“I won’t mind a bit,” he said, truthfully. “Whenever I have trouble going to sleep, I put a pillow on the floor and I’m out like a light. Probably makes my body think I’m tent camping with my dad.”

“Are you sure? Because we could probably both sleep in the bed if we had pajamas on, just for this week.”

He moved to the door and motioned for her follow. “Thank you for offering, but I’ll be fine on the floor. And let’s face it… if a friendly kiss would bother you, imagine how you’d feel if we slept together.”

“Thanks, Jarrett.” The gratitude in her eyes was hard to swallow. After all, he wasn’t doing her any favors. He was the one who’d put her in this awkward position to begin with.

They joined his parents for a bowl of ice cream and a game of Forty-Two. His mother teamed up with Rylie, and the ladies beat the gentlemen two games in a row.

“Way to go, Maggie!”

The women slapped their hands in a high-five.

“Son, I think we’ve been soundly thrashed. Fortunately for us, that means our women will be in a good mood tonight.”

“Ughh! Dad, if you’re saying you threw this game so—”

“No, no. I would never do that.” His hand pounded Jarrett on the back. “I’m just saying we win, either way.”

Rylie rose and grabbed the empty ice cream bowls. “I’ll take these to the kitchen. I don’t want to be in here when your dad decides to have the talk with you. Isaac, were you planning to give him a little refresher about the birds and the bees?”

If Jarrett had been wearing dentures, they would’ve been on the floor. What had happened to the timid woman he’d known all these years? Maybe he didn’t know her as well as he thought.

“You should do that, honey.” Maggie winked at Isaac as they pushed back from the table and stood up.

“Jarrett could probably use a few pointers,” Isaac spoke over his shoulder, toward Rylie’s retreating form.

“Good night, Mom. G’night, Dad,” said Jarrett, raising his voice to be heard over their laughter. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Are you sure you don’t want some technical advice?” his father asked.

“I’m already going to have nightmares from this conversation.”

Jarrett shooed his parents toward their bedroom and followed Rylie into the kitchen.

“I can’t believe you’re egging them on,” he teased.

“Your parents are really happy together,” she said. “It wouldn’t hurt you to take a little advice. It’ll come in handy someday, when you’re really married.”

So many retorts came to mind, but none that wouldn’t get him in big trouble with Rylie.

When the dishes were washed, they headed to the bedroom and managed to get ready with only a small amount of awkwardness, sharing the bathroom and the closet.

“I think we’re already getting better at this marriage thing,” Jarrett said.

“Not the way your parents think,” Rylie said, around a mouthful of toothpaste. “They’re funny.”

“It’s not so funny when you’re a teenager and your parents are determined to embarrass you every chance they get,” Jarrett said, brushing his teeth at the neighboring sink.

“At least they’re supportive. They didn’t say anything about how quickly we got married.” Her expression went sober. “My folks are still under the impression you and Carlie are getting married. I’m waiting to break the news until you meet with Carlie tomorrow night and decide the official story.”

“I don’t know why we even have to meet,” he said. “It’s not my fault her agent told everyone we were getting married. That wasn’t supposed to happen until after the civil ceremony.”

“It’s not your fault, but you’re too nice to let her suffer the consequences. That’s why you agreed to the meeting.” Rylie sighed, splashing water on her face. “All I ask is that I don’t have to end up lying to everyone about it.”

In that moment, he realized he would do anything he could to make Rylie happy. “I promise. You won’t have to lie. I won’t let her push me into anything like that.”

When she’d climbed into bed, he turned out the light and waited for his eyes to adjust before moving to his floor pallet, leaving his prosthesis in place.