Chapter 4


The first time I kissed Anastasia’s neck, I hadn’t meant to do it. Really. I just sort of lost control. It was a heady feeling, but afterward, I was angry at myself for not having more willpower than that.

When her dainty, soft hands touched my bare chest, I wanted to bend her over and give her the fucking of her life. Then she squeezed my cock and even though it was through my pants, I wanted to rip off her clothes, bury that hard rod in her softness, in her soft, wetness. Over and over again.

Then Julian ruined it. Yes, Julian and I used to play around at the office. I never felt about her the way I do about Anastasia, it was more of a mutually beneficial relationship. Julian needs sex often, and I had been willing to give it to her. It would have been the same with any guy there, though, if I had not been the one to first take Julian up on her wanton flirting. It was so hot that it burned out as quickly as a flash-fire for us. We both lost interest in a matter of three months.

I wanted to make sure that didn’t happen with Anastasia.

And, it did not.

We had been carrying on at the office for well over three months when I first invited her to my place to spend a weekend. I thought things were getting serious enough between us that I should come clean about my marriage.

The first night, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. All I wanted to do that night was her. It was a long and glorious night that forever embedded her in my heart and mind. That night I fell in love with Anastasia. All the next day, we spent in bed, enjoying each other’s bodies. I was exhausted by that night, and so, put off telling her again. The rest of the weekend passed, and she was still in the dark about my wife, Sheila.

Feeling bad about it, I planned on having another special weekend with Anastasia in which I would come clean. She had been working for me for almost six months, and during that time had quickly become my only love interest. She was a mid-western mystery to me. What burned in her heart for me? Did she long only for sex? Or money? Or was she so wrapped up in her dreams that I was only a fling to be forgotten the moment she opened her new business?

I was clueless as to her feelings for me.

Highly suspecting, and greatly hoping, that she felt the same about me as I did about her, I gave up my darkest secret during a weekend getaway at a seaside resort where all the rich and famous people stay in New England.

At first, she was pissed, and I didn’t blame her one bit. I would have been furious had the tables been turned. But not Anastasia, my sweet, kind, sexy, minx with the true heart of gold. She forgave me within the hour. Her entire mood changed. I was elated. She knew about my conundrum with my on-paper wife and was still willing to be with me.

Our exploits at work became more passionate but never seemed to last as long as before. And something about the way she looked at me had changed. Maybe she had trouble trusting me after learning about Sheila. Whatever it was, she seemed to be working through it and she kept accepting my advances.

Then, one day, I invited her to my place. Winter was closing in. I had bought her a gift and wanted her to have it before the first cold blast of the New England winter.

She arrived in her own car, never took a hired car at all, that one.

I greeted her at the front door. “Hello, beautiful. I’m glad you could make it.” We kissed and I was immediately aroused.

“I wouldn’t miss it, Ross.” She hung her light jacket by the door and followed me to the downstairs den where I’d laid a nice low fire in the hearth.

“Sit here. I’ll fix us a drink and I have something for you that I think you’ll love.” Smiling, feeling like a teenager with his first serious crush, I walked away to make the drinks and get her gift.

She seemed happy when I handed her the gift and tore the box open. She sat staring at the beautiful thigh-length coat, with no expression at all. Well, I thought she was shocked at the expensive gift and I chuckled as I took a seat by her side. She turned to me with a look I’ll never forget.

“Ross, I can’t accept this. It’s too much.” She folded the tissues back over the coat and replaced the lid and set it on the coffee table, not making eye contact.

“Don’t be silly!” I laughed again. “It’s not like I can’t afford to buy you expensive gifts.”

She stood abruptly and moved quickly to the door to retrieve her own jacket. I ran to catch up to her.

“What’s wrong? Don’t you like it? I can take it back, buy you one that you like, baby. Where are you going?”

“It’s lovely, Ross. But I can’t accept it. Please, I need to go, I don’t feel so well.”

She gave me a quick kiss and as she stood back, waiting for me to move away from the door so she could leave, I noted that she did indeed look paler than normal and her cheeks carried a warm glow high on her cheekbones. She assured me that she did not want or need me or anyone else to look after her, and then she left.

She refused my calls for the weekend. I left a ton of voicemails. So many that her phone stopped taking those, too. I was worried that she had come down with something serious, and I went to her place.

I had only been there once, we much preferred my place to her little apartment for our rendezvous. But I knew where it was and saw no reason to stay away. I couldn’t stand the thought that she was in bed too sick to even answer the phone for two whole days.

When I arrived, I went straight to her door and knocked. No answer. I knocked several more times before I thought to peek through the little window.

Her apartment was empty. There was no sign that she had ever lived there.