“The whole reason we’re getting the divorce is so Jarrett can have full custody,” Rylie said. “It’s his dream, and I want him to have it.”

In three strides Jarrett was beside her, his grip turning her to face him. “That’s not true. The whole reason we’re getting this divorce is so you can be with this other guy and have a chance to have a family with him.”

With both palms, she rubbed her temples, attempting to clear the fog from her brain. “That makes no sense whatsoever. You’re the other guy. So why would I get a divorce from you to be with you?”

He blinked. He blinked again. A crease appeared between his eyes. “The other guy is me?”

“Yes, it’s you. It’s always been you. But it’s okay. I’ve had a long time to adjust.”

“But what about giving birth to your own children. You said it was your dream.”

“No, I didn’t. You did.” She shrugged. “I want babies, but I don’t exactly long to have a seven-pound object ripped from my body.”

“So you’re in love with me?” His eyes were twice as big as normal. Yep, he was in shock. Good thing they were already in a hospital.

“Yes.” Rylie sighed. She’d done it. She’d spewed out her heart for everyone to see. Brooke would be thrilled, but Rylie’s stomach was threatening to expel her lunch. If this was what it felt like to be vulnerable, she never wanted to do it again. “Yes, I’m in love with you. But I don’t expect anything from you. All I want is what’s best for you and what’s best for Gabe. That’s why I’m giving you full custody.”

“Rylie, don’t you see?” Jarrett’s fingers lifted her chin, and her traitorous body got chill bumps. “You’rethe best thing that ever happened to me. You’re beautiful. You’re smart. You’re a wonderful mother to Gabe. We belong together!”

“That’s what I’ve been saying,” Juanita piped in. “It’s about time.”

What was Rylie supposed to think? He’d said some nice things about her, but it seemed like something he might say about a car or a house. He liked her, but he didn’t love her. His heart would always belong to her sister.

“Jarrett, I wish it could be enough for me, but I can’t live like that, always knowing I was your second choice. You’re still in love with my—”

Jarrett’s finger pressed against her lips. “I swear, if you tell me I’m still in love with Carlie I’m going to… I’m going to… to sit down and eat the entire three-pound bag of dark chocolate covered almonds I bought you.”

Ever so slowly, his finger pulled away. All eyes were on her, waiting for her response.

“Do you have it with you?” she asked. “Because I could really use a hit of chocolate right now."

“Rylie!” It was more of a growl than a word.

“Fine.” She folded her arms, slamming them against her ribs. “I believe thatyou believeyou’re not in love with her.”

“He’d better not be,” Matthew said, “because I’m about to propose to her.”

She jerked her head toward him. “I thought you two were already engaged.”

“That was for the media.” Lifting up on his toes like an excited kid, Matthew snagged a small black box from his pocket. “This time, it’s for real!”

“You’re in love with my sister, too?”

“I’ve been in love with her from the first time I heard her voice on the radio. Did you know last week she wrote me a love song? Her agent says it’s her best one yet. It’s going to be a hit!” He popped open the velvet lid, exposing a sparkling ring. “Do you think she’ll like it?”

He shifted his weight from foot to foot while she inspected the ring—a huge central diamond, surrounded by a dozen smaller ones. It must’ve cost a fortune.

“She’ll love it,” Rylie assured him.

His relief was palpable. “Now, to figure out how to surprise her. I want to catch the whole thing on video.”

Carlie had written Matthew a song! As far as Rylie knew, that was a first. Her sister must truly be in love with Matthew, and he was obviously smitten with her. She pressed her hand to her chest. Finally, her sister was going to find the happiness she deserved.

Beside her, Jarrett cleared his throat. His right foot tapped on the floor. She was afraid to look at him. How was he taking the news about Carlie and Matthew? He must be shattered.

Risking a glance, her eyes met two dimples dancing on either side of the smuggest grin she’d ever seen.

“Aren’t you upset?” she asked.