“Do I look upset?” He pointed to his smile.

“No, but you don’t usually show your true feelings.”

“This is an extreme case of the pot calling the kettle black.”

Juanita stepped up to wiggle her fingers between them. “Excuse me, but I just want to say I never thought either one of you were very good at hiding your feelings. I’ve known all along Jarrett was in love with you.”

“But he’snotin love with me,” Rylie said. “Helikesme. He likes me the way you like a… a new kitchen remodel. I’m beautiful. I’m nice. We work well together. My granite-covered island is to die for.”

“I’m also fond of your double ovens.” Smirking, Jarrett let his gaze drop below her chin.

“Stop it.” Biting back a smile, she flapped her hand in a pretend slap. “I’m being serious.”

He caught the hand, peering over her fingers as he pressed his lips against them. “How can I convince you what I feel for you is love?”

Could it really be true? Trying to believe it was like ripping open an old wound. She stared at her hands, avoiding his eyes. “I don’t know.”

“I have an idea,” Matthew said. “Maybe you should read the email where he told me he wanted you to have full custody of Gabe. Doesn’t that count for something?”

“Were you really going to give him up?” she whispered.

“I knew I had to,” he leaned close to murmur into her ears. “You would’ve been miserable without him.”

Her eyes stung. She sniffed.

Oh no! Don’t get emotional. You need your brain firing on all cylinders.

“Just tell her, already!” Juanita flailed her arms in the air. “Stop pussyfootin’ around!”

Warm hands cupped her face, tilting it up until her gaze met his. Sultry brown eyes, unguarded, shining with unshed tears, opened up like a window to his beautiful soul.

“Rylie Malone, I love you. I love you so much I can’t think straight. I know you think I was in love with your sister. I thought so too, but the other night it hit me… I was never in love with Carlie. It was you, all the time! You were the reason I loved hanging out at your apartment.”

Could it be true? Had he loved her from the beginning? The pressure grew inside her chest, like her heart was trying to break through her ribs. His penetrating stare made her head spin, but she couldn’t tear her eyes away.

“You were the one who made me laugh,” he said, “who distracted me when I was too serious, who argued with me about everything, even the optimum temperature for a cup of coffee. You were the one who inspired me to plan thirty years into the future instead of fearing each day would be my last.”

With each word her old wounds began to heal, the scabs falling away to reveal fresh new skin, so tender she was afraid.

He moved toward her, brushing a soft kiss on her cheek, the heady scent of his cologne assaulting her overwrought senses.

“You’re the only woman who gives me the grace to show my weakness and the strength to get past it. You understand me because we’re so much alike. Our souls are cut from the same cloth.”

He pressed a kiss to the other cheek, and her lips cried out in jealousy.

“I love you, Rylie Malone. You are my up and my down. My laughter and my tears. With you, I can face anything. Without you, I’m empty.”

He took her hands in his.

In an incredible feat of strength and balance, he lowered gracefully onto his right knee, balancing with his prosthetic leg. She was so impressed it took her a moment to realize what he was doing.

He’s going to propose! I can’t believe this is happening!

Her pulse pounded in her ears so loudly she could barely hear his words.

“Rylie Malone, will you make me the happiest man who ever lived? Will you be my wife and the mother of our children?”

His image danced in her tear-filled eyes.