What now? Somehow, he had to show Rylie how he felt. She didn’t love him, but their physical draw was undeniable. If she would only give him a chance, he would treat her like a queen. They had to be married for ten more months. Surely she would eventually come to love him back.

A small cry sounded in Jarrett’s ear. Gabe. He hadn’t been himself the whole day, not even working up much enthusiasm for the karaoke microphone, his favorite toy. At least Jarrett could get up with him and let Rylie get some rest.

He flung the covers off and reached for his prosthesis where he’d propped it by the bed.


Rylie’s soft voice came through the monitor. Had she been sleeping in Gabe’s room?

“Shhhh. It’s okay. Mama’s here.”

He warmed at the gentle tone she used with their son. He almost felt like he was eavesdropping, but he left the monitor on, listening to her sweet, soothing words as he lay back on the bed. She continued to croon, probably long after Gabe had dozed off. Jarrett was almost asleep, too. Then her words changed, though her tone stayed soft.

“I don’t know what I’m going to do,” she murmured. “Your papa kissed me, did you know that? I shouldn’t have let him, but I did.”

Jarrett’s eyes flew open, his blood pulsing in his ears. He sat up, wide awake. Rylie was so closed with her feelings. He would never have another chance like this to hear her thoughts, unfiltered.

Keep talking. Don’t stop now.

He heard a sniff. Was she crying?

“The problem is, I’m still in love with him. I tried not to be, but I am. I think I always will be.”

Who was she in love with? His heart sank. It had to be the guy… the one who’d hurt her… the one she’d been in love with when the last guy kissed her.

She’s still in love with that jerk!

“What am I going to do?” Her voice whispered in his ear. “I can’t tell your papa. It’ll ruin everything. We have to stay together, Gabe. For you. We have to.”

Something spoiled swirled in Jarrett’s stomach. Rylie was in love with another man. She was only staying with him because of Gabe. Jarrett might as well give up. He pushed his hopes down, smothering them deep in his heart… but they wouldn’t stay.

No! The other guy doesn’t deserve her. He broke her heart. I would never do that. I’ll make her see it. I’ve got ten months to prove it.

* * *

After Sunday night,Rylie could barely make a move without bumping into Jarrett. He didn’t try to kiss her again, but he was constantly touching her. Holding her hand, stroking her hair, rubbing her shoulders. Somehow he always managed to start before she could object, and once he started, objecting was the last thing on her mind. Brooke’s phone call Thursday morning couldn’t have come a moment too soon.

“A lot has happened since I talked to you,” Rylie said. “I’ve been working on not hiding my feelings, but it’s made me into a weepy mess. And then Jarrett… gracious… I can’t even say it.”

“What happened?” Brooke asked.

“He kissed me.” Rylie fanned her face. “I’m so glad this isn’t a video call. My face is bright red. I can’t believe I let him kiss me. Who am I kidding? I not only let him—I kissed him back!”

“But that’s great, isn’t it?” Brooke asked. “You let your feelings show, and he’s showing you his. This is how relationships are supposed to work.”

“But it’s only physical for him. He’s not in love with me. And he has no idea I’m in love with him. If he finds out, we won’t be able to stay married. And Jarrett will lose Gabe.”

“Wow. Does your mind always go to the worst case scenario, like that?”

“Of course it does. There’s no use worrying about thebestcase scenario.”

“I have bad news for you, Rylie. You can’t possibly control this situation. It’s a relationship, so it involves two people. You can only control you. You can’t control Jarrett or what he’s feeling, just like you can’tknowwhat he’s feeling.”

“I know he doesn’t love me.” She choked, her eyes stinging. “See, I’m crying again. I’m a hot mess!”

“Did he say he didn’t love you?”

“No, he said he’sattractedto me. That’s code forI want to kiss you, but I don’t love you.”