“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions. I just can’t believe we didn’t think about it, but there’s nothing to worry about, I’m covered. I’ve been on birth control for the last two years.” Hearing this, I expected him to look happy, instead his eyes narrowed.

“Why in the hell are you on birth control if you haven’t been with anyone? Were you planning to go out and find someone to fuck?” he snarled. I shoved him away from me.

“No! I needed to for my period, not that it’s any of your business. I think you need to leave, Nick! This was a mistake. I shouldn’t have started anything with you.” I’d barely gotten my last word out when he growled, then I was over his shoulder and he was stomping back to my bed. He threw me down on the mattress and crawled on top of me. His legs shoved mine apart. I could feel his cock was hard again. He nudged my pussy with it. He teased my clit with his fingers. I tried to wiggle away, but he pinned my hands to the bed, clamped down on my stomach and growled.

“I’ll be damned if I’m leaving. This wasn’t a mistake, and I’m not leaving until you understand that.” He set out to drive me insane with his touch. In a matter of minutes, I was mindless and crying out in desperation. I needed him inside of me again. He looked at me. “Tell me what you want. Tell me.” He growled.

I sobbed. “You. I want you, Nick.”

He didn’t move. “Tell me exactly what you want. I need the words.”

I writhed on the bed. As I held his gaze, I realized what he wanted me to say. I told him softly. “Your cock. I need your cock buried in my pussy.” It stunned me that I'd had the guts to tell him that. He got an almost feral look on his face. His hands lifted my ass off the mattress, and he slammed inside of me. I screamed as I immediately came, gushing my release down my thighs and onto the mattress. He powered in and out of me for what felt like forever. I lost track of how many times he made me come. When he finally came, grunting and groaning, I was a boneless puddle. He was short of breath and sweating. He kissed me gently on the mouth.

“That’s what I needed to hear. I’m sorry, baby. I’ve never been a jealous ass before, but the thought of you with another man made me insane. I don’t want anyone but me to touch you. Did I hurt you?” I shook my head no. He pulled out slowly, and I hissed a little. He was huge, and I was sore. He picked me up.

“You need to soak, or you’ll be sore as hell in the morning.” He took me into the bathroom and sat me down while he ran water in the tub. Once it was full enough, he lowered me into the water, then he got in behind me. I leaned back into his arms.

“I shouldn’t have gotten mad at you like I did. I’ve just never been in this kind of situation. I don’t know how I’m supposed to act,” I told him. He sighed.

“I haven’t either. I won’t lie. I’ve been with a lot of women since my wife died, but no one I wanted for more than a release.” I tensed up. He nipped my ear. “Until you. With you, I want to be with you, and I don’t want it to be for a night or two. I want more than that. You’re all I think about. I don’t know what it means, but I want to find out. I should have taken things slower, but you just make me crazy. All I thought about was getting inside of you. As you can tell, I like my sex a little rough, but I never want to do anything to hurt you. If I am too rough or doing something you don’t like, you need to tell me.”

I looked at him over my shoulder. “What do you mean by finding out how it goes? Does it mean we see only each other, or we see other people and each other at the same time? You were upset at the thought I was going out, looking to be with another man. Will you be sleeping around with other women? I don’t know a lot about clubs, but I’ve heard they’re full of women and the guys sleep with all of them. If that is what you want, then we can’t continue to see each other. I’m not into that kind of thing.”

His hands rubbed down my sides. “It means neither of us sees anyone else. Yes, there are women at the clubhouse all the time, but I won’t be getting anything from them. I want you. You will only sleep with me. Let’s learn about each other. Spend time together. I want to spend time with your daughter. There’ll be times I have to do things for the club, but most of the time, I’m home most evenings. When we’re not working, I want us to be together. Does that sound okay?”

I thought over what he was proposing. I knew he drew me in unlike any man I’d ever met. Just look at how quickly I fell into bed with him. But deep down, I felt scared. I could see myself easily falling in love with him. And if he called it quits, or hooked up with another woman, it would destroy me. I nibbled on my bottom lip. He was watching me expectantly. After a minute, I sighed. “Okay, we’ll see how it goes. But Nick, if you find you want someone else, you tell me first. Don’t cheat on me. If I catch you cheating, it's over for good.”

He smiled and gave me a gentle kiss. “No worries. I won’t need or want anyone else. Now, let’s get you out of this water. It’s starting to turn cold.” He helped me out and then dried me off before he dried himself. Back in my bedroom, he led me over to the bed and tucked me under the covers. He slid in beside me. He wrapped his arms around me and scattered tiny kisses down my cheek and neck. Every once in a while, he’d give me a slight nip.

“When are you expecting Devyn home? I know she’s nineteen, but does she have a curfew? Do you want me to leave before she gets home?” He asked me.

I rolled over onto my back so I could look at him. “She didn’t say when she’d be home. We have an understanding and other than last week when you guys brought her home, she’s never given me any worries. So, I’ve not had her on a curfew once she started college. She calls if she will be out too late. As for whether I want you to leave before she gets home, I don’t know. She’s never seen me with a guy. I have been trying to instill in her not to jump into bed with a guy right away, then I turn around and do it. I think I should probably talk to her about us first. Then we can see what happens from there. Is that alright with you?”

He smiled. “I’m okay with you talking to her first. But I have to tell you, I want you in my bed as many nights as I can have you, whether we’re here or at my place.”

“Speaking of your place, where do you live? In your clubhouse?” He shook his head.

“No, though I have a room in there in case I want to crash and not go home. I did that more when I lived outside the compound a few years ago. After Harley got with Terror, I had a house built inside the compound. It’s safer when she and the kids come to stay. I got the idea from Terror’s club. All the married guys have houses inside their compound and even a few unmarried ones. Though there are only two houses in ours since none of us are married.”

I thought about what he said. None of them were married? He had been, but it had been years ago. I wonder why he’d never remarried? Did he no longer believe in it? I was too afraid to ask him that right now. I’d given up on finding someone to spend my life with, but I could see myself maybe doing that with him, if things worked out between us. I’d hate for him not to have the same desire. But it was too soon for such a serious discussion. I caressed his face.

“To have room for houses, you must have a lot of space. Do you think any of them will get married soon? Or ever?”

He laughed. “I think they’ll all fall at some point. Harley is always teasing them, especially Demon. She can’t wait for some woman to take his ass down.”

“Whose Demon? Why him opposed to the other men?”

“He’s the one she’s closest to out of all of them. He’s like a brother to her. She wants to see him settled. He loves her kids, and she wants him to have a few of his own that she can spoil. He spoils my two grandkids. They call him Uncle Demon.”

I laughed. “Uncle Demon. That has to get peoples’ attention when they’re out in public.”

“It has gotten a few weird looks, but we usually get looks of one kind or another when we’re out and people see our cuts.”

“Cuts? What is a cut?”

“That leather vest we wear is called a cut. Every member wears one and if you’re like Harley and considered an old lady, you have one that says Property of whichever guy the woman is with.” I frowned, but before I could say anything, he held up his hand. “Before you get all pissed, old lady isn’t a derogatory name. It’s one of respect in a club. Means you’re the long-term girlfriend or wife to a patched member. This warns others who will come after them if they mess with that woman, every guy in the club will defend an old lady and their kids. Harley’s says Property of Terror. And being property just means you're protected by that man and that club. Not actual ownership like it sounds.”

I had to admit it was confusing, and I’d never known there were so many rules to an MC. We talked about inane things for a little while. His phone chimed, and he looked at it. “Damn, I need to go back to the clubhouse. I guess I should go anyway, since Devyn could be home at any time. I want to see you tomorrow. What are you doing?”

I thought about my Saturday. Other than doing some laundry, I hadn’t planned to do anything specific. I told him this. He nodded. “Good. Be ready around eleven. We’ll go for a ride. It’s supposed to be warmer tomorrow. Dress in jeans, boots, long sleeves, and a jacket. I’ll bring you a helmet. I want to get you on the back of my bike. We have church in the morning, then we can leave.” I gave him a puzzled look. Church? I didn’t know bikers went to church. He laughed when he saw my expression. “Not the church you’re thinking of, babe. Church to a biker is our weekly club members’ meeting. We have ours on Saturday mornings, usually at nine o’clock. After it’s done, then we’ll go on a ride.”

I agreed I’d be ready in the morning. He spent the next ten minutes kissing me senseless until he pulled himself away and jumped out of bed. “Fuck, I need to go, or I’ll never leave. You’re too damn tempting, woman! Pull on your robe and walk me to the door.” He smacked my ass and then pulled on his clothes and boots. When we got to the front door, he kissed me again and then told me, “Lock this door as soon as I close it. Be safe. See you tomorrow.”

“I promise, I’ll lock it. Drive safe, Nick. I’ll see you in the morning.” He headed out the door and I locked it behind him. I leaned against it as I listened to him drive away. What in the world had I gotten myself into? I was sleeping with and falling for a biker. I’d have to figure out how and when to tell Devyn about me and Bull. I went back to bed and spent the next hour remembering how he made me feel and trying to forget so I could sleep. I finally fell asleep around one in the morning. I roused sometime after two when I heard Devyn come in from her date. I couldn’t wait to go on a ride with Bull!