder three times. I’ll pull over. Ready?” I ask. She only hesitated for a second before she nodded. I yelled for the others to start their bikes. I took the lead. To my left was Tank and on my right was Payne. As we zipped down the 111 S, I enjoyed the warm sun on my face, the vibration of the bike between my legs, and the warm, sexy woman on the back of my bike, molded to my body. I found I was semi-hard just having her hold on to me for the ride.

It took her about ten minutes to relax fully into the ride. As we kept going south, we got off the 111 and on the 27 to ride through Soddy Daisy and into Chattanooga. It was nice around there and had a lot of nice curvy roads to ride. We headed up to Lookout Mountain. From one spot, the claim is you could see seven states on a cloudless day. The ride was only an hour long to get there. Everyone pulled in and got off their bikes. I held onto Jocelyn until she got her legs back under her, then I got off the bike. “So, how was your first bike ride, baby?”

She had a huge smile on her face. “It was wonderful! Once I relaxed, it was fun. I can see why you enjoy riding so much. And it’s beautiful up here. I’ve never been here.” I walked her to where she could look out and see the horizon and the city below. I tell her about Lookout Mountain’s history in the Civil War. We spent an hour there showing them the area and letting them enjoy it. When we finished sightseeing, we headed down into Chattanooga to a restaurant we’d been to before. They were nothing fancy but served excellent food. And they were less disturbed by bikers than most places. It was midafternoon, so the lunch crowd had already been there, and it wasn’t time for the dinner crowd yet.

The waitress put two long tables together so we could all sit together. Once seated, we perused the menu while she got our drinks. Ace seemed to be taking care of Devyn and appeared enthralled with whatever she was saying. The other guys were throwing him amused looks. Then I saw them looking at me and Jocelyn. They had questions in their eyes that I knew I would have to answer later. I didn’t give a shit. I’d take all their bullshit to be with her. I knew I was too damn old for her, but I didn’t care. I leaned into her. “See anything you like there, baby? I’ve had the French dip, the club, the pot roast, and the cheeseburger here. All were excellent, so I think it’s a safe bet everything here is as good.”

She gave me that sweet, sexy smile of hers. “I was looking at the chicken sandwich and maybe the sweet potato fries. What are you having this time? A favorite or trying something new?”

“I think I’ll try the meatloaf platter. I love meatloaf.”

Devyn heard me and she smiled. “If you love meatloaf, Bull, then you need to try Mom’s. It is to die for.” Jocelyn threw her an embarrassed look.

“Is that true, Jocelyn? Do you make a killer meatloaf?”

She nodded. “That’s what I’ve been told by several people,”

Player chimed in. “Well, hell, I want some. I haven’t had a good one in years.” Several of the other guys agreed. She smiled at them.

“If you want, I’ll make you all a meatloaf dinner one night. I love to cook but it gets old just cooking for the two of us.”

They all got quiet, and Joker cleared his throat. “You’d do that? Cook for all of us?”

She looked confused at his tone. No one had cooked for us other than Harley. It would be a novelty for a woman to cook for the club. Yeah, the bunnies tried every once in a while, but it was half-assed and they only did it because it was expected, not because they wanted to do it. “Of course, why wouldn’t I? Unless you guys or Bull don’t want me to cook.” I saw she was becoming unsure. I wrapped an arm around her, and she looked at me.

“Baby, we’d love for you to cook for us, but only if you want to. The only one who ever did it and liked to do it, was Harley. If you're serious, we’ll set a night up. You just let me know what you need, and I’ll make sure the prospects have everything. Would you be willing to cook it at the clubhouse?” I waited to hear her answer. Maybe this would be the way to get her there for the first time. I wanted to expose her to it when it was tame and get her used to us before she came for a wilder night. She nodded.

“I really would like to do it. And your clubhouse would be fine. More room than my little place.”

Maverick looked at me. “If you don’t keep her, then I will.”