“I’m fine,” Rylie choked out.

“Mom.” Jarrett spoke through his gritted teeth. “We talked about this.”

“What? I’m not teasing. I’m trying to make her feel comfortable.” Her gaze flitted back to Rylie. “In fact, you two can go to bed early, while we’re here. I know you didn’t get to go on a honeymoon, so you need a little time alone. Although, I don’t see how you get in the mood with those crazy colors slapping you in the face.”

“Mom! I told you—”

“It’s okay, Jarrett. I appreciate the offer.” Rylie interrupted, though her face flamed as red as his probably was. “The truth is, Maggie, we’ve got a bedtime schedule with Gabe, and it’s really important for him to keep as much routine as possible. But maybe you could watch him this afternoon while Jarrett and I go for a run together.”

Rylie was brilliant! He’d been missing out on his exercise since Gabe came, but he hadn’t had time to even think about it.

“A run?” Maggie’s nose wrinkled. “I guess that’s a good idea. It’s important to stay in shape if you’re married to an Alvarez, Rylie. Isaac still chases me around the house, you know.”

“That’s right, I do!” Isaac chimed in from his spot on the floor.

“Mom! Dad!” Jarrett put his hands over his ears. “Too much information!”

But Rylie laughed. “Thanks for the tip, Maggie. I bet you don’t try too hard to out-run him, do you?”

“No, I don’t!” Maggie giggled and sat back on the couch, a smug look on her face. “You see, Jarrett. You had nothing to worry about. Rylie and I get along just fine.”

He wondered if his marriage would survive an entire week of getting along just fine.

Rylie caught his eye and gave him a wink, and he returned a grateful smile. He’d been so worried about introducing her to his family, expecting she would lose her cool. But if she could hold her own against his mother, she’d be able to handle his sisters, too. It seemed he’d completely underestimated Rylie. What else would she do to surprise him?

* * *

Rylie pushed hard,attempting to stay ahead of Jarrett. What had she been thinking suggesting they go running together? It was pure torture to watch his muscles flexing under his thin running shirt. Her only option was to stay ahead of him, if possible, but she didn’t know how long she could keep it up. He was in a lot better condition than she was, though she refused to admit it. Twenty minutes into their run, they veered off the paved path onto a dirt trail.

“We could slow the pace a little,” he suggested from behind her.

She made the mistake of glancing over her shoulder, and the toe of her shoe caught on something. Her hands flailed as she stumbled, desperately trying to catch her footing.

His hand grasped her arm, preventing her fall.

“Thanks.” She bent over to catch her breath.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes,” she panted. “I just took my eyes off the trail for a second. I guess my foot caught a rock.”

“That’s one of the reasons I wanted to slow down. This trail is rough,” he said. “But also, I haven’t run in over a week. I have to be careful, or I’ll get inflammation in this hip.”

He indicated the leg fitted with his running prosthesis, a piece of metal curved in a C-shape, with a sole on the bottom.

She didn’t know whether he was being honest or simply feeling sorry for her, but her aching lungs screamed at her to go along with him.

“Are you sure?” she asked. “Because I’m fine. I can keep up.”

“I forgot how competitive you are.” His melt-your-socks-off dimples appeared as he shook his head. “I promise I’m being honest. But when I get back in the groove, we’ll have a race, if that’s what you want.”

They started running again, side by side as they reached the wider part of the path.

“I don’t want to race until I’ve had time to get in better shape,” she said. “That way I can beat you.”

He gasped in mock horror. “You’d try to beat a man running with only one leg?”

“Nice try, but I don’t feel sorry for you. I can tell you haven’t even broken a sweat, and I’m already dying.”