
I guess it’s a pretty common fantasy to have sex on the beach. Otherwise, why in the world would there be a drink named after it. It’s not a fantasy of mine but now that it’s happening, I understand the appeal. I can hear the waves lapping at the shore and it might be the most beautifully romantic soundtrack to what we’re doing that I can imagine. As Peter’s hands move over my body, I feel myself responding with a great deal more need than I might ordinarily feel.

Of course, sex with Peter is always breathtaking. This time, though, it’s astounding. As he kisses me and his hands move over my breasts, I can feel the sand against my back, and it’s almost like each individual grain of sands is a tiny fingertip poking, prodding and caressing me. I have one hand on the back of his head, holding him to me like I’m afraid if I don’t the kiss will disappear. With my other hand, I move my fingers along his side and feel the definition of his chest and his abdomen.

I can’t believe how frightened I was to tell him I think I’m falling in love and how I still accidentally blurted it out over, of all things, a sand dollar seashell. And then he kissed me. The memory of that kiss is still so fresh in my mind, as though right now is just a continuation of it all. I feel so damned happy.

And horny.

I feel that too.

It’s kind of strange to be so horny when I’m still dripping with the surf water, which was freezing as can be. I suppose that has everything to do with the way Peter manages to bring heat all by himself. Falling in love.

Falling in love!

It’s so damned beautiful and wonderful.

I guess it’s saying something about me that I never really thought I would ever fall in love. I suppose that had a lot to do with the way I ended up being a popular girl and in high demand so that even as far back as junior high the power I wield over men was obvious. Why bother with love when a girl can get anything she wants from a man without it?

Except I can’t get anything I want from Peter. He doesn’t play by all of the manipulation rules I know.

I sure as hell get everything I need, though.

I get everything I need from him, and I’m certain the fact that I don’t always get what I want is exactly why he’s able to give me everything I need. I’m also certain that the fact I can’t manipulate him like I manipulate everyone is exactly why I’m falling in love with him. As though pre-ordained by fate, exactly when that thought comes to me, I feel his cock moving in my pussy and gasp because it’s so damned good! Sex with him is always good but for the love of God, it’s astoundingly good right now.

“Daddy!” I moan. “Oh, God, Daddy!”

My words seem to encourage him and I let my hands slide over his back and down to his ass. I squeeze them as he thrusts and think about all the changes happening in my life. God! I still feel like me but it’s such a different experience.

My relationship isn’t just a game of strategy where I find ways to get what I want from the man. Oh, sure. There’s lots of gaming going on but it’s different. I test him on purpose and he knows that’s what I’m doing. I know he loves that and he knows I love that he keeps me in line. Now, if the high-maintenance stuff goes beyond playful, he immediate puts an end to it, and instead of resenting him for it, I love him for it.

I feel like my life is transforming and I’m becoming the Serafina I want to be, the ideal Serafina that resides in my head, a secret me I dream of becoming and have dreamed about since I was a little girl. I am becoming that girl now and it’s all thanks to the man I love, the man who’s on top of me right now. “Daddy,” I whisper. “Oh, you feel so good, Daddy!”

“Little girl,” he says and his words sound almost like a growl. I feel my pussy spasm at his words and I almost cum right then. Two thrust later, my orgasm hits hard and I cry out as it overcomes me and hits so damned powerfully, I feel like the surf is crashing over us again and I’m drowning in the ocean.

I scream his name except no sound comes out at all. I tell him that I love him a million times, too, but none of that comes out either. Nothing comes out. In fact, I get scared because I’m not even breathing. When my orgasm finally lets go, pleasure floods me again and I gulp in air as he increases the pace and drives me to even higher heights. I manage to speak again and all I can get out is, “Peter! Daddy!” repeatedly as it flows over me and twists me about.

I giggle twenty minutes later as we’re pulling on our clothes. “What’s so funny?” he asks.

I say, “Well, now that I’ve had sex on the beach, I guess I have to go to a bar and order sex on the beach!” I giggle like it’s the funniest joke on the world as he chuckles and shakes his head.

“What in the world am I gonna do with you, little girl?”

I laugh and can’t stop. I manage to blurt out, “And I won’t have to tell the bartender I’m falling in love with him to get it, either!” I giggle again but he’s not smiling or chuckling anymore. He reaches for his shirt and tries to keep me from noticing.

All at once I realize I told him I’m falling in love with him and he says nothing in return.