With a frantic prayer, she flung the covers off and raced for his room. The sight that greeted her stopped her in her tracks. Jarrett lay on his side on the twin bed, one leg sticking out of the covers, draped over the side, his other foot hanging past the end. Tucked against his chest was the sleeping Gabe, his dark lashes feathered on his cheeks. Tender and sweet, the image etched itself in her mind, and she immediately forgave Jarrett for frustrating her the night before. He was only being honest. How could he know his words were ripping her heart to shreds?

Weak with relief, she tiptoed back to her room. Now wide awake, she scolded herself that she’d snapped at him last night. Yet she’d learned something important from everything that had happened yesterday… her self-control had limits. She couldn’t go on like this, not when she felt so alone.

She longed for her almost-daily heart-to-hearts with Carlie. Her sister had been her confidant about everything—her hopes, her dreams, her fears—everything except Jarrett, of course. Now, with no one to talk to, Rylie realized she was close to the breaking point. She didn’t know how to handle her feelings for Jarrett, and there was only one person she could think of who might be able to help.

She dug in the zipper pocket of her purse and retrieved a business card that read, Brooke Miller, LPC. Not only was Brooke a licensed counselor, but from what she’d heard of Brooke and Cole’s story, Brooke would also understand her predicament. And as a professional, she would be sworn to secrecy, right?

Rylie used her phone to jot a quick email to Brooke, reintroducing herself and asking if she would be willing to provide counseling via phone or internet, as she couldn’t very well travel to Houston.

She had just pressed send when the door opened and Jarrett appeared, his mouth stretched open in a yawn. Even with his hair askew, he looked more mouth-watering than ever, his t-shirt lifting to expose washboard abs as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

“G’morning,” he said. “How did you sleep?”

“I slept straight through the night. Obviously a lot better than you did.”

“Good. You needed it.” He yawned again, covering his mouth.

“I can’t believe you heard Gabe before I did. Usually, I’m such a light sleeper.”

“I was determined to take my turn last night.”

She wondered if he might’ve started out the night in Gabe’s room, though a glance showed his rumpled pallet on the floor.

“About last night…” He tucked his chin down, looking up through his lashes like a sad puppy. “I was wrong, and I’m sorry. I was inconsiderate, and you deserve to be treated better. Will you forgive me?”

“Exactly what are you apologizing for?”

“Well…” His shoulders came up and dropped. “I’m not really sure, but it must’ve been bad. Bran told me the wife was usually right about these things.”

She was pond scum! First, she’d sat in the car and encouraged him to be honest about his feelings, and then she’d forced him to apologize for it.

“You didn’t do anything wrong.”

“I made you go to that meeting, when you didn’t want to. I lost my temper and then ranted about it for twenty minutes. That had to make you uncomfortable.” His toes dug in the carpet. “But as for being nice to you, I want you to know I don’t have any ulterior motive. I’m just trying to be the husband you deserve.”

Torment! Pure torment! Every word Jarrett spoke made her long for what she could never have… his love. The only solution was to withdraw. In order to stay in this marriage without going insane, she had to spend less time with him. To treat him like an employer. And definitely, to avoid all physical contact. It was her new master plan, and she would stick to it. No matter what!

His melted-chocolate gaze rose to meet hers. Then his lips stretched in a sheepish smile, and his arms opened wide.


Her iron will lasted all of two seconds before she fell against him, relishing his touch, his scent, the warmth of his embrace.

Maybe she’d start her new master plan tomorrow.

Chapter 16

Rylie’s hand was clasped in Jarrett’s, as it had been for most of the previous two hours.

“Bye, Elaina! Let us know if there’s anything else you need from us.” His fingers tightened, cutting off Rylie’s blood circulation.

“And thanks for coming!” Rylie called, waving at the caseworker’s retreating form as she walked to her car.

Jarrett shut the door and leaned against it, releasing her hand at last. “I’m glad that’s over.”

“It was awful, wasn’t it?” She blew a strand of hair off her face.

“The worst. I’d rather go to a business social.”