Her chest ached. She didn’t want to hurt him. “I’m… I’m not afraid of you, Jarrett. But I need some time to think. Can’t we go back to the way we were?”

She walked into the kitchen and peered in the refrigerator. “There’s nothing to eat.”

“I have a chocolate stash.” His teasing voice came from behind her.

“You got more chocolate and didn’t tell me?” She marched into the pantry and searched behind the garbage bags. “There’s nothing here.”

“I didn’t use the same hiding place. I was saving it in case I needed a bargaining chip.” A smile ghosted across his lips. “What’ll you give me for my dark chocolate covered almonds?”

“Depends.” Her mouth watered. “How big is the bag?”

“Sixteen ounces, I think.”

“I’ll give you twenty bucks.”

His arms folded, and he leaned against the counter. “Not interested. I’d rather have a kiss.”

“You know I can’t kiss you. I already told you why.”

“Would it be so bad if we were affectionate? I think we both care about each other. Can’t we just kind of date and see what happens?”

“You make it sound so simple, Jarrett.” She studied the grain of the wood floor beneath her feet. “But what happens if we take the boundaries down and one of us falls in love and the other doesn’t? You know what that feels like… and so do I.”

“That guy you were in love with?” Head down, his sultry eyes peered through his lashes. “The reason you don’t want to kiss me?”

“He’s the reason I won’t kissanyone.” She didn’t dare make eye contact. Her emotions were so close to the surface he would probably read the truth in her eyes. “Not unless we’re in a committed relationship.”

He cleared his throat, and his tapping foot caught her attention. She dared a glance. Dancing dimples accented a crooked grin. “Wearein a committed relationship. So I guess there’s no reason I can’t kiss you.”

“It’s not the same. We’re not in love with each other.”

Her protest sounded weak, even to her own ears.

He took a step closer. “But aren’t you attracted to me? I know I’m attracted to you?”

The argument repeated in her mind, as it had every second of the day since he’d been pushing the boundaries.

It’s not you he’s attracted to. He’s still in love with Carlie.

So what? Let him kiss you. Only one little kiss… what can it hurt? You’re already in love with him. It can’t get any worse.

His arms were around her. She flattened her hand on the hard planes of his chest. She could’ve pushed him away.

She should’ve stopped him.

She didn’t.

Her control was gone. She squeezed her eyes tight. One glimpse and he would read the truth in her eyes. He would know she was hopelessly in love with him.

His lips pressed to her forehead and trailed down to her ear. “You’re so beautiful, Rylie,” he whispered, sending a shiver-fest rippling through her nerves.

His heart pounded against her fingers. Hers beat faster.

The feather of his lips traced the line of her jaw, somehow slicing the tendon that held her knees straight. But for the support of his arms, she would’ve collapsed to the floor.

“I’m going to kiss you, Rylie.” Even the rasp in his voice made her weak. “If you don’t want this, tell me now.”

I want it!