Rylie ducked her head. “My sister says I could be, if I would put a little more effort into my looks. I’m not much on makeup.”

Manny stepped past Jarrett without so much as a glance, his hand rising to tilt Rylie’s chin upward. “No, your skin is lovely without makeup. Don’t cover it up. Wait ‘til we get the light bouncing off these cheekbones. The camera is going to love you!”

“Do you want Gabe and me to change clothes?” Rylie asked, the flush in her cheeks making her achingly beautiful.

“I may want both of you in white.” Manny pulled the camera bag from his shoulder as he followed her into the family room, but called back to Juanita who was still standing in the doorway with Jarrett. “Did you want the father in any of the pictures?”

“No, just Gabe and Rylie.”

Juanita stepped forward, but Jarrett stopped her, holding her arm in an iron grip. Shaking with fury, he murmured, “What are you trying to pull, here?”

“Nothing.” Her demure smile didn’t fool him. Juanita was up to her usual scheming. “This is my wedding present to Rylie. I thought she would want some nice photos, so she’ll have something to remember Gabe by.”

“To remember him? Juanita, Gabe isn’t dying. He’s got a 99% chance of surviving, now that we’re this far along.”

She waved off his objection. “I know he’s not dying. But when you get permanent custody, you’re going to divorce, right? Don’t you think she’s going to miss him?”

His hand went slack. Juanita slipped away, leaving Jarrett standing, stunned, at the door. Why had he never thought of that? This must be the reason she’d become weepy almost overnight. His end goal had been to get Gabe healthy and adopt him permanently. He hadn’t considered how it would affect Rylie. Nor had he thought what it would do to Gabe to suddenly lose his mother.

The truth almost knocked him off his feet.Who am I kidding? I’m the one who’s going to miss her most.

Maybe she would agree to stay married. He discarded the idea in an instant. A woman who’d sworn never again to kiss a man unless they were in love would never settle for a permanent, passionless relationship. And he was already having trouble keeping his attraction at bay.

Her soft laugh filtered through the air. Jarrett moved into the family room where Rylie sat on the couch, her bare feet curled beneath her, Gabe huddled in her lap. Manny reached forward, brushing a strand of hair off her shoulder.

Don’t touch her!

“Baby, I’ve been waiting for a model like you all my life. We’re going to make something beautiful together.”

Only a gossamer thread of self control prevented Jarrett from launching himself against Manny and pummeling him in his smarmy mouth.

Across the room, Juanita locked eyes with Jarrett and arched a single eyebrow, not a hint of shame on her face. He recognized that expression. She’d thrown down the gauntlet. If he wanted to keep Rylie, he would have to fight for her. He couldn’t go on pretending she was nothing but a friend.

He stared back, unflinching.

You’re on!

Chapter 18

Meeting all of Jarrett’s sisters in one day wasn’t exactly Rylie’s idea of fun. They’d left their kids with their husbands to minimize the risk of spreading an accidental infection to Gabe, though he would’ve loved playing with his cousins. None of these women had any idea their marriage was fake, and Jarrett seemed determined to prove it wasn’t. He’d taken every opportunity to pull Rylie into close contact, which then muddled her already frantic brain. His three oldest sisters hadn’t stopped talking since they stepped foot in the door, and Rylie was already having a hard time keeping track of the conversation. It was even more difficult when she was struggling to keep a straight face with delicious tingles shooting throughout her nervous system.

The adults were all standing around the kitchen island, grazing on snacks. All except Rylie. She was way too nervous to eat.

“When are you two going to have a bambino of your own?” asked Gracie, who’d introduced herself to Rylie asthe oldest and the boldest, an apt moniker from what Rylie had observed. She had four girls and a boy, the oldest in middle school.

Rylie rushed to set her straight. “Oh, we’re not—”

“We’re not going to tell anyone until she’s past her first trimester,” Jarrett said, sliding his arm around her waist as he snugged her against him, his free hand reaching for a piece of cheese. “So don’t be asking.”

Gracie’s hands clapped together. “Does that mean you’re already trying?”

He gave his sister a warning glare, and she gasped, probably remembering Jarrett might not be fertile. It wasn’t a subject that came up often.

“Gracie, that was a polite way of telling you it’s none of your business.” The youngest and only single sister, Ester, broke a chip in two, dipping it in hot sauce.

“Don’t worry, Gracie,” said Maria, second in birth order. “You’ve got a big head start. You’ll keep the prize for having the most kids.”

“And the rowdiest,” Jarrett added.