
I’ve never slept with a man who saved my life.

I’ve never slept with a man about whom I masturbate.

I suppose I’ve never slept with a man I want more than sex from.

Perhaps this is why the feel of his body against mine and the way I feel with my nipples brushing against his chest seems far more powerful than anything I’ve felt before. It almost feels like my nipples are hardwired to my clit.

I feel submissive. I think that’s the word. I feel like I want to let him have control, and that’s a crazy thought for me. I’m so used to being uncontrollable. I pull away from the kiss and ask tentatively, “Can I call you Daddy?”

“You mean now?” he asks.

It takes me a moment to realize he’s asking if I want to be his little girl, like for more than just what we’re about to do. Even though that thrills me pretty damned dramatically, I whisper, “Yes, please. For now.” It’s almost a lie. It’s the truth because that’s what I meant but it’s a lie because I do want it for the future, too.

He uses two fingers to lift my chin and says, “Okay, little girl,” before putting his mouth back on mine. Those words are just as powerful as his chest against my breasts and it occurs to me that just standing naked and pressed against him while we kiss is the longest foreplay, if it could even be called foreplay, that I’ve ever had before. Part of me feels like I should move things forward but another part of me, the part that wins, just agrees to let him be in control.

Almost immediately, I want the whole little girl thing and not just right now. However, his hands move over my back and as he kisses me, my body is perfectly happy for right now without any worry about tomorrow or even two hours from now. As we kiss he guides me backward and suddenly I’m against my bed. He leans down so I end up sitting on the edge and then, abruptly, he lifts my legs. I end up flat on my back with my ass right at the edge of the mattress. I gasp but then I almost shriek as he kneels and his mouth finds my pussy.

Nobody has ever gone down on me before.

I was never all that interested, probably because ultimately it’s about what’s being done to me instead of about what I’m doing.

How the hell could I not have been interested in this?

How in the world could I have possibly let this be something I hadn’t experienced before?

Dear God, that man’s tongue!

This might not be the best thing that I’ve ever experienced but… Bullshit. I’ve never felt anything better than this. His tongue explores my pussy and I suddenly gulp in air. I didn’t even realize I’d been holding my breath. When I let the air out, it’s with a breathy, “Oh, Daddy. Oh, God, Daddy!”


It’s just like when I masturbated thinking about Phillip, except it feels a whole hell of a lot better. The way his tongue thrusts into me feels almost overpowering and I feel almost unable to move. About the only thing I can do is keep repeating, “Oh, Daddy,” and, “God, Daddy!”

His hands never stop moving as his mouth introduces me to Heaven, Valhalla, the Happy Hunting Grounds, Nirvana, the Summerland and every other word for the good afterlife there is. I only know all the words I know because of a song, and though I sing that song with a great deal of emotion, the feel of his tongue moving makes me understand I never knew what it was in the first place.

His hands close over my breasts and simultaneously, his mouth moves up to focus on my clit. He closes his lips and moves his tongue so it’s like he’s sucking on my clit and licking at the same time. I scream, “Daddy!” because my orgasm hits and it makes all of the orgasms I accomplished masturbating about Phillip seem like minor bursts of amusement.

My whole body becomes taut and tense, as though I’m stretched and squeezed at the same time. Then, I release, and not gently. It’s more like a spring wound as tightly as it can be wound and then wound twice as tightly after that finally being released. I scream again as pleasure floods me and I want to beg Phillip to screw me like there’s not tomorrow but I can’t get my voice to work past that scream.

The good news is that I don’t have to beg at all. Instead, he stands and slips inside of me without the prompting, gasping as he does, and I think the gasp has a lot to do with how my whole body has tightened up, which means his cock is squeezed by what is likely the tightest squeeze he’s ever had during sex. He moves with breathtaking rapidity and incredible strength, and I find myself utterly overwhelmed, completely unable to think.

All I can do is experience.

God, it feels like every part of me is cumming and not just my pussy. I don’t know how I’ve done it because I don’t recall doing it but my legs are around him and my arms as well. I don’t know if we’re on the center of the bed or if we’re still on the edge. I know I feel the weight of him atop me and that weight is beautiful. “Daddy!” I scream again, which is strange because I thought I’d given up trying to get my voice back.

“Little girl,” he growls as he finishes. I go crazy beneath him as he cums, using my legs to pull myself up as hard and fast as I can, completely overpowered by the situation and desperate to make the pleasure as intense for him as it is for me.

I keep moving as long as I can before my body finally gives out and I can only lie underneath him, gasping and shuddering as his cock continues to pulse deep inside of me. When I have a little energy back, I squeeze my pussy again, wanting to hold him inside me as long as possible. He gasps when I do and I press my heels into his ass to hold him as deep as I can.

We lay there for several minutes, wrapped in each other. As the orgasm fades, I focus on the other sensations. The feel of his skin on mine, the weight of him atop me, the warmth of his breath on my neck. Feeling him on top of me, I know that this can’t just be for tonight.

“Not just for now,” I say.

“What?” he asks.

“I don’t want to be your little girl just for now. I want to be your little girl for tomorrow and the next day and the next day and every other day after that.”

He lifts himself up slightly so he’s staring into my eyes. “Are you sure that’s what you want?”

“Yes, Daddy,” I say softly.

He caresses my cheek softly. “Okay, little girl.”

He kisses me then and this time our movements are gentle and loving, though no less powerful and intense.