“Because he told me,” Rylie said. “And secondly, charity work isn’t a competition. Each person should do what they can with whatever they’re given. Jarrett has money. I’ve got time. You’ve got talent. That’s what you should use.”

“I did volunteer to entertain at the Limitless fundraiser.” Carlie tapped a fingernail on her tooth.

“There you go! That’s what I mean.”

“But to be honest, I offered because I wanted Jarrett’s approval.”

Rylie chuckled, shaking her head. “You’ve got to start somewhere.”

Carlie’s shoulders lifted and dropped. “You don’t think Jarrett ever compares us?”

“No. But if he did, you’d come out on top anyway,” Rylie said, keeping the bitterness out of her voice. Barely.

“That’s what Matthew said, too.”

“He doesn’t even know me!” Rylie’s protest popped out of her mouth before she had time to think.

“He was just trying to make me feel better. He’s really sweet like that.” Carlie’s amused smile proved she had no idea how much the assessment hurt Rylie’s feelings.

In Rylie’s current state of exhaustion, keeping her emotions at bay required too much effort. “I think I’m going to shower and got to bed.”

“Already? It’s only seven o’clock.” Carlie picked up her ice water and used her t-shirt to wipe the condensation on the outside of the glass. “I thought we could watch a movie together.”

“Aren’t you going over to meet Gabe? Jarrett could probably use some help, and you might as well get to know him. You’re going to be his mother, soon.”

Carlie’s grimace exposed all her lower teeth. “I’m not really ready to be a mom. I’m planning to work my way into it… get to know him gradually.”

“Whatever you say.” Too tired to argue the point, Rylie covered her mouth and yawned. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

As she undressed for her shower, Rylie retrieved the ring from her pocket and slid it back onto her finger.

“It’s just for safekeeping, so I won’t lose it,” she told herself as she gazed at her hand’s reflection in the mirror. “The next time I see Jarrett I’m giving it back.”

Mirror-Rylie smirked, mocking her excuse. “Riii-iight! That’s why you’re wearing it. Not because you’re hoping you can keep it.”

“I’m not hoping. I know better than that.” Rylie stuck out her tongue at the mirror and stepped into the steaming shower, letting the hot water beat down on her tense muscles. Fifteen minutes later—with brushed teeth, towel-dried hair, and comfy pajamas—she crawled into her bed and nestled under the covers. Her hair would look crazy in the morning, but she could salvage it with a straightening iron. The last thirty-six hours had taken more of an emotional toll than a physical one, and she could barely stay awake long enough to turn off her bedside light.

Until she heard voices downstairs… her sister, Jarrett, and the frightened wail of a child.

Her eyes popped open.

Chapter 7

“I’m sorry to bother you.” Jarrett stepped through the door with Gabe in his arms, patting his back as sobs wracked his frail body. “It’s been a hard day. Too many changes. I can’t get him to stop crying.”

“What can I do? I don’t really know much about kids. Not that I don’t like them. I just haven’t been around them a lot.”

Carlie’s eyes were wide, like she’d seen a ghost. He had no doubt it was Carlie, even though she wasn’t wearing makeup. Spending an entire day with Rylie had retaught him the subtle differences in their appearances. Rylie’s nose turned up a little more on the end. And her eyes were… different… sharper, somehow.

He scanned behind Carlie. “I think he wants Rylie.”

“She went to bed,” Carlie said. “Do you want me to get her? Or I guess I could talk to him. Maybe he’d think I was her.”

“We can try it. I’m desperate. He’s been crying ever since he got home,” Jarrett said, walking into the family room to sit on the lone couch. He pried Gabe’s hands from around his neck and turned the boy to face Carlie as she sat beside him.

“What should I say?” Carlie asked. “I don’t know any Spanish.”

“Just talk to him. Say anything. He’ll get the emotion behind it, and I’m hoping he’ll recognize your voice.”