Page 19 of Venice

My cock throbs at their exchange. I’m bursting with joy for my pack mates and bursting with love and lust for my sweet little princess.

“Will you come with me Diva?” Luca murmurs. “I won’t come until you do.”

Her body tightens under mine, and she lets go of my cock to pull Luca closer. She cranes her neck, and his lips crush hers again, locked in a delicious lover’s embrace. My body rocks with theirs, and Emilio appears behind Luca, wrapping his arms around Luca’s back.

“Do you want me too?” Emilio asks. His dick is in one hand, and he reaches the other hand down to caress Luca’s hard, toned ass.

Luca breaks the kiss for an instant to cry out, “Yes, Emilio, oh fuck yes.” And then he leans back down, gathering Diva in his arms and pulling her even closer. He bites her lips and tongues her mouth.

Emilio spits on his hand, rubbing the saliva between Luca’s ass cheeks, and then guides his girth inside. Luca’s body strains with the force, pushing Diva harder into my aching cock. I reach between our bodies to fondle myself, rocking with the tempo set by my pack mates.

Luca hammers Diva while Emilio pounds him, and I beat my dick against the small of her back. It’s not enough for me, and I’m about to lose my mind. Their breaths come in gasps. Diva strains against me, her body taut, her heart beating uncontrollably. I let go of my cock and wrap my arms around her, holding both her and Luca as their bodies wind up for release.

Emilio cries out, gasping and thrusting hard into Luca who in turn thrusts hard into Diva. The three of them howl in unison as they come together, bodies shuddering, ragged gasps, limbs flailing as their sweet, sweet release rockets through them all at once.

I ejaculate against Diva’s back at the excitement of seeing my true love come with my mates, knowing that Luca too has claimed her as his lifelong mate. My body convulses along with theirs, and my hot sperm coats Diva, myself, and the bedsheets.

The four of us relax as one into a languid pool of slick bodies, spent and deliciously satisfied. My orgasm was lacking. I need her to be mine, but that will happen on my terms. And when I finally take her, there will be no escape. For any of us.

Chapter Seventeen


My sleep is fitful, filled as usual with dreams of flying. I’m barely conscious in the darkness just before the sunrise and clasp tightly to whoever is spooning me. It doesn’t matter which of my mates it is. Even though I try to deny it to myself, I love them all equally; but I physically ache from the lack of Marcello’s claiming. After breakfast, I will take him. I can’t wait a moment longer. With this thought, I drift back to sleep wrapped in a warm cloud of love and protection.

When I startle awake, light floods the room, but I’m disoriented. I don’t know where I am or where my men are. I’m no longer being spooned. Craning my neck, I look around but the only things I see are huge blobs of fur. I startle and must still be dreaming because suddenly I’m in flight. Flying toward the tiny, barred window in the basement of my lovers’ house.

There’s no use fighting a dream, so I follow the light streaming through the tiny window and land on the sill between the bars. From this vantage point, I can make out my loves. They sleep soundly with their arms flung over one another in a deep slumber. One of them snores softly. The fur I saw earlier is their heads sporting thick locks of hair.

I want to wake, nestled safely in their arms. I pinch the back of my hand to pull me out of the dream. “Ouch,” I say aloud. It hurt. But there’s no pain in a dream.

Glancing back at the men, they do not stir. I look down at my body, surprised to find myself naked. Something tickles my back, and I reach around to touch a gossamer wing. I can see it if I peek over my shoulder. Slightly translucent wings with a purple hue spread out from both sides of my back. What a crazy dream. Why not explore? My wings know what to do, and in an instant, I’ve taken flight and move away from the window toward the flowers and plants of the garden.

I’m drawn to the brightly colored petals of the hyacinth, roses, and sunflowers but it’s the tiny white blossoms of the night blooming jasmine that call to me. I flit about them, burying my face in the blooms which float like giants below me.

I hear a ghastly sound and spin in mid-air to see a huge paw reaching for me, trying to swat me from the air.

An enormous orange tom cat growls as its paw thwacks my tiny body, sending me tumbling. White canines flash and green eyes narrow, filling my field of vision. Without a moment to think, I act on pure instinct and zoom through the square and down, over the Grand Canal.

“Look mama,” a young boy cries out, “a naked fairy.”

“That’s a dragonfly, child,” the woman responds.

I fly as fast as I can, and a thought comes hot and strong. What if this isn’t a dream at all?

Chapter Eighteen


I stretch and reach for our love but clasp a hairy chest instead. My eyes fly open, and I sit up in bed looking around for Diva. She’s gone.

“Marcello, Emilio . . .” I shake them both awake.

Marcello wakes up completely alert like the leader he is. He looks around for Diva, then leaps out of bed and runs up the stairs, calling her name. We follow on his heels, all of us naked, running through the house. But she’s gone. Again.

Back in the upstairs living room Emilio collapses on the couch, dropping his head to his hands. “How could she . . .”

“How could she?” Marcello growls. “More like, how could we.”